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LaProf Language Learning for Professionals in ICT and Agriculture

LaProf Language Learning for Professionals in ICT and Agriculture. www.laprof.eu. What is LaProf?. LaProf is a Multilateral Project financed by the European Commission a pilot project of 24-month duration started in January 2009

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LaProf Language Learning for Professionals in ICT and Agriculture

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  1. LaProfLanguage Learning for Professionals in ICT and Agriculture www.laprof.eu

  2. What is LaProf? LaProf is a Multilateral Project financed by the European Commission a pilot project of 24-month duration started in January 2009 Focused on promoting language awareness to immigrating workforces in two particular sectors, ICT and Agriculture

  3. LaProf aims (1/2) analyses the language competencies and learning needs of two targeted user groups: IT teachersEstonia, Lithuania and Latvia that want to move and work in Finland Agricultural professionals from Romania that want to move and work in Greece.

  4. LaProf aims (2/2) develops a pedagogic strategy that incorporates solutions for the immigration preparation process and embeds the cultural contexts in the language learning process encourages innovation and development of high quality language learning and teaching tools

  5. LaProf results 1/3 a language learning guide with links to online resources for learning basic and relevant terminology of the targeted sectors in Greek and Finnish the LaProf Web portal where: learners can access learning resources and methodologies producers of digital language learning resources can upload their resources and make them publicly available for all interested users to find

  6. LaProf results (2/3) interactive language learning exercises in English, French, Romanian, Hungarian, Estonian and Russian a set ofpolicy recommendations for language teachers, professional associations and decision makers that deal with both language learning, vocational education and training around Europe

  7. LaProf results(3/3) a set of evaluation events and seminars in order to asses the exercises dissemination activities and events with the purpose of exchanging experiences and discussing the results with other similar initiatives. a network of interested people and/or institutions in order to further sustain and use the project results.

  8. LaProf Work Packages WP1: Current Needs Analysis WP2: Language Learning Framework WP3: Language Learning Implementation WP4: Evaluation & Quality Assurance WP5: Dissemination WP6: Exploitation WP7: Management & Administration

  9. Consortium University of Jyväskylä (FINLAND) –Coordinator OÜ Miksike(ESTONIA) Agro-Know Technologies (GREECE) Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (GREECE) Poznan University of Technology (POLAND) Fundaţia Centrul Educaţional Soros (ROMANIA) Fundaţia EuroEd (ROMANIA) MTÜ Miks ja Millepärast (ESTONIA)

  10. Find out more... www.laprof.eu Prof. Dr. Jan M. Pawlowski Department of Computer Science and Information Systems University of Jyväskylä P.O.Box 35, 40014 Finland Tel: +358 / 14 260 2596 jan.pawlowski@titu.jyu.fi, https://www.jyu.fi/it/laitokset/cs/en The work presented in this PowerPoint presentation has been funded with support by the European Commission, and more specifically the project No 143436-LLP-1-2008-1-FI-KA2-KA2MP "LaProf: Language Learning for Professionals in ICT and Agriculture" of the Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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