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And the Three Laws of Motion A Web Quest Journey

Sir Isaac Newton. And the Three Laws of Motion A Web Quest Journey. 8 th Grade Science ACOS 8: Identify Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. Your Background. You can define distance, displacement, speed, acceleration, and velocity.

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And the Three Laws of Motion A Web Quest Journey

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  1. Sir Isaac Newton And the Three Laws of MotionA Web Quest Journey 8th Grade Science ACOS 8: Identify Newton’s Three Laws of Motion

  2. Your Background • You can define distance, displacement, speed, acceleration, and velocity. • You can calculate total distance, speed, acceleration, and velocity. • You can also define and calculate momentum.

  3. New Vocabulary Let’s take a moment to review some new vocabulary terms for this lesson. • Inertia-the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion • Net force-the combination of all of the forces acting on an object • Friction-force that acts to resist sliding between two touching surfaces • Force-a push or a pull • Thrust-force that lifts a rocket • Weight-measure of the force of gravity on an object • Gravity-force of attraction between two objects • Mass-the amount of matter in an object

  4. Introduction • Why is Sir Isaac Newton one of the most famous and well respected scientists of all time? • How can a satellite orbit a planet without falling to the planet’s surface? • How do rockets launch into space? • What is the mysterious phenomenon that causes motion? Are you wondering why do you need to learn about some old dead guy? Have you ever wondered about some of the questions above? If so, follow this web quest to find the answers to these questions and more.

  5. Procedure You will have 2 days to complete this web quest. Work hard. Stay on task. • You will conduct an investigation into the life and accomplishments of Sir Isaac Newton using the given websites. • Using these websites, you will complete a questionaire about Sir Isaac Newton and the three laws of motion. • You will put a post on our class blog as part of our discussion of this web quest. • At the end of this web quest, I will assign you a partner. • You will use your web quest information to complete a comparison chart with your partner. • You will work with your partner to create a glogster poster explaining the three laws of motion and demonstrating a creative example of each of the laws of motion.

  6. Your Resources • You should have a handout titled, “Sir Isaac Newton and the Three Laws of Motion.” • Visit the following websites to find your information: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/ufhatch/pages/01-Courses/current-courses/08sr-newton.htm http://www.astronomy-for-kids-online.com/isaac-newton-biography.html http://www.physics4kids.com/files/motion_laws.html http://teachertech.rice.edu/Participants/louviere/Newton/ http://science.discovery.com/interactives/literacy/newton/newton.html http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/gravitation_worldbook.html http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/rocket_worldbook.html http://www.softschools.com/quizzes/science/newtons_laws/quiz384.html http://www.quia.com/rr/3877.html?AP_rand=775789884 http://www.quia.com/mc/65669.html • Remember to right mouse click and choose “open hyperlink” to open the pages.

  7. Conclusions • You have learned a lot about Newton and the three laws of motion! For homework, put a post on the class blog for each of the following question prompts: • After reviewing the information, do you think that Sir Isaac Newton is worthy of all the attention that his discoveries get? Why or why not? • Did Sir Isaac Newton’s relationship with his stepfather surprise you? Why or why not? • What law of motion explains how you can hold your pen to write? • What is inertia anyway? • Which law explains the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration? • How can a satellite orbit a planet without falling to the planet’s surface? • What causes motion or a change in motion? • What law describes how a rocket launches into space? • Can you think of how you would calculate your weight using Newton’s Second Law of Motion? Here is the link to our classroom blog: http://funwithphysicalscience.blogspot.com/

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