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Vision for Education - 2017

Vision for Education - 2017. Ms State university Delvrisha Magee EDU 505: Future of Education Dr. Linda Kaiser. MS State University - Current State. Founded in 1878 as “Agriculture and Mechanical College of the state of MS” Land grant institution Focuses on research, learning, and service

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Vision for Education - 2017

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  1. Vision for Education - 2017 Ms State university Delvrisha Magee EDU 505: Future of Education Dr. Linda Kaiser

  2. MS State University - Current State • Founded in 1878 as “Agriculture and Mechanical College of the state of MS” • Land grant institution • Focuses on research, learning, and service • Current enrollment of 20, 365 • Offers programs for nearly every aspect of life • Major change • Received recognition from Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching for reaching ‘very high research activity’ benchmark

  3. MS State University – Current State (cont.) Suggestions for technology integration • Tablets • Tablets make for better collaboration and hands on learning • students using tablets were less likely to be distracted by applications that most laptops have (instant messaging, facebook, twitter, etc.) (Mang, C. & Wardley, L., 2012). • using them for surveys and research, conducted in class, which would be later introduced to the class (Mang, C. & Wardley, L., 2012). • PLE – Personal learning environment • PLEs make for better collaboration and learning • PLEs can help learners “take control of and manage their own learning” (Ragupathi, 2011). • Self-directed learning

  4. Literature Review Trends that are currently being talked about have to be considered • Educational technology trends • Mobile, ubiquitous computing • Students can use their own devices to compute from anywhere. • The devices have rich capabilities that help in numerous ways in the educational arena (Becta, 2008). • Web 2.0 technologies • Tools and strategies that allow for student personalization and collaboration. • PLE • Allows students to personalize their environment and break down complex concepts in ways that they understand.

  5. Literature Review (cont.) • Economic and Public Policy Trends • Trends that affect enrollment (Betts et. al, 2009) • Budget cuts • Tuition • Financial aid • Credit crisis • Endowments • Fund raising • Construction • Maintenance and deferred maintenance • Energy • Room and board

  6. Futuring, Scenarios, and Scanning • Futuring • Defined: “Futuring is the field of using a systematic process for thinking about, picturing possible outcomes, and planning for the future” (Kirkwood, 2012). • Education is always changing and takes time to get the hang of the processes and how things work • A process that allows for the future to be studied upon and to make sound decisions, using the research • Methods of futuring • Scanning • Scenarios

  7. Futuring, Scenarios, and Scanning (cont.) • Scenarios • Defined: Stories of what may happen • Provide clarified thinking • Very time consuming and take dedication • “They [scenarios] are used both as an exploratory method…for decision-making…to highlight the discontinuities from the present…to reveal the choices available and their potential consequences” (JRC European Commission, 2005) • Scanning • Defined: Scanning is the process of using environmental and research-based data to make forecasting decisions • Taking into account what may happen in the environment that will affect the organization

  8. Classroom of the future • Should be more tech savvy • Will not look too different from present-day classrooms • Interactive white-boards • These will be used for data integration and collaboration among teachers and students • A place for group discussions and surveys

  9. Pros and cons of vision • Pros • Students • Personalization of environment • Collaboration – inside and outside of the classroom • More likely to pay attention with the use of tablets • Will not be distracted by programs that are on laptops • Teachers • will be able to reach out to students with varying learning styles • Cons • Technology is believed to be a distraction • It will take time to integrate the changes and learn how to use it to its fullest potential • It’s expensive so integrating technology may be hard

  10. Consequences of not accepting and preparing for change • Deciding against the integrations means that the university will be behind other major universities and may begin to see a decline in enrollment statistics • Change • Have to decide who will spear head the project • Come up with a pilot program • Discussion on actual use of technologies • Figure out training exercises

  11. Call to action Decided whether changes are feasible for the university Figure out what new environment will look like, physically Incorporate teachers into discussions about project Meetings with financial team to discuss funding

  12. References • Becta. (2008). Analysis of emerging trends affecting the use of technology in education. Retrieved from http://post.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/courses/EDU505.901162015661/EDU505.901162015661_I mportedContent_20121008082035/MasterCourseEDU505_ImportedContent_20120929035056/M asterCourseEDU505_ImportedContent_20120413093916/MasterCourseEDU505_ImportedContent _20111014102022/Unit 4/Unit 4 Trends & Forecasts/embedded(1)(1)/Analysis of Emerging Trends Research Report.pdf • Betts, K., Hartman, K., & Oxholm, C. (2009). Re-examining & repositioning higher education: Twenty economic and demographic factors driving online and blended program enrollments. [Article]. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 13(4), 3-23. • JRC European Commission. (2005). Scenario building. Retrieved from http://forlearn.jrc.ec.europa.eu/guide/4_methodology/meth_scenario.htm • Kirkwood, P. (2012). Futuring. In Encyclopedia of Business. Retrieved from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Ex-Gov/Futuring.html • Mang, C. F., & Wardley, L. J. (2012). Effective adoption of tablets in post-secondary education: recommendations based on a trial of ipads in university classes. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 11 (2012). Retrieved from http://www.jite.org/documents/Vol11/JITEv11IIPp301-317Mang1138.pdf • Ragupathi, K. (2011). Using PLEs to encourage peer learning. In Technology in Pedagogy (Session 6). Retrieved from https://sites.google.com/site/technologyinpedagogy /sessions/using-ple

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