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Türk Siyasetine Giriş dersi ingilizce notlar!

This is an overview of the Ottoman Empire's political and institutional legacy, and the early republican period in Turkey. It covers topics such as modernization reforms, economic reforms, and the adoption of equal citizenship. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the historical origins and development of Turkish politics.

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  1. Türk Siyasetine Giriş dersi ingilizce notlar! Notlar ek ders çalışma amacıyla verilmiştir, öğrencilerin temel sorumluluğu okumaları yapmaktır.

  2. Introduction to Turkish PoliticsWeek 1-2An Overview of the Ottoman Political and Institutional Legacy Fulya MemisogluDepartment of International RelationsCukurova University Spring Semester 2016

  3. Today’s Agenda • Allocation of Presentation Topics • Overview of the Course Outline • A historical overview: from the Ottoman Empire to the Modern Turkey

  4. Modernisation of the Ottoman Empire • Transformation and modernisation of the Ottoman Empire • What are the social, political and historical origins of the reforms? What sort of pressures? • Which actors were involved?

  5. Modernisation of the Ottoman Empire Major reforms : • The reforms within the army, e.g. establishment of Western-style military schools (18th century) - Sultan Selim III (1789-1808) • Sultan Mahmud II (1808-1839) – replacement of the Janissaries (1826), reforms in administration and judiciary • The spread of secular ideas Opposing views: modernists vs. Conservatives 3) Economic reforms

  6. Modernisation of the Ottoman Empire 4) The adoption of the concept of equal citizenship -The Edicts of Reorganisation(Tanzimat) and Reform(Islahat) Sultan Abdulmecid (1839-1861) 5) The constitution of 1876 -Sultan Abdulhamid (1876-1908) - Ottomanism vs. Nationalism 6) The establishment of organisations - Young Turks Associations, Ottoman Union and Progress Association(IttihatveTerrakiCemiyeti)- Some key figures: AhmetRizaBey, Talat Pasha, Enver Pasha 7) The Union and Progress Era (1908-1918)

  7. Modernisation of the Ottoman Empire What was the earlier ‘citizenship’ practice under the Ottoman Empire?

  8. Modernisation of the Ottoman Empire Millet system: ‘A self-ruling administration structure based on the Islamic law and practice, which granted a degree of administrative and legal autonomy to non-Muslims, including religious and cultural freedom’(Karpat, 1982). The millet system  Religious identity has been a permanent feature in classifying and structuring ethnic groups in the Ottoman Empire

  9. Modernisation of the Ottoman Empire Overview of the 19th century reforms (Ahmad 2008) : - State structure is still very centralised and interventionist • Yet, moving away from patrimonialism & moving towards creating a modern economy • Signing of Anglo-Ottoman Commercial Treaty in 1838 • Moving towards free trade. ‘The treaty allowed foreign merchants to engage directly in internal trade for the first time’ (p.4) • Rapid westernisation of the Empire, moving towards ‘money economy’

  10. Modernisation of the Ottoman Empire Overview of the 19th century reforms (Ahmad 2008) : • Growing criticisms over economic reforms • Young Ottoman movement • The merchants and artisans of the Empire • Formation of the Commission for Industrial Reform: According to Ahmad,‘ it is the first example of an Ottoman-Muslim pressure group’ (2008, p.7) 1) The protection of industry by increasing customs 2) The organisation of industrial and trade fairs 3) Industrial and technical schools...

  11. Modernisation of the Ottoman Empire Overview of the 19th century reforms (Ahmad 2008) : • Free-trade policies of the Tanzimat period Bankruptcy of the Empire • The adoption of the 1876 Constitution (pressure from the Young Ottomans) • Commerce and industry remain weak, the economy is still based on rural (land, agriculture sector).. • Towards privatisation of property:

  12. Modernisation of the Ottoman Empire • Which ideologies were dominant in your opinion?

  13. Modernisation of the Ottoman Empire • Islamists (Pan-Islamism) • Modernists (Westernists and Nationalists) • Nationalism ( during the Young Turks’ period)

  14. Discussion Questions 1. What is the significance of the Ottoman reform period during the 18th century? 2. What could be the major strengths and weaknesses of the Young Turks’ movement? 3. How do you compare the major characteristics of the Ottoman reform process to the current reform of Modern Turkey?

  15. Presentation Topic • Compare some of the key characteristics of the reform processes undertaken in the late years of the Ottoman Empire and in the early years of Modern Turkey

  16. Presentation tips 2.Presentation Clear Sections & Sign Posts '' First you tell them what you're going to tell them, then you tell them, and then you tell them what you told them.'' Provide a summary 3.Managing Questions 1. Preparation • Learning the subject • Planning the structure • Using visual-aids (PowerPoint, transparencies) • Plan your timing(10-12 minutes) • Practicing • Preparing handouts

  17. Introduction to Turkish PoliticsWeek 3-4Early Republican Period I(1923-1945) Fulya MemisogluDepartment of International RelationsCukurova University Spring Semester 2016

  18. Some chronological events • Mudros Armistice (1918)- defeat of the Ottoman Empire following the 1st World War • National Independence/ Liberation movement (1919)- under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal (later Ataturk), conventions in Erzurum and Sivas • Occupation of Istanbul (March 1920)- the Sultan’s government in Istanbul vs. the nationalists in Anatolia • Treaty of Sevres (August 1920) – not accepted by the newly established National Assembly

  19. Some chronological events • National Pact (Misak-i Milli) • Emphasising the nation’s independence, sovereignty, solidarity and territorial integrity • Against foreign occupation, foreign mandates, and privileges to minorities • The establishment of the Grand National Assembly (1920) • The Constitutional Act (1921) – Teşkilatı Esasiye Kanunu

  20. Early Republican Period I • What were the main elements of the Constitutional Act?

  21. Early Republican Period I • Sovereignty principle • Elections (every two years) • No referral to secularism (yet!) • Institutional changes, e.g. national assembly • Change of regime– between monarchy and republicanism • Polarisation – modernists vs. conservatives?

  22. 1 — Egemenlik kayıtsız şartsız milletindir. Yönetim şekli, halkın mukadderatını bizzat ve fiili olarak yönetmesi ilkesine dayanır. 2 — Yürütme kuvveti ve yasama yetkisi, milletin tek ve gerçek temsilcisi olan Büyük Millet Meclisi’nde belirir ve toplanır. 3 — Türkiye Devleti, Büyük Millet Meclisi tarafından idare edilir ve hükûmeti «Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Hükûmeti» adını taşır. 4 — Büyük Millet Meclisi, iller halkınca seçilmiş üyelerden oluşur. 5 — Büyük Millet Meclisi’nin seçimi iki yılda bir yapılır. Seçilen üyelerin üyelik süresi iki yıldır ve yeniden seçilmek mümkündür. Eski Meclis, yeni Meclis toplanıncaya kadar göreve devam eder. Yeni seçimlerin yapılmasına imkân görülmediği takdirde, görev süresi yalnız bir yıl uzatılabilir. Büyük Millet Meclisi üyelerinden her biri, yalnız kendini seçen ilin ayrıca vekili olmayıp aynı zamanda bütün milletin vekilidir. 6 — Büyük Millet Meclisi’nin Genel Kurulu, Kasım başında, davetsiz toplanır. 7 — Şeriat hükümlerinin uygulanması, bütün kanunların yürürlüğe konması, değiştirilmesi, yürürlükten kaldırılması, antlaşma ve barış imzalanması ve vatan savunmasıyla ilgili savaş ilâm gibi temel haklar Büyük Millet Meclisi’ne aittir. Kanun ve tüzüklerin düzenlenmesinde, halk için en yararlı ve zamanın ihtiyacına en elverişli fıkıh ve hukuk hükümleriyle, örf ve âdetler ve teamüller esas olarak alınır. Bakanlar Kurulu’nun görev ve sorumluluğu özel kanunla belirtilir. 8 — Büyük Millet Meclisi, hükûmeti oluşturan bakanlıkları, “özel kanun gereğince seçtiği bakanlar vasıtasıyla yönetir. Meclis, yürütme ile ilgili işlerde bakanlara görev tayin eder; gerekirse bunları değiştirir. 9 — Büyük Millet Meclisi Genel Kurulu tarafından seçilen başkan, bir seçim dönemi süresince Büyük Millet Meclisi Başkanıdır. Bu sıfatla Meclis adına imza atmaya ve Bakanlar Kurulu kararlarını onaylamaya yetkilidir. Bakanlar Kurulu üyeleri içlerinden birini kendilerine başkan seçer. Ancak Büyük Millet Meclisi Başkanı, Bakanlar Kurulu’nun da tabiî başkanıdır. 10 — Kânûn-i Esâsî’nin bu maddelere aykırı düşmeyen hükümleri eskisi gibi yürürlüktedir.

  23. Early Republican Period I • The Greek-Turkish War (1919-1922) • Mudanya Armistice (1922) • The abolishment of the Sultanate (1922) • Lausanne Peace Treaty (1922-3)- recognition of the government & borders of the new Turkish state

  24. Early Republican Period I • What is the significance of Lausanne Peace Treaty?

  25. Early Republican Period I • Lausanne Peace Treaty (1923) • Turkey was represented by the national delegation only(led by Ismet Inonu) • Settled main disputes between Turkey- Allied Powers, Turkey- Greece (exchange of populations ) • Turkish Straits were demilitarised, navigation-related issues • Capitulations were abolished • Foreign troops left Turkey • Borders of Turkey (border with Iraq was the only unresolved one) • Yet, it brought new disputes within the National Assembly.. A new regime with or without the Caliphate?

  26. Early Reforms • The establishment of the Turkish Republic (1923) – a new Constitution of 1924 • Three basic ideas: nationalism, populism, secularism • The secularisation of Turkey: The abolishment of the Caliphate (1924) Establishment of the Directorate of Religious Affairs Religious courts were abolishedModernisation of the education system, Ministry of Education

  27. Reactions to Early Reforms • Single Party Period: People’s Republican Party (CHP) • Opposition parties : Progressive Republican Party (1924-1925) and Liberal Republican Party (1930) • Creation of a nation-state/ an ethnically homogeneous population? • The 1925 Kurdish revolt (headed by Seyh Sait) • The purpose of the revolt: an independent Kurdish state, restoring the Caliphate, to strengthen the authority of Feudal lords in the east. • Reaction of the Turkish government: Maintenance of Order Law was adopted, Martial Law was declared and Independence Tribunals were reactivated

  28. Early Republican Period I • An ideology of creating ethnic and cultural homogeneity (Treaty of Lausanne 1923) • The 1923 compulsory exchange of populations between Greece- Turkey • Socio-economic impact: Turkey’s economy suffered for a long period with the departure of Greeks, who controlled the vital sectors of economic life such as trade, industry and export-import. As Aktar(2003) notes, Turkey lost its most economically skilled population, which necessitated long years of structural modification and readjustment of its economy

  29. Early Republican Period I Can you think of any other reforms during this period?

  30. Reforms from 1925 onwards • Legal Reforms: Civil Code of Switzerland, Penal and Commercial Law (1926), Family Law (1936) • Language Reform: Latin Alphabet (1928), the establishment of Turkish Language Institute • Equality and Non-discrimination: Voting rights for women (1930, 1935) • Social-cultural reforms: Rules concerning clothing, the diminished impact of religion in daily life, prevalence of modernist-secularist policy

  31. Reforms from 1925 onwards • Economic Reforms: State Monopoly over a number of sectors, stagnation of the economy- the world economic crisis of 1928-9, industrialisation • Liberal Party (1930) • Main ideologies: republicanism, nationalism, populism, secularism, statism, reformism ( 1937) • The death of Ataturk (1938), the new president Ismet Inonu…

  32. Introduction to Turkish PoliticsWeek 5Early Republican Period II(1945 to early 1960s) Fulya MemisogluDepartment of International RelationsCukurova University Spring Semester 2012

  33. Today’s Agenda • SOCIO-ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION • From Late Ottoman Empire to Turkey • Shifts in socio-economic policies • POLITICAL TRANSFORMATION • One party-system to a multi-party system

  34. The socio-economic transformation • The structure of the Ottoman society: - The Sultan and the ruling group (1) Religious authorities(ulema), (2) Members of the administrative service, (3) The army - The subjects (peasants, craftsmen, tradesmen) • State ownership of lands (a feudal land system instead) • No major disparities between rich and poor, no major class conflict (until the 19th century)

  35. The socio-economic transformation • The reform process in the 19th century: The first industries were established, new taxes were introduced, foreign loans, increasing foreign capital and investment unemployment Question: How can we relate the Ottoman social structure to today’s Turkey?

  36. The socio-economic transformation • The Young Turks’ economic policy (Union and Progress Party) • A national economy less dependent on foreign capital • Replacing the emerging middle class (mostly minority members) by ethnic Turks • To encourage public’s participation in economy

  37. The socio-economic transformation Between 1908-1918 : -Legal Developments: resolution to abolish capitulations, laws on encouraging industrial development, positive discrimination for Turks in relation to foreign capital - A national bank was established (1916)

  38. The socio-economic transformation Turkish Republic’s economic policy (early years): - Economic development , primary target • Nationalist economic policy: ‘self-reliance and self sufficiency’ • Economic Statism: state control over major fields of economy (either as public enterprises or nationalised) sectors) • Agriculture sector, industry, textile, mining, • Isbank (1924), Sumerbank(1925), Central Bank (1930)

  39. Politik Gelişmeler • İkili ticaret ve dostluk anlaşmaları: • 1921 Moskova Antlaşması (1925,1927) • İtalya(1928), Fransa ve Yunanistan(1930) • Tarafsızlık, devletlerarasında çıkacak uyuşmazlıkların - eğer diplomasi yolu ile bir anlaşmaya varılamazsa - uzlaştırma yöntemi ile, o da sonuç vermezse yargısal çözüm ya da hakeme başvurarak çözümünü öngörülmektedir • 1928 Silahsızlanma Konferansı 1932 • The 1928 Kellogg–Briand Pact • Milletler Cemiyeti uyeligi (1932)

  40. Politik Gelişmeler • İkili ticaret ve dostluk anlaşmaları: • Arnavutluk, Bulgaristan ve Yugoslavya (1925) • 1921 Türk-Afgan Dostluk Antlaşması (1928) • 1932 Türkiye- İran antlaşmaları • Balkan Antantı (1934) ve Sa’dabat Paktı (

  41. League of Nations 1919-1946

  42. Political Transformation of Turkey • The legislative-executive relations: supremacy of the executive during the one-party rule (1923-46) • Second World War- policy of neutrality • United Nations Membership • Ratification of the United Nations Charter (1945) • ‘direct external pressure for democratisation’, but also internal social and cultural factors introduction of multi-party regime

  43. Political Transformation of Turkey • First opposition parties in Turkey after the 2nd world war: • ‘National Insurgence’(Milli Kalkinma) • Democratic Party (1946)- under the leadership of Celal Bayar

  44. Political Transformation of Turkey ‘Liberalisation Measures by the Republican Party’: • The universities were given autonomy • Amendments to the Press Law • The Turkish Press Union was established • Amendments to the Law on Associations • Amendments to the Electoral Law

  45. Transition to Multi-Party System • Redefining Populism • Redefining Statism • Socio-economic development: • Until the mid-1940s slow, yet steady development, strictly regulated by the state • Since 1949 significant economic change : Foreign assistance (mostly American aid), foreign loan, a new investment policy

  46. Populism and Political Conditions Populism: ‘The country is composed of individuals belonging to different occupational groups rather than social classes. • So, there is no need for multiple political parties to defend the interests of different social classes. The population has one common economic interest: economic development’. • Establishment of political parties (1945-6) • Republican Party’s policy change (1946 Convention) • ‘Allowing the establishment of political parties and associations based on class interest’ • ‘Amending the Association Law: lifting the ban on the formation of political parties, trade unions, associations

  47. Statism and Socio-economic Conditions Statism: • Demands for liberalisation in 1946 • State’s interference in public life should be reduced • The state’s function should be limited to coordinating and regulating the forces participating in the economic process. QUESTION : WHO DEMANDED LIBERALISATION AND WHY? (Yet, statism should not be abandoned. The state, according to Celal Bayar, should not intervene in the economy directly.

  48. Elections in 1946 • The increase in leftist parties • ‘The concept of class representation changed into the idea of general representation’ • ‘Political parties were to represent all social groups , without any class distinction’

  49. Statism and Socio-economic Conditions • Internal and External influences on Economy • American influence(1949-53) • Move towards economic liberalism (1946-50) • The Republican Party (1947 Convention) • The Democratic Party (1947 Convention) • Moving towards a ‘more liberal form of statism’ • Redefining the state’s economic responsibilities • The operation of heavy industry, mines, power installations, national defense and communications were to be retained by the state, the rest for individuals • Private enterprise and private capital should be encouraged

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