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Internet Today

Internet Today.

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Internet Today

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  1. Internet Today Today, Internet has created a way for business, entertainment, jobs, and communication/socialization. It has also created problems such as crime. President Clinton referred to it as having a “dark underside”. Nevertheless, there are more people using the internet today. According to Virginia Internet Based Society, an estimated 35 million people in 160 countries now use the internet with the number of users climbing at the rate of 15 percent per month.

  2. Cracking down on Pornography Senator Jim Exon created an amendment known as Exonammendment that would increase penalties for people who transmit indecent and harassing material by computer to people who did not request it, raising the minimum fine from $50,000 to $100,000 and jail sentence from six months to two years. Exon’s goal is to protect children from sexual materials

  3. Thoughts/views • Mike Russell, a spokesman for the coalition in Chesapeake, Virginia states that “Any 12-year old surfing passively around with his mouse can now click on materials that can greatly undermine what is being taught in his own home”. Russell suggests parents or on-line providers pay extra to review transmissions or install a block-out device.

  4. Criticisms Exon amendment has created many criticisms for individuals who believe in free expression of speech as this amendment will lead to suppress the free flow of information. American Civil Liberties Union legislative counsel Donald Haines expresses his concern, stating “This is like the federal government deciding that too many people use ‘filthy language’ in their private letters and phone calls and then proposing to prosecute, fine, and imprison anyone who curses”.

  5. Software There are software's that can filter different information and websites that are considered obscene, giving you the ability to control contents displayed. Terri Tomcism, director of corporate communications at Playboy Enterprises, believes that parents should regulate the internet and what children should be exposed to. Examples of software's are Barracudanetworks, CyberFence and OpenDNS

  6. Softwares • Barracuda Networks credits itself as the worldwide leader in content security appliances, offering products that protect organizations from threats over email, Web, and IM. This website lists, Coca-Cola, FedEx, Harvard University, IBM, and L'Oreal as companies that have used their products. http://www.barracudanetworks.com/ns/company/ • OpenDNS was found through a Washington Post column written on computer security. This article explains the many features of this website. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/securityfix/2007/06/a_softwarefree_approach_to_blo.html • CyberFence shows a demo of the software works. • http://www.cyberfence.com/block_websites_videos.html?gclid=CMT69OnQ7awCFdIAQAod41iqKQ

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