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Hayden Elementary School

Hayden Elementary School. Second Grade Back to School Night. Reading. 1.0 Word Analysis Fluency and Vocabulary Development -continue decoding (phonics) and word recognition skills -rules of syllabication -common abbreviations and use of plurals

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Hayden Elementary School

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  1. Hayden Elementary School Second Grade Back to School Night

  2. Reading • 1.0 Word Analysis Fluency and Vocabulary Development -continue decoding (phonics) and word recognition skills -rules of syllabication -common abbreviations and use of plurals -increase reading fluency rate and use intonation and expression -understand antonyms and synonyms -understand simple compound words -know meanings of simple prefixes and suffixes

  3. Reading • 2.0 Reading Comprehension -read and understand grade-level material -ask clarifying questions -restate facts and details -recognize cause and effect relationships -interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs

  4. Reading • 3.0 Literary Response and Analysis -read and respond to a variety of children’s literature -compare and contrast story elements, i.e. character, setting, and plot -generate alternative endings -identify rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration in poetry

  5. MathematicsNumber Sense • 1.1 Count, read, and write up to 1,000 • 1.3 Put in number order and compare numbers to 1,000 • 2.2 Add or subtract two numbers up to 3 digits long • 3.1 Multiply by using repeated addition, arrays, and counting multiples • 3.2 Divide by using repeated subtraction

  6. MathematicsNumber Sense • 3.3 Know my 2s, 5s, and 10s to “times 10” in the multiplication table by memory • 4.1 Name fractions from ½ to 1/12 and tell which is greater, less than, or equal to another • 4.2 Understand that fractions show the amount of a whole and parts of a group

  7. MathematicsNumber Sense • 5.1 Solve money problems by using combinations of bills and coins. • 5.2 Know where to put the decimal point and dollar and cent symbols

  8. MathematicsMeasurement & Geometry • 1.3 Measure the length of an object to the nearest inch and/or centimeter • 1.4 Tell time to the nearest quarter hour and how many minutes in an hour, how many days in a week, month, and how many weeks in a year • 1.5 Figure out how many hours will pass between two times

  9. MathematicsMath Reasoning • 1.1 Figure out how to set up a problem, list the tools needed, and decide what strategy to use • 1.2 Use objects/sketches to solve problems • 2.1 Tell why I used the solution I did and steps I took • 2.2 Know how to make accurate math calculations and how to check my answers

  10. Writing Expectations 2nd Grade • The writing program used in grades K-5 is Writing Alive. This program corresponds with the Open Court reading program to help students grow as writers throughout the school year. • Writing Alive helps students reach the grade level standards while having fun with writing.

  11. Writing Expectations2nd Grade • There are six components to the Writing Alive program to make it successful: 1. Structure 2. Process 3. Traits 4. Grammar 5. Genres 6. Assessment

  12. Writing Expectations2nd Grade • These are the types of writing students will work on this year: 1. Personal Narratives 2. Informational Writing 3. Friendly Letters 4. Descriptive Writing 5. Daily Sentence Styling

  13. Writing Expectations2nd Grade • Write paragraphs with a topic sentence, details, and a conclusion. • Write in complete sentences. • Use correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. • Write, edit, and revise drafts. • Understand that stories have a beginning, middle, and ending.

  14. Writing Expectations2nd Grade • Each week students will participate in writing activities that will help them to make connections to the stories that they read in their Open Court books. • It is extremely important that students practice writing daily!

  15. Writing ExpectationsGrading • Student writing is graded using a five point rubric: Advanced= 5 Proficient= 4 (at grade level) Basic= 3 Below Basic= 2 Far Below Basic= 1

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