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HEART OF AMERICA COUNCIL WEBELOS TO SCOUT TRANSITION PLAN http ://www.hoac-bsa.org/AboutUs/MembershipsAndRelationships/Membership.aspx. COUNCIL WEBELOS TO SCOUT CHAIR. Forrest Bolles 913-302-1421 Forrest.Bolles@gmail.com. WHY DO WE NEED A PLAN?.

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  1. HEART OF AMERICA COUNCIL WEBELOS TO SCOUT TRANSITION PLANhttp://www.hoac-bsa.org/AboutUs/MembershipsAndRelationships/Membership.aspx

  2. COUNCIL WEBELOS TO SCOUT CHAIR Forrest Bolles 913-302-1421 Forrest.Bolles@gmail.com

  3. WHY DO WE NEED A PLAN? The transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts is when we lose a large percentage of our membership. An effective Webelos to Scout Transition plan is essential for retaining our current Cub Scouts by moving them into a Boy Scout Troop.

  4. RESPONSIBILITIES • Webelos to Scout transition is everyone’s responsibility -- Webelos Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Parents, Commissioners and the District Committee. • All must work together to ensure that Webelos and their parents know all the great fun and adventure in store for them when they become Boy Scouts. • Webelos is not the end of Cub Scouts. The transition from Webelos to Boy Scouts is a normal and expected part of the program.

  5. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES • District Webelos Transition Chair • Troop and Troop Membership Chair • Pack and Pack Membership Chair • Webelos II Den Leader • Unit Commissioner

  6. DISTRICT WEBELOS TRANSITION CHAIR • Contact all packs in early fall to update a list of all fifth-grade Webelos Scouts. • Coach Cubmasters, Webelosden leaders • Track and maintain records of Webelos transition • Work with Unit Commissioners to follow-up on Webeloswho have not joined a troop

  7. TROOP & TROOP MEMBERSHIP CHAIR • Appoint a Troop Membership Chair • Establish connection with packs in your area • Train Den Chiefs and encourage packs to use Den Chiefs • Host Webelos II at troop meeting, activities, events, campouts • Visit Packs to orient Bears and Webelos I • Communicate with Webelos II leaders, Webelos II, Webelos II Parents • Coordinate leadership positions for Webelos II leaders in troop • Help Cubmastersplan cross-over ceremonies

  8. PACK & PACK MEMBERSHIP CHAIR • Motivate Webelos II Leaders to ensure cross-over • Develop working relationship with Troops in area • Coordinate with Scoutmasters for assignment of Den Chiefs • Coordinate with Scoutmaster for Webelos overnight activities and Troop meeting visits • Invite troops in area to attend and participate in special Pack events • Encourage Webelos II Leadrs to cross to Troop Leadership roles • Plan cross-over

  9. WEBELOS II DEN LEADERS • Be enthusiastic about the transition to Boy Scouts • Speak to your Webelos II and their parents in September about troop visits • Ensure that parents of Webelos II understand that they are welcome and encouraged to participate in the troop their son chooses • Explain the differences between Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts and the different roles of parents • Ensure that every Webelos II receives an invitation to join one or more Troops

  10. Unit Commissioners • Help every troop connect with one or more packs and every pack connect with one or more troops • Educate units on need for the Webelos to Boy Scout transition plan and execution • Promote communication among units • Promote communication of Packs with Webelos families • Help keep units focused on the schedule • Ensure all eligible Webelos are identified • Ensure all eligible Webelos are invited to join one or more troops • Ensure that units follow-up with Webelos that do not cross

  11. TIMELINE • August – Compile webeloslists, plan for troop/Webelos II campout, appoint den chiefs • September – first contact (troop letter, checklists, newsletters) • October – troop/den activity, invitations, District-level Webleos/troop event • November – troops visit with dens, dens visit troops

  12. TIMELINE • December – dens visit troops • January – dens visit troops, cross-overs • February – cross-overs, follow-up • March – cross-overs, follow-up • April – June – integration and training of new Scouts, summer camp planning/Preparation

  13. OUR GOAL 1%

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