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Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing. 5S and the Visual Workplace. Objectives. Understand how to implement a Visual Workplace that Makes each person’s job easier Enables you to successfully manage the workplace Improves the overall success of your company Understand impact of 5S on Customer value

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Lean Manufacturing

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  1. Lean Manufacturing 5S and the Visual Workplace

  2. Objectives • Understand how to implement a Visual Workplace that • Makes each person’s job easier • Enables you to successfully manage the workplace • Improves the overall success of your company • Understand impact of 5S on • Customer value • Throughput • Efficiency • Learn tools for identifying waste in your work area • Learn tools for eliminating waste in your work area

  3. Topics Covered • Workplace organization (5S) • Visual Display • Visual Metrics • Visual Control

  4. What is 5S? • 5S is the Japanese concept for House Keeping. • Sort (Seiri) • Straighten (Seiton) • Shine (Seiso) • Standardize (Seiketsu) • Sustain (Shitsuke)

  5. The Visual WorkplaceWhat is It? 5S, Visual Workplace, Lean together create… • An immaculate (clean and tidy) workplace with • Only what is needed • Only in the amounts needed • Only when it is needed • And at the location where it is needed • A pleasant and stimulating workplace with • Standard procedures that are easily understood • Standard procedures that are visually clear

  6. The Visual WorkplaceWhat is the Goal? • A workplace that • Responds quickly to customer needs • Enables decisions at the lowest possible level • Is completely aligned (united) • Promotes employee growth • The least waste way to deliver value to the customer If you can't walk a plant and understand the product flow and operations immediately, then the plant can't be run properly.Noel Goutard, Valeo SA

  7. The Visual WorkplaceExpectations • The flow of goods is apparent at a glance • Information or tools are available in 30 seconds or less • Historical and current performance levels are apparent • Waste is visible • Abnormal conditions are immediately recognizable • The normal condition is • zero defects • zero abnormalities • zero accidents

  8. The Visual WorkplaceMaturity Levels Ad hoc is a Latin phrase which, literally, means "For this". It generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, non-generalizable, and which cannot be adapted to other purposes.

  9. Fuel Pump Assembly Cell Visual DisplayLocation Marker

  10. Visual DisplayProduction Status Board

  11. Visual DisplayStandard Work

  12. Visual MetricsPurpose • Enable a person to self-manage their work. • Enable management to recognize trends and re-align to targets and strategies. If you are not going to use the data, don’t collect it!

  13. Visual MetricsCharacteristics • Provide data • To people who can act on the data • In time to act on the data • To people affected by the data • Visually link results to specific • Performance targets • Improvement initiatives (plans, projects, ideas) • Communicate information • To workers and management • In a format that is easy to understand

  14. Visual MetricsHow to Develop • What needs to be measured? • Who is the user? • How to keep track of details? • How often to take the data? • Who will do the tracking? • How to display it? • Where to locate the display?

  15. Visual MetricsProduction monitors at Korry Electronics Version 2 Version 1 Daily summary

  16. Visual MetricsPTP Daily Production Board

  17. Visual MetricsTakt Time Sheet

  18. Visual ControlsPurpose • Enable the work force to get control of the workplace and everything that occurs within it. • Enable a process to create error free product. • Integrate the standard with the action so that deviation is eliminated.

  19. 5S is a series of techniques that provide the foundation for a visual management system. What Is 5S? Word Association: • What do you think of when you hear 5S?

  20. Why Do 5S? • Why? • Why? • Why? • Why? • Why? To create the Least Waste Way to deliver Value to the Customer

  21. Where Does 5S Apply? • Any process involved in delivering value to the customer • Factory • Office • everywhere

  22. Who Does 5S? • Any one involved in delivering value to the customer • TOP-DOWN Leadership • Lead by example • Active in the culture change • BOTTOM UP Implementation • Everyone has to be involved • It’s not a program - it’s a way of life. It starts in YOUR workplace!

  23. Sort Set in order Shine Standardize Sustain Identify and eliminate what is not needed A place for everything and everything in its place An effective, organized, professional environment Develop standards and stick to them 5S is a way of life 5S Corporate goal is to have all companies at a level 3 by the end of 2003.

  24. Sort Remove the clutter (disorder) so you can see what is happening. • Separate the necessary from the unnecessary • Unnecessary tools, equipment, and procedures need to be removed from the workplace

  25. SortLevels of Achievement

  26. Set In Order A place for everything, and everything in its place. • Able to find things in 30 seconds • Clean and ready for use • Most important is the transparency

  27. Set In OrderLevels of Achievement

  28. Identify customers, suppliers, value Make the normal visible – regular cleaning, visual data Visual controls on delivery of value – signal and response Data driven, continuous monitoring Shine An effective, organized environment.

  29. ShineLevels of Achievement

  30. Standardize • Define and document the current process • Make it the standard for everyone • Define and work to the future state Develop standards and stick to them.

  31. StandardizeLevels of Achievement

  32. Level Sort Identify and eliminate what is not needed Level of Excellence Comments 1 Necessary and unnecessary items are mixed together in the office area. (Piles of paper work) 1 2 3 4 5 Necessary and unnecessary items are separated, excess files, unused ref Matl, Boxes of files, 2 Broken items are still present. 3 All unnecessary items have been removed from the office area, files and drawers are organized. Documented method has been established to maintain work area free of unnecessary items. Use 4 of Red Book. 5 Employees continually seeking improvement opportunities. Level Set in Order A place for everything and everything in its place Level of Excellence Comments 1 Office area shows no sign of organization. Items are randomly located. 1 2 3 4 5 2 Designated location established for all items as required. 3 Designated locations are marked to make organization more visible, in basket, WIP, Task board (color coding, outlining, labeling, numbering, etc). Documented method has been established to recognize with visual sweep if items are out of 4 place or exceed quantity limits. Use of Red Book. Vehicle developed to provide continual evaluation and process in place to implement 5 improvements. Level Shine An effective, organized, professional environment Level of Excellence Comments 1 No Visuals in place. Office and computers are dirty and disorganized. 1 2 3 4 5 2 Some Visuals in place. Office and personal work surfaces cleaned on a reg. scheduled basis. 3 Visual controls in place as required. Office area cleaned daily. Visual controls practiced continually. Housekeeping tasks are practiced continually. Use of Red 4 Book. 5 Excellent visual controls. Office has professional appearance. Level Standardize Develop standards and stick to them Level of Excellence Comments 1 No attempt is being made to document or improve current processes. 1 2 3 4 5 2 Methods are being improved but changes haven't been documented. 3 Information on process improvements and reliable methods are shared with employees. Changes are being incorporated and documented.(Past 5S sheets, Value Stream Implementation Plans, Process Improvement Sheets. OpEx Metrics are being tracked and demonstrate area 4 improvement). Use of the RED BOOK 5 Employees are continually seeking elimination of waste with all changes documented and information shared with all. Level Sustain 5S is a way of life Level of Excellence Comments 1 Minimal attention is spent on adhering to the 5 S’s. 1 2 3 4 5 2 A recognizable effort has been made to adhere to the 5 S’s. 3 Adherence to 5 S policy and procedures. Use of the Red Book 4 Documented methods have been put into place to ensure Self-discipline. . 5 General appearance of a confident understanding of and adherence to the 5S culture. AREA FOCAL'S NAME:___________________________________ TOTAL 5S LEVEL: _________ Sustain 5S is a way of life! • Set a good personal example • Regular evaluation of 5S program • Constantly look for ways to improve the program • 5S becomes part of the culture of the entire organization

  33. Sustain Levels of Achievement

  34. ImplementationIn Your Company • 5S your workplace • Select company approach • Train • Provide support • Establish audit program • Walk the floor

  35. Company ApproachAlternatives • Company-wide program • + High visibility • + Quick progress •  Can become its own goal •  Can get focused on housekeeping • Value stream by value stream • + Integrated into the conversion to lean • + Tied to providing value and eliminating waste • Some are doing it, some aren’t

  36. Support Role Of Management • Provide Resources • Tools, Materials • Training • Time • Promote Ongoing Efforts • Encourage Creative Involvement By Everyone • Acknowledge And Support Efforts • Tangible And Intangible Rewards • Set An Example

  37. SupportRole of the Individual • Learn 5S • Participate In 5S Implementation • Help To Educate Coworkers • Show Enthusiasm • Take The Initiative • Bring Ideas To Promote Or Implement 5S • Ask For Support Or Resources

  38. Audit Example 1

  39. Audit Example 2

  40. Audit Example 3

  41. Audit Example 4

  42. Audit Example 5

  43. Implementation In Your Workplace • Identify your customers • Determine the value you deliver • Eliminate waste • Sort • Set In Order • Shine • Standardize • Sustain

  44. ImplementationWhat Should Be the Goal? • A person should be able to walk into your area and within 5 minutes (without the need for a presentation) be able to determine • The customers and suppliers • The process flow • The deliverables • The resources being used • The value being measured • The current status

  45. How Do I Deal With…? • The person who doesn’t mind working in a cluttered environment or in a disorganized layout. “I can find anything instantly!” • Can they really find anything? • Is there really never any wasted time? • Do they understand that the information is a company resource and needs to be available to everyone? • The person who is not motivated • Do they understand how this makes their job easier? • Do they understand they have multiple customers and one of them (the stockholders) expect the least waste way

  46. SummaryWhy Do 5S? • Increased Customer Satisfaction • A clean, organised environment gives customers confidence • Improved On Time Performance • Reduced Cost • Improved Morale • Improved Safety • Improved Quality

  47. SortRed Tag Program • Red tag all unnecessary items • Create a temporary red tag holding area • Move red tagged items to the holding area for one week • Dispose of remaining red tagged items • Continue red tagging regularly.

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