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Status of ITS, Reauthorization

Status of ITS, Reauthorization. Paul R. Olson, P.E., PTOE FHWA Resource Center Paul.Olson@fhwa.dot.gov. April 7, 2005. Legislative Sausage Making. Senate Bill S.?????. House Bills T&I Committee TEA-LU H.R. 3 Science Committee H.R. 3???. Administration’s Proposal SAFETEA.

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Status of ITS, Reauthorization

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  1. Status of ITS, Reauthorization Paul R. Olson, P.E., PTOE FHWA Resource Center Paul.Olson@fhwa.dot.gov April 7, 2005

  2. Legislative Sausage Making Senate Bill S.????? House Bills T&I Committee TEA-LU H.R. 3 Science Committee H.R. 3??? Administration’s Proposal SAFETEA

  3. Features of SAFETEASafe, Accountable, Flexible & Efficient Transportation Equity Act • A strong continued ITS Research and Development Program ($121M/Yr) • Elimination of the ITS Deployment Program • A New ITS Performance Incentive Program ($135M/Yr) • A CVISN Deployment Grant Program ($25M/Yr); in Title I (Federal aid highways) • Real-time System Management Information Program • Statewide Incident Reporting Systems • Data Exchange Format

  4. Senate EPW R&D Language • Senate language provides $120-$135M in ITS Research Funds • Requires the use of a public/private organization as an advisory committee (i.e., ITS America) • Establishes a number of very specific research priority areas • Requires the development of a revised program plan

  5. Senate Deployment Language • ITS performance incentive language omitted; no deployment funds • Equivalent CVISN deployment language; located and funded as part of ITS Research Program • Equivalent Real-Time Information language

  6. House T&I R&D LanguageTransportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users • House language authorizes $138M per year for R&D • Requires an expert panel to determine how to streamline standards development • Requires the establishment of a Commission on Intelligent Transportation System Procurement Policy

  7. House T&I Deployment Language • Includes Real-Time System Management Information Program, but eliminates requirement for statewide incident reporting systems and requires a Steering Committee to assist DOT with data exchange format • Establishes a Broad Deployment Grant Program, but only authorizes funds for 511 ($25M/Yr) • Establishes a Categorical ITS Deployment Program ($500M/Yr) as a core program set aside • Establishes CVISN Deployment Program ($25M/Yr); in Motor Carrier Safety Section

  8. House Science R&D Language • Authorizes $130m-$145M over six years • Specifies membership of Advisory Committee • Calls for update of ITS Program Plan • Calls for Report to Congress on strategy to use information collected from ITS • Requires 1/3 of funds to focus on reducing congestion • Requires a full review of ITS Program by National Academy of Science or other Independent Group

  9. House ScienceDeployment Language • Includes Real-Time Information System Management Information Program equivalent to SAFETEA proposal but omits specific funding eligibility provisions from this section

  10. ITS Funding Summary

  11. What’s Next? • Current extension of TEA-21 expires Tuesday May, 31, 2005 – Hard Shutdown Still Possible !!!! • Conference Committee ???? • Administration not supportive of new taxes However!!!! • Possible 1-year extension or full bill? Right now it looks like full bill but… Stay Tuned…

  12. ITS Program Major Initiatives 2004 • Integrated Vehicle Based Safety Systems • Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems • Next Generation 9-1-1 • Mobility Services for All Americans • Integrated Corridor Management Systems • Nationwide Surface Transportation Weather Observation System • Emergency Transportation Operations • Universal Electronic Freight Manifest • Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) New

  13. Collision Avoidance Rear End Lane Departure Road departure Adaptive Cruise Control – Basic Building Block Key Issue Drive Interface! Integrated Vehicle Based Safety Systems Goal:The goal is to have all new vehicles equipped with driver assistance systems that effectively help them avoid the most common types of deadly crashes.

  14. Vehicle Based Infrastructure Based Combination of both Key Issues Driver Interface Communications Network Standards Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Goal:To achieve deployment of intersection collision avoidance systems at 15% of the most hazardous signalized intersections nationally, with in-vehicle support in 50% of the vehicle fleet, by 2015.

  15. Next Generation 9-1-1 Goal:The goal of the Initiative is to establish the foundation for public emergency services in a wireless mobile society and enable E 9‑1‑1 with any communication device. • Send and Receive Critical Information • Medically-relevant Data • Crash Data • Amber Alerts • Location • ?????? • Key Issues • New Technology • Call Center Upgrades • Standards for National Uniformity

  16. Computerized Dispatch Trip Scheduling Geographic Information Automatic Vehicle Location Key Issues Coordination of Services Multiple overlapping systems Long trip travel times Pick-up wait times Special needs Service Area Gaps Standards Mobility Services for All Americans Goal:Increased mobility, accessibility, and ridership by integrating transportation services, via ITS transit technologies, and extending transit service partnerships beyond the health and human service community to other federal funding agencies.

  17. Unmanaged Demand Bottle Necks Freeways and Arterials Few good control strategies Lack of basic information Key Issues Institutional Collaboration Lack of good data Arterial Operations Personnel Training Tools Standards Integrated Corridor Management Systems Goal:More aggressive and proactive management of the movement of people and goods in major transportation corridors within and between large metropolitan areas through development and demonstration of proven and promising technologies and strategies for integrating the operation of transportation modes and facilities

  18. Weather caused congestion Timeliness Information Accuracy Key Issues Jurisdiction Data Quality Sensor Location Guidelines Data Archiving Standards Nationwide Surface Transportation Weather Observation System Goal:To reduce the impact of adverse weather for all road users and operators by designing and initiating deployment of a nationwide, integrated road weather observational network and data management system.

  19. Incident Detection/Reporting Coordinated Incident Response Predefined Plans Homeland Security Key Issues Jurisdiction Information System Common Messages Systems Security Emergency Transportation Operations Goal:Effective management of all forms of transportation emergencies through the application of ITS resulting in faster and better prepared responses to major incidents; shorter incident durations; quicker, more accurate, and better-prepared hazmat responses, etc.

  20. Multiple Closed Systems Data Sharing Data Security Key Issues Overall Productivity Sensitivity of Commercial Information Standards Universal Electronic Freight Manifest Goal:Improved operational efficiency and productivity of the transportation system through the implementation of a common electronic freight manifest.

  21. Communications Systems Infrastructure Deployment Key Issues New ground up design Security System Reliability/Integrity Standards Device Ownership Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) Goal:The goal of the VII effort it achieve nationwide deployment of a communications infrastructure on the roadways and in all production vehicles and to enable a number of key safety, and operational services that would take advantage of this capability. This integrated communications network would enable a broad range of capabilities that, today, are virtually unattainable.

  22. Other Program Highlights • Funding from ITS R&D • Lots of new technology needed • These are longer term programs • Many of these initiatives break new ground • Nothing final yet • Many challenges to overcome

  23. Several Significant Challenges • Funding for local programs • Funding not consistent over long term • Many agencies/regions lack long term program goals • People, People, People, and more People • Training and skill building often not readily available • Privatization and outsourcing?

  24. ?????

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