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PEL – P romoting E ducational L eadership in Climate Science

PEL Powered by. PEL – P romoting E ducational L eadership in Climate Science. Bob Bleicher Julie Lambert Steve Getty Bill Dabbs Carol Fujita Nathan Inouye Bill Patzert Brian Soden Dan Zalles Kathy Comfort

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PEL – P romoting E ducational L eadership in Climate Science

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  1. PEL Powered by PEL – Promoting Educational Leadership in Climate Science Bob Bleicher Julie Lambert Steve Getty Bill Dabbs Carol Fujita Nathan Inouye Bill Patzert Brian Soden Dan Zalles Kathy Comfort CSU Channel Islands Florida Atlantic U BSCS Oxnard Union High School District JPL U of Miami SRI WestEd

  2. PEL Priorities (Goals) • Nurture critical thinking skills; • Develop climate science literacy; • Increase student interest in science and STEM careers; • Energizethe achievement opportunity in science for Hispanic students; • Establish an authentic science discourse in everyday classroom instruction; • Build teacher leadership capacity at their schools.

  3. Outputs (Activities) • PEL leveragesthree NICE projects with a high school district, providing teacher professional development, student learning opportunities, and interaction with NASA scientists. • The teachers interact with scientists and NICE resource developers in a 5-day Summer Institute. • They then practice what they learned in a 2 - day Summer Camp with high school students • Conduct NASA-enriched lessons with their classes during the regular school year. For student learning, the focus is on scientific argumentation using authentic NASA data.

  4. Theoretical Framework • The expectancy-value theory of achievement motivation (E-V-C) (Flake, 2011; Wigfield & Eccles, 1994) provides a theoretical framework for the research. • Expectancy (E): degree to which a student has feels they will be successful in school; Value (V) indicates students’ sense that school is worthwhile; Cost (C) is the perceived sacrifices or factors that can inhibit, a successful performance at school. • The E-V-C measures give insight into student achievement (A) and interest (I) in science (Hulleman & Harackiewicz, 2009), with direct relationship to continuing STEM study and careers. • Research methodology (Huberman & Miles, 2002): three functions: 1) Reduce the data to a subset of information (categories); 2) Display (matrices, maps, summaries) this information in a manner that facilitates group discussion and notation of consensus upon emerging patterns; 3) Draw and verify conclusions. The multiple sources of qualitative and quantitative data allow for triangulation of findings, which helps establish a measure of validity and trustworthiness to final findings and project evaluation (Bleicher, 2012).

  5. Julie Lambert, FAU

  6. Dan Zalles, SRI

  7. Fossil C atmosphere Before 1850 land ocean atmosphere Modern (2005-2009) land ocean Fossil C Carbon ConnectionsSteve Getty, BSCS

  8. Summer Institute & Camp 2012 • I was a fence-sitter on all this climate change, but the data has convinced me. • Being able to try out new techniques with actual students during the camp was a winner. How you imagine it will go and how it will actually go are often two different things! • Interacting with real scientists was a highlight. • I feel empowered with all this info. • Mean Overall Rating SI = 10; Camp = 9 (out of 10)

  9. Brian Soden with a worried volunteer Bill Patzert – Global warming is the real deal

  10. Bob Bleicher bob.bleicher@csuci.edu CSU Channel Islands

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