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Why are Hemp Seeds considered a Superfood

Considering the current generation, Hemp is now in trend everywhere around and it is called u201cSuperFoodu201d as it has extra rich nutritional value and provides numerous health benefits for those who include it in everyday life. These tiny brown Hemp Seeds are rich in Protein, Dietary Fiber, Nutrition, Omega 3,6,&9. <br>

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Why are Hemp Seeds considered a Superfood

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  1. Why are Hemp Seeds considered a Superfood? www.curebydesign.in

  2. Going back into the historic holistic times of Indian yogic culture, Hemp was consumed in many ways as well as has been used for many Vedic and Ayurvedic purposes. The world’s most famous cosmetic companies and Health-related organizations are now including Hemp Seeds extracts in every solution. Be it Face Wash, Protein Powder, Soap, Shampoo, and Blended oils- Hemp is now everywhere subjected towards providing extra healthy alternatives to Human life. Considering the current generation, Hemp is now in trend everywhere around and it is called “SuperFood” as it has extra rich nutritional value and provides numerous health benefits for those who include it in everyday life. These tiny brown Hemp Seeds are rich in Protein, Dietary Fiber, Nutrition, Omega 3,6,&9. www.curebydesign.in

  3. Consuming Superfoods in the current era we live in, is very crucial for human life. We inhale a lot of pollutants unconsciously in everyday life. To protect our bodies from removing such components, Superfoods are mandatory as the protein and nutrients in them will save our health more than what the pollution can destroy. Few Examples of SuperFoods are Chia Seeds, Flax Seeds, Berries, Nuts, and Leafy Greens. The top 3 SuperFoods consumed by 90% of the population include Hemp Seeds, Chia Seeds, and Flax Seeds. But it is now concluded by many health experts that Hemps takes first place in 3 of them. Compared to flax seeds & chia seeds, Hemp Seeds are now in trend as they resulted in unbelievable health benefits for many people. www.curebydesign.in

  4. Comparison Table - Hemp Seeds, Chia Seeds, and Flax Seeds www.curebydesign.in

  5. Sprinkle the seeds on whole yogurt or Cereal • Add Hemp Seeds to Milk Shake/Thick shake/Protein Shake • Bake cakes with Hemp seeds in it • Make delicious Hemp Milk with Hemp Seeds • Add Hemp Seeds with other Nuts and Seeds to a salad • Consuming Hemp Protein Powder will increase your Muscle Health Tip to make it Extra Tasty & Healthy: Roasted Hemp seeds with Pink Salt will serve you the taste of salt when added to salads. www.curebydesign.in

  6. Nutritional Benefits of Hemp Seeds: As discussed in the above table, Hemp has the nutrients that are absent in most of the SuperFoods. • Protein: Hemp Seeds contain protein that is almost equal to Soybeans. For every 2-3 tablespoons of Hemp Seeds, There is almost 10g of protein in it. It is not possible for a human being to inhale all kinds of healthy fatty acids through the atmosphere, that’s why it is recommended to consume them in your diet. These seeds provide all 9 essential amino Acids. • Unsaturated Fats: The health benefits of Omega3,6,&9 fatty acids are now in the trend. Hemp Seeds contain a 3X range of Omega3,6,&9 fatty acids when compared to other SuperFoods like Chia and Flax Seeds. • Fiber: Most of the fiber in hemp seeds is available in the outer shell. So it is recommended to buy the hemp seeds with the outer shell. This helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce the appetite, and helps you in weight management. • Minerals & Vitamins:Hemp Seeds are now also called Mineral Rich sources of food. With Vitamin-E, Potassium, & Magnesium in it, Hemp Seed’s Minerals in your body will act as a shield to protect you from severe health issues. www.curebydesign.in

  7. Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds: • Protects the Brain • Improves Heart Health • Reduces Inflammation • Improves Skin Conditions • Improve Muscle Health www.curebydesign.in

  8. THANK YOU www.curebydesign.in

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