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Revolutions in Latin America (19c – Present Day )

Revolutions in Latin America (19c – Present Day ). Causes of Latin American Revolutions. Enlightenment Ideas  writings of John Locke, Voltaire, & Jean Rousseau; Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. Creole discontent at being left out of government jobs and trade concessions.

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Revolutions in Latin America (19c – Present Day )

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  1. Revolutions in Latin America (19c – Present Day)

  2. Causes of Latin AmericanRevolutions • Enlightenment Ideas  writings of John Locke, Voltaire, & Jean Rousseau; Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. • Creole discontent at being left out of government jobs and trade concessions. • Inspiration of American and French Revolutions. • Preoccupation of Spain & Portugal in fighting the Napoleonic Wars.

  3. Inspiration of American & French Revolutions Declaration of the Rights of Man & of the Citizen, 1789 Declaration of Independence, 1776

  4. Declaration of the Rights of Man • Set the stage for the freedom of slaves in Latin America • All “men” have rights regardless of ethnicity • Started in Europe • Was hidden from colonies

  5. Latin American Revolutions!

  6. Simón Bolivar: The “Brains”of theRevolution • Creole leader of the revolutions in Venezuela. • Spent time in Europe and the newly-independent United States. • http://www.brainpop.com/socialstudies/famoushistoricalfigures/simonbolivar/

  7. Latin American Revolutions • Sweeping change in the Social, Economic and political structure of a society or way of thinking. Revolutions change the status quo, usually leaving a country in turmoil • Countries which were dominated by European imperialism, namely the influence of the Spanish and Portuguese, fought and won their independence in a series of bloody battles, culminating in the declaration of Latin American independence.

  8. Timeline of Independence Wars • 1791-1804: Slave revolt on French island of Saint-Dominigue (Haiti) leads to independence. • 1810: The priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla issues the "Grito de Dolores" in Mexico which begins the War of Independence against Spain. • 1811:Venezuela and Paraguay declare independence from Spain; Hidalgo killed and replaced by Morelos; José: Gervasio Artigas leads battle for Uruguayan independence.

  9. Toussaint L’OuvetureLeads a Revolutionin Haiti(1804)

  10. Haitian Revolution • The Haitian Revolution played a gigantic role in the beginning and continuance of the Revolution led by Simon Bolivar. • Set the stage for slave revolts all over

  11. The “Muscle” of the Revolution Bolivar coming from the North. José de St. Martínand Bernard O’Higgins cross the Andes Mountains.

  12. Bolivar & San Martin Fight for Independence!

  13. Bolivar’s Accomplishment

  14. Bolivar’s Failure • After uniting Venezuela, Columbia, & Ecuador into Gran Columbia, he left to help free the rest of Latin America. • He died a year later, with his goal of uniting all of South America unfulfilled!

  15. LatinAmerican StatesAfter the Revolutions

  16. Results of the Latin American Revolutions

  17. 1. Brazil Freed from Portugal • The Portuguese royal family escaped Napoleon by fleeing to Brazil. • Pedro I set up a new, independent kingdom in 1821 when his father returned to Portugal. • Pedro II assumed full power after Pedro I abdicated his throne.

  18. 2. Independence for Spanish & Portuguese Latin America • By the mid-1820s, revolts create many newly-independent nations. • Toussaint L’Ouveture – Haiti • Bolívar, San Martín, & O’Higgins in: Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, the United Provinces of Central America, and Gran Columbia!

  19. 3. No Unity! • Failure of Bolivar’s dream for a united South America: • Many newly independent countries struggle with civil wars. • By 1830s, geographic factors (mts., the Amazon, etc.) plus cultural differences defeated attempts at unification. • Gran Columbia. • United Provinces of Central America.

  20. 4. Independence Brought More Poverty • The wars disrupted trade. • The wars devastated the cities and the countryside.

  21. 5. Left Many Countries in the Control of Caudillos • WHO WERE THEY?: • Mid-19c dictators  military authoritarianism. • Mostly wealthy creole aristocrats. • Immediately followed the fight for independence. • Posed as reformers with goals to improve the economy and better the lives of the common people.

  22. 5. Left Many Countries in the Control of Caudillos • WHO WERE THEY?: • BUT…Overthrew governments and took away basic human rights. • Some attempted to make improvements, but most just cared about themselves and their families and friends • Power changes usually occurred at bayonet-point

  23. What is the Message?

  24. Additional Problems Feuds among leaders. Geographic barriers. The social hierarchy continued from the past. Conservatives favored the old social order. Liberals wanted land reform. Dependence on foreign nations for capital and for economic investments.

  25. The Caribbean:An “American Lake”

  26. Today’s Issues In Latin America

  27. http://video.nytimes.com/video/2010/04/18/us/1247467644054/drug-violence-along-mexican-border.html?scp=2&sq=mexico%20drug&st=csehttp://video.nytimes.com/video/2010/04/18/us/1247467644054/drug-violence-along-mexican-border.html?scp=2&sq=mexico%20drug&st=cse

  28. Newspaper Articles • How do these issues affect the Country’s people? Economy? Government? • How do you think these issues can be resolved?

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