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My Favorite Mammal

My Favorite Mammal. By Thea Portelli. Dolphins. Bottlenose dolphins are very social animals. They usually swim in groups of 12, called pods . Sometimes, different pods join to form herds , which can contain hundreds of dolphins. Movement.

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My Favorite Mammal

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  1. My Favorite Mammal By Thea Portelli

  2. Dolphins • Bottlenose dolphins are very social animals. They usually swim in groups of 12, called pods. Sometimes, different pods join to form herds, which can contain hundreds of dolphins.

  3. Movement • Dolphins love to play. People can sometimes see dolphins jumping very high and landing on their sides, making big a splash. • Dolphins can swim up to 40kph.

  4. Dolphins use their blowholes to breathe in. Although they can stay underwater for an hour, they usually come up to the surface every 10 minutes. Blowhole Respiration

  5. Growth • Dolphins can grow to big sizes. Male bottlenose dolphins can grow up to 4 meters long and can weigh 454kg . Their beak grows up to 8cm long. • Baby dolphins, called calves, are about 1 meter long and weigh about 20kg when born.

  6. ‘Clicks and Whistles’ • Dolphins use whistling sounds to communicate with each others and they use clicking sounds to hunt for food. • Every dolphin seems to have its own whistle.

  7. Dolphin family • Dolphins come from the family ‘Delphinidae’ and there are 36 different species of dolphins.

  8. Dolphin’s Rest • Dolphins don’t sleep like all other animals. They only rest because they would drown. Half of their brain sleeps while the other half stays awake. After an hour, the dolphin surfaces to breathe and the brain swaps sides.

  9. Reference • Information found from nationalgeographic.com • Book: The Usborne Little Encyclopedia of Seas & Oceans • Sound reference: www.everythingdolphins.com • Images –p.2:wallpaper.freereview.net, akavia.com • p.3: fwallpaper.net • p.4: marineanimalrescue.org, fohn.net • p.5: dolphinsc.com, careers.noaa.com • p.6: freedolphin.com, dolphinworld.org • p.7: losgigantes.com • P.8: shoppingblog.com • Dolphin background: downmefree.blogspot.com

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