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Spanish Pronunciation Rules

Spanish Pronunciation Rules. 1.“c” If “c” comes…. a. Before “ a, o, u ” then it sounds like the English letter “ K ” Ex. calle , coco, Cuba b. Before “ e,i ” then it sounds like the English letter “ S ” Ex. centro , ciencias , cine. 2 .“ch”.

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Spanish Pronunciation Rules

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  1. Spanish Pronunciation Rules

  2. 1.“c”If “c” comes… a. Before “a, o, u” then it sounds like the English letter “K” Ex. calle, coco, Cuba b. Before “e,i” then it sounds like the English letter “S” Ex. centro, ciencias, cine

  3. 2.“ch” “ch” sounds like the “ch” in the English word ‘church’ Ex. chocolate, mucho, chico

  4. 3.“d”If “d” comes… a. Between 2 vowels (a,e,i,o,u) then it sounds like the “th” in the English word ‘the’ Ex. nada, El Salvador, cadadía b. Any other time it sounds like the “d” in the English word ‘dog’ Ex. deprimido, verde, bandera

  5. 4.“g”If “g” comes… a. Before “a, o, u” then it sounds like the “g” in the English word ‘go’ Ex. gato, lago , guante b. Before “e,i” then it sounds like the English letter “H” Ex. gente, girafa, garage

  6. 5.“h” “h” is ALWAYS SILENT IN SPANISH Ex. Hola, hospital, ahora

  7. 6.“j” “j” - ALWAYS sounds like the English letter “H” as in the word ‘hot’ Ex. jalapeño, José, caja, baja

  8. 7.“k & w” “k & w” are not found in words of Spanish origin. When seen in Spanish, it means that the word was taken from another language and adapted to Spanish. They are pronounced the same way that they are in English Ex. kilómetro, kiwi, koala, kamikaze, karaoke, wafle, waflera, wigwam

  9. 8.“ll” “ll” - ALWAYS sounds like the English letter “Y” as in the word ‘yellow’ Ex. amarillo, llama, calle

  10. 9.“ñ” “ñ” - ALWAYS sounds like the English “NI/NY” letter combinations as in the words ‘onion’ & ‘canyon.’ The squiggly line ~ is called a ‘tilde.’ Ex. mañana, araña, niño, año, baño

  11. 10.“q” a. ALWAYS sounds like the English letter “K” as in the word ‘kitchen’ b. ALWAYS followed by the letters “ue” or “ui” & the “u” is ALWAYS silent. Ex. que, queso, quesadilla, parque, quince, quinto

  12. 11.“rr” “rr” is trilled Ex. carro, perro

  13. 12.“x” a. When in the middle of a word, it sounds like the English letter “H” as in the word ‘hot.’ Ex. México, Texas b. When at the beginning of a word it sounds like the English letter “S” as in the word ‘sit.’ Ex. xilófono

  14. 13.“z” In most countries the “z” sounds like the English letter “S” as in the word ‘sad’ Ex. zebra, zapato, zorro

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