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Enerefficiency projekt

Enerefficiency projekt. Enn Õunapuu enn@cc.ttu.ee. Projekti eesmärk.

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Enerefficiency projekt

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  1. Enerefficiency projekt Enn Õunapuu enn@cc.ttu.ee

  2. Projekti eesmärk The ENEREFICIENCY project is an initiative to design, implement and test an open software platform for energy efficiency monitoring and management from the customer (consumers/prosumers) side capable to interact with the power network and to provide services for an efficient use of energy.

  3. Tegevuse suunad eesmärgi saavutamiseks Development efforts will be distributed in four main topics: software architecture, communications, data acquisition/management, computational intelligence.

  4. Milliste vahenditega saavutatakse? A Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) will serve as integration and open platform with specialised services for data acquisition and management at different time scales (from real time to season) capable to deal with existing solutions. (SCADAS, energy monitors, etc.) SOA integrates new sensing technologies (smart metering, RFID, sensor networks, etc.) deployed during specific campaigns for energy evaluation through different communication technologies (Wifi, Zigbee, PLC, Z-wave etc). Computational intelligence modules will be composed by data mining services designed to obtain energy efficiency indices, their contextualisation and to discover behavioural patterns in the use of energy. Energy indices are necessary for evaluation and further decision and their contextualisation is required for a correct energy assessment.

  5. Kelle jaoks? The goal of ENERFICIENCY is to build this common framework and validate it in several scenarios as industries, hotels, university campus, administrative buildings and homes, but at the same time it is conceived as a multi user platform capable to manage user profiles and take advantage of its intensive use for benchmarking purposes. Its development will be based on international recommendations (as the ISO 500001 initiative), experience of partners in the consortium with a large trajectory in both, energy audit/consulting and development of industrial solutions for energy monitoring, in different domains (industry, hotels, administration), and other guidelines derived from other collaborative projects in the domain (see state of the art).

  6. Kes projektist osa võtavad? ENERFICIENCY is a well balanced consortium of 26 entities (4 large industries -one of them IFC-, 16 SME and 6 research/university institutions) from 6 countries: Belgium, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France and Spain. The participation of 6 different countries will provide an exceptional framework to establish common guidelines to standardisation and at the same time, it will serve to detect regional/national requirements derived from regulation, weather and building particularities. .

  7. Kasutatav tehnoloogia ENERFICIENCY platform will be designed as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) mainly implemented as Web Services providing high level interfaces, minimizing the required communications by using a coarse-grained architecture, and by taking into account hardware device, security and deployment constraints. Open source solution will be used to guarantee the openness and accessibility of the developed solution. Thus, we propose as a first instance the implementation of Web Services on JBoss, Glassfish or other open source application server, with similar features (platform JavaEE5) and supporting the latest technologies (JSP, JSF, Servlets, EJBs, Java API for Web Services (JAX-WS), Java architecture supporting XML links (JAXB) or Metadata Web Services for Java Platform among others) to generate service endpoints (web based or EJB based).

  8. Kasutatav tehnoloogia järg The Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) will be used to guarantee portability of the developments from one application server to another without any modification in the code, thanks to the use of JAXB standard for the binding between XML schemas and java classes. JAX-WS uses annotations, introduced in Java SE5, to simplify the development and deployment of web service clients and endpoints. Security, transactional integrity and persistence requirements on web service endpoint will be addressed with EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) based developments (EJB based web service) leaving developers free to concentrate on the particular development. Interoperation with other agents including embedded solutions (J2ME), field devices and sensor networks will be guaranteed through specific services. Services requiring complex decision will benefit from existing Rule Engines from the JBoss family allowing if necessary the deployment of CEP engines (JBoss Drools Fusion).

  9. Kasutatavad protokollid Access to multiple, diverse and distributed sources of information (power meters, energy monitors, power management applications, sensing devices, HVAC and illumination control, simulators, data bases, etc.) will be guaranteed by the integration of an heterogeneous communication infrastructure (PLC, WiFi, 3G, GPRS, ADL, RF, ZigBee, fiber optics,…) and the development of associated protocols. Existing standards and open source development will be the backbone to facilitate the integration at the different levels.

  10. Andmetöötlus Definition of the data model will take in consideration existing initiatives as DATAMINE, the Smart Meter Data Model (Openmeter) or Building Information Model (BIM) to improve the penetration of ENERFICIENCY platform in other business models and to guarantee the interoperation among open source applications. © USC-CSE

  11. Andmekaevandamine Data mining and sequential pattern discovery algorithm will be studied and implemented for that purpose and to support the development of performance indices (as EEI, EEDI, SER -Specific Energy Ratio-, EPI -Energy performance Indicator- or the EU energy Label) useful for benchmarking and evaluation. Tests will be done in specific frameworks as WEKA o Matlab for testing before implementation as web services. Low level rules for online analytical processing (Real-time OLAP) and continuous query dealing with complex event management and discovering among multiple event streams will be implemented in CEP engines (Esper GPL, IBM WebSphere Business Events –WBE-, JBoss Drools Fusion, Tibco BusinessEvents, Oracle CEP or Microsoft StreamInsight). © USC-CSE

  12. Põhitulemused The project's main result will be two types of software platforms directed towards different types of market segments: A platform for industrial plants and large scale buildings that will be used to optimise the energy consumption with predesigned process patterns including all the processes proposed by the new ISO 500001 initiative. A platform for the citizens: this platform will be less complex than the previous one but will enable the users to plan and monitor their consumption. This platform will of course be designed so as to be affordable by the citizens and to be distributed at large.

  13. Kuidas saavutame tulemused?

  14. Projekti juhtimine

  15. Tööd Business opportunities signedSpecification Q3 2011 Requirements repository (Estonian specifics) that does not have conflictsSpecification Q4 2011 Global platform architecture signed Specification Q2 2012 Functional and technical framework specification signedSpecification Q1 2012 Interfaces for energy monitors and other sensing devices desribed for Estonian conditionsSpecification Q1 2013 Data transmission protocols signed Specification Q4 2012 Specification for heterogeneous communication infrastructure signed Specification Q4 2012 Master Data module tested, comments meeting protocols Q4 2012 Energy Data Processing and Energy Results modules tested, comments meeting protocols Q1 2013 Web Portal and Data Exchange modules tested, comments meeting protocols Q1 2013 Specifications and functional description of real time components. Signed Specification Q1 2012 Specifications and functional description of components for data exploitation signed Specification Q2 2012

  16. Tööd jätk Prototypes at functional level tested, test results protocols Q4 2012 Software validation, test scenarios, test results protocols Q1 2013 Test of software components for specific scenarios in selected use cases Report Q4 2012 Integration platform (Hardware + software implemented in Estonian integration platforms) Hardware & Software Q2 2012 Preliminary integrated components (Integrated ENERFICIENCY platform available for tests and trials - first version) Software Q4 2012 Factory tests (Tests of the platform + performance assessment) Report Q1 2013 Intermediary field tests (Field tests of the system + performance assessment) Report Q1 2013 Integrated system v2 (Integrated ENERFICIENCY platform available for tests and trials - final version) Software Q2 2013 Final field tests (Field tests of the system + performance assessment) Report Q3 2013 Project web portal to disseminate the project result materials   Q1 2012 Conference papers, workshop presentations, tutorials, and journal articles for industry and academia - (3-5 articles) Publications Q1 2012 – Q2 2013 Published twice a year and distributed via ENERFICIENCY website and project partners Newsletter Q1 2012 – Q2 2013

  17. Erinevad energialiigid Type of Energy Cost (in $) per Million Btu Electricity $ 29.3 Liquid propane gas $ 18.54 Gasoline $ 15.19 Kerosene $ 11.11 Heating oil $ 10.82 Natural gas $ 10.00 Coal $ 9.52 Wood $ 7.50 Uranium (nuclear) $ 0.00033 Btu stands for British thermal unit, a standard unit of energy equal to 754kWh, or kilowatt hours (one thousand watt hours).

  18. Kodus kuhu läheb Purpose or Use Percentage of Total Energy Used Space heating 47% Water heating 21% Lighting 8% Space cooling 6% Refrigeration 5% Cooking 4% Electronics 3% Clothes washing/drying 3% Computers 1% Other 2%

  19. Meie lähenemine

  20. Arendusprotsess

  21. MDA perspectives

  22. Metamodel

  23. Context perspective

  24. jBoss Drools

  25. Demo

  26. Suured tänud!!! Jõudu tööle!!!

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