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Program Management Systems Committee PMSC

2. Joint Team Members. . . Mike Martin P

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Program Management Systems Committee PMSC

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 1

    2. 2 Joint Team Members

    3. 3 Overview Removed from chart:Removed from chart:

    4. 4 In addition to including FAR or DFARS EVMS clauses on contracts, contracting officers frequently include other provisions that often require suppliers to modify or depart from their standard, validated EVM Systems to manage their contracts and meet the requirements of their contracts. These provisions may be found in sections of the contract that take precedence over Section I, where the EVMS clauses are contained, e.g., Section H – Special Provisions Section C – Statement of Work requirements DCMA’s stated policy is to issue Corrective Action Request (s) against the contractor for following contract direction. Order of Precedence

    5. 5 Subcontractor Compliance, Validation and Surveillance

    6. 6 Evidence that EVM and Contracting experts are not collaborating, via IPTs, on the contractual application and use of EVMS during acquisition planning. Evidence of this is as follows: Incorrect flow down and/or omission of EVM contractual requirements. Improper contract direction forcing the contractor or subcontractor to violate their approved system. Over application of EVM requirements Improper application of requirements for follow on options Improper use of Management Reserve (MR) Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) timing Knowledge gap is perceived cause EVM Knowledge Gap

    7. 7

    8. 8 The use of a single EVMS by all program participants to manage large programs involving major subcontractors is viewed as non-compliant to the DFARS EVMS clause by DCMA. This approach has been proposed by major primes, in the past, to manage large, complex efforts involving multiple subcontractors. It is also known as the badgeless, virtual, or gray badge approach. Characterized by adoption of a single validated system to manage the effort (typically the prime’s EVMS), and may also include use of a common tool set, integrated team schedules and integrated performance reporting (approach varies and may be unique to each contract).

    9. 9

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    11. 11 Summary

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