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Workflow-Driven Ontologies for the Geosciences

Workflow-Driven Ontologies for the Geosciences. Leonardo Salayandía The University of Texas at El Paso. Overview. Background Cyberinfrastructure Ontologies Workflows Purpose of this talk The Workflow-Driven Ontology approach Knowledge capture Workflow creation from WDOs

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Workflow-Driven Ontologies for the Geosciences

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  1. Workflow-Driven Ontologies for the Geosciences Leonardo Salayandía The University of Texas at El Paso GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  2. Overview • Background • Cyberinfrastructure • Ontologies • Workflows • Purpose of this talk • The Workflow-Driven Ontology approach • Knowledge capture • Workflow creation from WDOs • Benefits of WDOs • Status • Summary GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  3. Cyberinfrastructure S-wave tomography models GPS plate motion vectors GEON IDV (Integrated Data Viewer) Global Strain Rate Map [http://geon.unavco.org] GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  4. Cyberinfrastructure S-wave tomography models GPS plate motion vectors GEON IDV Global Strain Rate Map Distributed tools and applications Distributed sources of information Information in different formats GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  5. Cyberinfrastructure • People and resources connected through the web • Enhanced collaboration over distance, time, and disciplines • Interoperate across institutions and disciplines • Preserve and maintain availability of software and data GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  6. Cyberinfrastructure • People and resources connected through the web • Enhanced collaboration over distance, time, and disciplines • Interoperate across institutions and disciplines • Preserve and maintain availability of software and data GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  7. Ontologies • A specification of a conceptualization • Concepts (or classes of objects) • Concept1: S-wave tomography model (TM) • Concept2: Geospatial representation • Relationships between concepts • S-wave TM HAS Geospatial Representation GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  8. Workflows • Recipes for accomplishing some complex task • Composition of service modules (CI services) • Automate tedious and time-consuming tasks • Useful for experiment replication • Example: GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  9. Workflows • Recipes for accomplishing some complex task • Composition of service modules (CI services) • Automate tedious and time-consuming tasks • Useful for experiment recreation • Example: S-wave tomography data Create Model S-wave tomography model Service to get the data Service to transform data Transformed data outcome GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  10. Cyberinfrastructure [B. Ludäescher, 2006] GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  11. Cyberinfrastructure Ontologies Workflows [B. Ludäescher, 2006] GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  12. Purpose of talk • Show an approach for scientists to capture knowledge in a way that can be leveraged towards CI • Create ontology specifications • Generate workflows from ontologies GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  13. Purpose of talk • Show an approach for scientists to capture knowledge in a way that can be leveraged towards CI • Create ontology specifications • Generate workflows from ontologies Workflow-Driven Ontologies (WDOs) GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  14. Example: Gravity WDO I use geophysical data to elucidate the tectonic development of the North American craton Get the data Gravity Data Dr. Randy Keller I want to produce a gravity data contour map. These are the steps that I go through to do it: Create a grid of uniformly distributed points from this data Grid Geoscientist Use the grid as input to render the map Contour Map GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  15. Capture Knowledge Gravity Data Grid Different types of Information Contour Map GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  16. Capture Knowledge Information Gravity Data Raw Data Is converted to Processed Data Grid How is the information transformed? Is rendered into Contour Map Product GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  17. Capture Knowledge Information Methods Gravity Data Is input into Raw Data Gridding Algorithm Is converted to Outputs Processed Data Grid Is input into Contouring Algorithm Is rendered into Contour Map Outputs Product GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  18. Class Hierarchy for WDOs Root Information Methods Data Product Processed Data Raw Data Gridding Contouring Gravity Data Grid Contour Map Common classes for all WDOs Classes specific to the Gravity WDO GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  19. Workflow specification generated from Gravity WDO Root Mapping between WDO classes and CI services Information Methods CI Service2: Gridding Data Product Processed Data Raw Data Gridding Gravity Data Grid Outputs Is input into CI Service1: Gravity Data Extraction Result GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  20. From workflow specification to workflow implementation • Workflow engines: • Kepler scientific workflows (GEON et al.) • OWL-S (Semantic Web) • Many others… • Workflow specifications produced from WDOs can potentially be “realized” in any service-oriented workflow engine GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  21. Benefits of WDOs • Scientific products drive the creation of the WDO • Incremental development • WDO serves as roadmap for future CI service development • Identify missing services for potentially useful workflows • Generated workflows serve as a gauge for the usefulness of an ontology GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  22. Status • Gravity WDO prototype • Workflows in the process of being implemented in the Kepler Scientific Workflow Engine • WDO Assistant and API software GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  23. The Gravity WDO • First WDO prototype(Flor Salcedo, Randy Keller, and Ann Gates) GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  24. Status • Gravity WDO prototype • Workflows in the process of being implemented in the Kepler Scientific Workflow Engine • WDO Assistant and API software GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  25. WDO Assistant and API • Prototype built on top of the Jena API • Java programming language • Three modes of operation • Brainstorming • Elicitation • Workflow Generation GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  26. WDO Assistant and API • Brainstorming mode • Scientists define concepts that relate to CI information and methods GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  27. WDO Assistant and API • Elicitation mode • Scientists define relationships between concepts GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  28. WDO Assistant and API • Workflow Generation mode • Scientists choose information concept for which to generate a workflow, as well as target workflow engine GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  29. Future Work • CI-Miner • Provenance information • Trust information • Preferences GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  30. CI Miner CI Background Tools Legend Knowledge capture ontologies calls OWL onts. Protégé, SWOOP JENA uses WDOs WDO Assistant creates WDO API CI-Base (IWBase) Generic CI Portal WFGen Service execution Atomic OWL-S Service PSW OWL-S API Composite OWL-S Service A Service Answer/ provenance visualization CI-Browser PML Trust Recommendation TrustNet CI-Trust CI-Browser GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  31. Summary • In order to realize the goals of CI there is a need to • Capture domain knowledge • Use the domain knowledge to “glue” resources together • The WDO approach • Allows scientists (not computer programmers) to incrementally capture knowledge as needed • Facilitates communication between scientists and computer programmers to produce CI resources that “stick” to other resources GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

  32. Thank you GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop Beijing, China, July 21-23, 2006

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