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DESPATCH. ORDINARY MAILS. Different sources of Collection - Recap. Segregation of mails. Segregation of letters for stamping/sorting Fully prepaid articles ( Postcards,letters,letter card, Air letter) Fully prepaid Second class articles(News paper, Book packet etc.,)

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  2. Different sources of Collection - Recap

  3. Segregation of mails • Segregation of letters for stamping/sorting • Fully prepaid articles (Postcards,letters,lettercard, Air letter) • Fully prepaid Second class articles(News paper, Book packet etc.,) • Unpaid/insufficiently paid articles or articles posted under breach of condition • Privately manufactured postcard, ILC (Unpaid, breach of condition articles) • Second class articles (Unpaid, insufficiently paid, breach of condition) Rule 60-A Volume V

  4. Facing of Articles • The facing means the arrangement of articles with the address side upward and the addresses turned in the same direction. (Rule 54 Vol.V)

  5. Defacing of Articles • Defacing should not be …..

  6. Defacing of Articles • Defacing should not be …..

  7. Defacing of Articles • Defacing should be

  8. Defacing of Articles • Defacing should be

  9. Defacing of stamps • Small portion of date stamp should be on postage stamp and major part of it be on article • Deface with minimum number of cancellations • Clear and distinct impression

  10. How to get Clear & Distinct Impression? • Clean the stamps and seals regularly • Put them in boiling water • Clean with kerosene & Hard brush • Keep the stamp pad clean • Apply sufficient ink • Use rubber pad on a stone slab • Do not cancel non-postage stamps

  11. Exercise 2.17.1

  12. Postal Index Number • Postal Index Number is a 6-digit code introduced w.e.f. 15.08.1972. • It is the last piece of information in the address

  13. Postal Index Number • There are eight PIN regions in the country. • The first digit indicates one of the regions. • The first 2 digits together indicate the Sub region or one of the Postal Circles. • The first 3 digits together indicate a Sorting/Revenue district. • The last 3 digits indicate the Delivery Post Office.

  14. Advantages of using PIN • Simplifies sorting • Distinguishes places with identical names • Eliminates the need for transcription • Helps in mechanized sorting • Increases service efficiency

  15. Importance of First Digit

  16. Importance of first two digits

  17. Importance of first two digits

  18. Example of PIN Code • 570010- for Ittigegud Delivery Post Office • 5- One of the eight regions (South India) • 57-Sub region (Karnataka state) • 570- Revenue district (Mysore ) • 010-Delivery PO (Ittigegud )

  19. Practice • Exercise 2.17.2

  20. Sorting principles • Preliminary sorting • a) To relieve RMS of the peak hour’s problem • b) To eliminate rehandling of mail to large extent • c) To pick up the mails which need not go to mail office • Local mail deliverable at the same PO, • Mails for BOs under the account jurisdiction

  21. Sorting principles • Local articles • BO articles • Parent mail office(TD/NTD separately) • TD : articles for POs under the same parent Mail Office (L1 or L2) • NTD: articles for Post offices other than TD

  22. Duties of sorting postal assistant • Sorting unregistered articles • Detection of irregularities • Making error entry • Preparation of justified labelled bundles • Transfer of sorted articles in time to other branches like delivery and subaccounts • closing of Mail bag

  23. LABELLED BUNDLES • A labelled bundle is a collection of articles, which are faced and bundled together with a check slip on the top. ( Rule 24 Volume V) • Sorting postal assistant prepares for unregistered articles. • Office of destination should be written correctly • I class and II class articles should not be mixed • Name stamp, date stamp, signature of PA required on check slip • Eliminates multiple handling at different intermediary offices

  24. LABELLED BUNDLE Rule 25 Volume V


  26. Due Mail & Unusual Mail Rule 53 Volume V

  27. DUE MAIL AND UNUSUAL MAIL Rule 53 Volume V Due Mails Received and dispatched daily or at regular intervals Unusual Mails Received and dispatched whenever needed.


  29. Practice • Exercise 2.7.3

  30. Types of Bags & contents

  31. Types of Bags & contents

  32. Types of Bags & contents

  33. Due mail list & sorting list • Issued by Divisional Superintendent • Issued for each post office • Shows receipt and despatch schedules • Mode of conveyance • Time of receipt and despatch • Type of bags to be received and closed • Routing of articles • A model Due mail list is shown in next slide Rule 52-A Volume V

  34. Due mail list of RAMAPURA SO

  35. Exercise 2.17.3

  36. Mail flow process for I class mail Post Office Post Office Post Office Post Office Level-1 mail office Level-1 mail office Level-2 mail office Level-2 mail office Level-2 mail office Level-2 mail office Post Office Post Office Post Office Post Office Post Office Post Office Post Office Post Office • Level-1 mail offices exchange mail with each other and with selected L-2 in the Circle • Level-2 mail offices exchange mail with the level-1 mail office to which they are mapped and the level-2 mail offices mapped to the same level-1 mail office, and with selected L-1 offices • Post Offices exchange mail only with the mail office (level-1 or level-2) to which they are mapped

  37. Procedure for First Class Mail • Mail offices are classified into L1 and L2 offices to handle first class unregistered and registered mail • 89 L1 offices and 244 L2 offices identified • Post offices mapped to L2 office or L1 office

  38. Exchange of Mail Bags between sorting offices • Post Offices exchange mail only with the mail office (level-1 or level-2) to which they are mapped • The LBs & articles are closed in concerned TD & NTD bags

  39. Procedure for Second Class mail • Existing mail offices handling second class mails reclassified as L1 and L2 offices • 86 L1 and 241 L2 offices identified • Post offices to close one bag containing both TD and NTD articles to mapped L1 or L2 offices

  40. Preparation of sorting bag • Post offices to prepare two kinds of bags for First Class articles • A TD bag containing unregistered mail • A NTD bag containing unregistered mail • A TD bag containing registered mail • A NTD bag containing registered mail

  41. Preparation of Mail bag Sorting PA will collect following bags from respective branches and closes the S-bag for Sorting office. Registered bags Parcel list with Parcels Account bag if any Prepare label to the destination Transfers the S-bag to Mail PA for onward dispatch under acquittance POs to place the following bags in S bag first class TD and NTD bags for both unregistered & regd Second class bag containing TD & NTD articles POs to retain station articles Rule 73 Volume V

  42. Mail list

  43. Mail- List Invoicing of all bags dispatched on a particular occasion to another office

  44. Mail List Rule 76 Volume V Prepared by Post offices Addressed to the parent Mail Office Prepared by Mail PA in M-1 form Number of due and unusual bags are shown on top Details of all unusual mails are shown Prepared in duplicate if the bag is exchanged directly Prepared in triplicate (TML) if the bag is exchanged through a non-postal agency DO signature and DO date stamp

  45. Mail list specimen (M1)

  46. Different mode of transmission • By Mail Motor Service • Departmental MMS • Contractual MMS ( Private carrier,Govt bus etc)

  47. Different mode of transmission By Train By AIR

  48. By carrier – cycle/foot

  49. By Sea

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