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Join the conversation at slido.com and enter the event code #EURegionsWeek2019. Learn how space technology can address challenges in regions and cities, from transportation to food production. Explore the benefits of investing in space for Earth. Event presented by Dominic Hayes from the European Commission.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Join the conversation Go toslido.comand enter the event code: #EURegionsWeek2019 Selectroom: Enter event code

  2. THE EU SPACE PROGRAMME FOR YOU SPACE ON THE GROUNDby Dominic Hayes, European Commission

  3. This eventis about regions and cities • So, why are wetalking about space? So, how doesspace help us?... Space isfar, far away... We have challenges here in our regions: Congested roads Inefficient transport networks Environmental threats Access to diminishing water supplies We want to producemore food locally We want our local economy to grow We feel disconnected from our capitals The Evil Empire is closing in! How does investing in space help us?

  4. To paraphrase CommissionerBienkowska:‘Weinvest in space, to reap the benefits on Earth’Whatdidshemean by that?(the investmentis ‘nearEarth’ space, not deepspace)Is access to space important?... Slido Q1

  5. Investing in space has shown to bring benefits in the order of ten times the investment • That’s why the EU has invested in Galileo, its own version of GPS, which we all use, even if we don’t know it… • The addition of Galileo and EGNOS makes satellite navigation work better: more accurate, more robust, more reliable - especially in dense urban environments • Good for reliable navigation, air, sea and land – more efficient transport • Good for regional airports, reduces costs - makes regions more accessible • Good for steering tractors, precision farming - increasing yields But that’s not all…  SlidoQ2

  6. Copernicus, the most advanced and extensive Earth-observation system in space • Vast range of satellites sensors working in tandem with ground sensors • Can be used to aid disaster relief, for crop monitoring, deforestation monitoring, climate monitoring, and more… • Data freely available. Even NASA uses it! SlidoQ3

  7. For Copernicus, to ensure Europe's leadership in fighting climate change • For Galileo, to become the enabler of the ‘internet of things’, connected cars and the app economy • The European Commission President-elect, Ursula von der Leyen, recognises the importance of space with a new Directorate for Defence Industry and Space, proposed to be under Sylvie Goulard SlidoQ4 The Commission’s Aim

  8. Yes, space is important and it can help drive economic growth in your city or region • Space: it’s there, use it for your benefit!

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