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Electroencephalography (EEG)

Electroencephalography (EEG). http://ese.wustl.edu/~nehorai/eegmeg/eeg2.jpg , http://www.gtec.at/service/images/10_20_system_mod.gif. raw EEG. 8-12 Hz (awake, but relaxed, attenuated w/ activity) mu  alpha having to do w/ motion.

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Electroencephalography (EEG)

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  1. Electroencephalography (EEG) http://ese.wustl.edu/~nehorai/eegmeg/eeg2.jpg, http://www.gtec.at/service/images/10_20_system_mod.gif

  2. raw EEG 8-12 Hz (awake, but relaxed, attenuated w/ activity) mu  alpha having to do w/ motion 12-30 Hz (Low amplitude w/ multiple/varying freq when thinking) 26-100 Hz up to 3 Hz (sleep and babies) 4-7 Hz (kids and meditation) http://www.electropsychology.com/valovi.gif, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroencephalography

  3. http://www.wtec.org/bci/welcome.html http://www.sciencephoto.com/media/229176/enlarge

  4. Fig. 1 Wolpaw, PNAS 101(51), 2004, 17849-17854

  5. nose (24 Hz) C3=L C4=R (12 Hz)

  6. beta mu (alpha) 1&2 3&8 4&7 5&6 3&4 2&5 1&6 7&8 nose C3=L C4=R C3 C4 Fig. 1 Wolpaw, PNAS 101(51), 2004, 17849-17854

  7. Table 1 Wolpaw, PNAS 101(51), 2004, 17849-17854

  8. http://www.pnas.org/content/suppl/2004/12/07/0403504101.DC1/03504Movie1.movhttp://www.pnas.org/content/suppl/2004/12/07/0403504101.DC1/03504Movie1.mov Movie 1. Two-dimensional cursor control with scalp-recorded sensorimotor rhythms. In this QUICKTIME movie, a person with spinal cord injury (i.e., user A) uses scalp-recorded sensorimotor rhythms to control cursor movement in two dimensions. In each trial, a target appears at one of eight possible locations on the periphery of the screen, and 1 sec later, the cursor appears in the center and moves. Its vertical movement is controlled by the sum of the weighted amplitudes of a 24-Hz beta rhythm recorded from the scalp over left and right sensorimotor cortices, and its horizontal movement is controlled by the difference between the weighted amplitudes of a 12-Hz mu rhythm recorded over left and right sensorimotor cortices, as described in Methods.

  9. Fig. 2 Wolpaw, PNAS 101(51), 2004, 17849-17854

  10. Fig. 3 Wolpaw, PNAS 101(51), 2004, 17849-17854

  11. Fig. 4 Wolpaw, PNAS 101(51), 2004, 17849-17854

  12. Looking into the future….

  13. They use more channels and more frequencies….and tailor it for different users http://www.londonyogi.com/images/spine.jpg

  14. Fig. 1 Hochberg, et al. Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia, Nature, 44(13), 2006 p164-171.

  15. Fig. 2 Hochberg, et al. Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia, Nature, 44(13), 2006 p164-171.

  16. Fig. 2 Hochberg, et al. Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia, Nature, 44(13), 2006 p164-171.

  17. Fig. 3 Hochberg, et al. Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia, Nature, 44(13), 2006 p164-171.

  18. Fig. 3 Hochberg, et al. Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia, Nature, 44(13), 2006 p164-171.

  19. Fig. 4 Hochberg, et al. Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia, Nature, 44(13), 2006 p164-171.

  20. Not the original video… but close • http://www.veoh.com/watch/v17476140kmJjEhTs

  21. Fig. 5 Hochberg, et al. Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia, Nature, 44(13), 2006 p164-171.

  22. Fig. 6 Hochberg, et al. Neuronal ensemble control of prosthetic devices by a human with tetraplegia, Nature, 44(13), 2006 p164-171.

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