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Chapter 42: Internal Transport

Chapter 42: Internal Transport. Fig. 42-3. Heart. Heart. Blood. Hemolymph in sinuses surrounding organs. Small branch vessels In each organ. Interstitial fluid. Pores. Dorsal vessel (main heart). Tubular heart. Auxiliary hearts. Ventral vessels. (a) An open circulatory system.

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Chapter 42: Internal Transport

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  1. Chapter 42: Internal Transport

  2. Fig. 42-3 Heart Heart Blood Hemolymph in sinuses surrounding organs Small branch vessels In each organ Interstitial fluid Pores Dorsal vessel (main heart) Tubular heart Auxiliary hearts Ventral vessels (a) An open circulatory system (b) A closed circulatory system

  3. Fig. 42-4 Gill capillaries Gill circulation Artery Ventricle Heart Atrium Systemic circulation Vein Systemic capillaries

  4. Fig. 42-5 Amphibians Reptiles (Except Birds) Mammals and Birds Lung and skin capillaries Lung capillaries Lung capillaries Right systemic aorta Pulmocutaneous circuit Pulmonary circuit Pulmonary circuit Atrium (A) Atrium (A) A A A A V V Ventricle (V) V V Left systemic aorta Left Right Left Right Right Left Systemic circuit Systemic circuit Systemic capillaries Systemic capillaries Systemic capillaries

  5. Fig. 42-6 Capillaries of head and forelimbs Superior vena cava 7 Pulmonary artery Pulmonary artery Capillaries of right lung Aorta 9 Capillaries of left lung 3 3 2 4 11 Pulmonary vein Pulmonary vein 5 1 Right atrium Left atrium 10 Right ventricle Left ventricle Inferior vena cava Aorta Capillaries of abdominal organs and hind limbs 8

  6. Fig. 42-7 Pulmonary artery Aorta Pulmonary artery Right atrium Left atrium Semilunar valve Semilunar valve Atrioventricular valve Atrioventricular valve Right ventricle Left ventricle

  7. Fig. 42-8 Atrial systole; ventricular diastole 2 Semilunar valves closed 0.1 sec Semilunar valves open AV valves open 0.4 sec 0.3 sec 1 Atrial and ventricular diastole AV valves closed 3 Ventricular systole; atrial diastole

  8. Fig. 42-9-5 3 1 2 Pacemaker generates wave of signals to contract. Signals are delayed at AV node. Signals pass to heart apex. Signals spread throughout ventricles. 4 SA node (pacemaker) AV node Purkinje fibers Bundle branches Heart apex ECG

  9. Fig. 42-10 Artery Vein SEM Valve 100 µm Basal lamina Endothelium Endothelium Smooth muscle Smooth muscle Connective tissue Connective tissue Capillary Artery Vein Arteriole Venule 15 µm Red blood cell Capillary LM

  10. Fig. 42-17 Plasma 55% Constituent Major functions Cellular elements 45% Cell type Number per µL (mm3) of blood Functions Solvent for carrying other substances Water Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Transport oxygen and help transport carbon dioxide 5–6 million Ions (blood electrolytes) Sodium Potassium Calcium Magnesium Chloride Bicarbonate Osmotic balance, pH buffering, and regulation of membrane permeability Separated blood elements Leukocytes (white blood cells) Defense and immunity 5,000–10,000 Plasma proteins Albumin Osmotic balance pH buffering Lymphocyte Basophil Fibrinogen Clotting Eosinophil Immunoglobulins (antibodies) Defense Neutrophil Monocyte Substances transported by blood Nutrients (such as glucose, fatty acids, vitamins) Waste products of metabolism Respiratory gases (O2 and CO2) Hormones 250,000– 400,000 Platelets Blood clotting

  11. Fig. 42-18-4 Red blood cell Collagen fibers Platelet plug Fibrin clot Platelet releases chemicals that make nearby platelets sticky Clotting factors from: Platelets Damaged cells Plasma (factors include calcium, vitamin K) Prothrombin Thrombin Fibrinogen Fibrin 5 µm

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