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Parasitology. What is a parasite?. Definition: An animal which lives in ( endoparasite ) or on ( ectoparasite ) another animal (the host). Is almost always a different species from the host Depends on the host for food an causes some degree of injury. General characteristics.

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  1. Parasitology

  2. What is a parasite? • Definition: • An animal which lives in (endoparasite) or on (ectoparasite) another animal (the host). • Is almost always a different species from the host • Depends on the host for food an causes some degree of injury

  3. General characteristics • Tremendous reproductive capabilities • Have physical adaptations that enhance attachment to the host (i.e. suckers, hooks or clamps) • Possess various mechanisms for avoiding the host’s immune response • Exhibit complex life cycles often with multiple hosts

  4. Typical Indirect parasite life cycle Primary Host Adult stage parasite infects host Infective larvae Able to infect primary host Egg/Spore Stage Transmission and spread into the environment Intermediate host Growth and developmental stage (may not cause damage to the host)

  5. Negative affects on the host • Direct damage to host • inducing tissue and organ damage • Indirect effects • Stress causes an increase susceptibility to secondary infections • Direct damage can act as a portal for secondary infection • Parasite may serve as a carrier/vector for another viral/bacterial pathogen

  6. Fish at surface gulping or piping Suggests parasites on gills Fish rolling/flashing suggests protozoan or worm infestation (internal or external) Lethargy or listlessness Suggests gill parasite Fish at bottom Suggests gill parasite, especially “Ich” Fin erosion/Lesions Indicative of external parasite Flared gills Indicative of gill parasite Excess mucus, fish “shimmies”/quivers, or is off feed General indication of disease Signs of Parasitic infections

  7. Major Groups of Fish Parasites • Protozoa: single celled animals • Monogenetic Trematodes: Flukes (flatworms) with haptor (posterior attachment organ) and have a simple life cycle (no intermediate host) • Digenetic Trematodes: Flukes (flatworms) with oral/ventral suckers and exhibit complex life cycles (involve intermediate hosts)

  8. Major Groups of Fish Parasites • Cestodes (Tapeworms): worms with flattened/segmented bodies, head usually has suckers/hooks/suctionalgrooves • Nematodes (Roundworms): Thin elongated worms with cylindrical bodies covered by a rigid cuticle • Acanthocephala (Spiny-headed worms): bodies cylindrical or fattened with anterior end bearing elaborate hooked proboscis

  9. Major Groups of Fish Parasites • Copepods: crustaceans (sea lice) that may appear louse, worm, or grub like • Leeches: flattened or cylindrical, body segmented with anterior/posterior suckers • Glochidia: larval freshwater clams • Fungi: either as spores or as fungal hyphae

  10. Flagellates Ichthyobodo (Costia) Ciliates Ichthyophthiriusmultifilis (“Ich”) Trichodinids Epistylis External Protozoa

  11. External Protozoa • Common and usually occur in low numbers • Dense populations can cause serious epizootics (usually caused by some form of stress) • Symptoms include: -Irritation (flashing) -Erosion of scales -Erythema (reddening) -Hemorrhaging -Excess mucus production -white spots on skin • Control by chemical treatment

  12. Myxobolus cerebralis (whirling disease) Ceratomyxa shasta Henneguya Internal Protozoa

  13. Infects cultured and wild salmonids Specific tropism for cartilage Infection can result in axial skeleton and neural damage Myxobolus cerebralis

  14. Typical Indirect parasite life cycle Primary Host Adult stage parasite infects host Infective larvae Able to infect primary host Egg/Spore Stage Transmission and spread into the environment Intermediate host Growth and developmental stage (may not cause damage to the host)

  15. Myxosporea Found in marine and freshwater environments Only infects salmonids Susceptibility varies Clinical signs vary among infected salmonid species Identified by spore size, shape, and location Ceratomyxa shasta

  16. Myxosporea Ovoid, spherical, or lenticular spores Usually cysts form around spores Henneguya

  17. General Myxosporidean lifecycles • landmark discovery by Wolf & Markiw in 1984 • a fish myxosporean alternates with an actinosporean from an oligochaete worm • both spore types represent alternate lifecycle stages of the one organism • morphologically distinct spores are genetically identical

  18. General Diagnostic Procedure • Presumptive ID: • Wet preparation • Histology • Site of infection • Spore morphology • Confirmation of ID: • Molecular methods • Any level of infection, all stages, definitive

  19. Trematodes

  20. Monogenetic Gyrodactylus sp. Digenetic Bolbophorusdamnificus is often referred to as the “catfish trematode” Misnomer because there are about 30 trematodes found in the channel catfish and because it is also found in the fathead minnow

  21. Digenetic Trematodes • Adult flukes reside in fish, birds, or mammals • Flukes lay eggs that pass through the definitive host, eggs hatch to a ciliated miracidia • The miracidia will develop to a cercariae if in contact with a snail or mussel • If the cercariae contacts invertabrate of fish host it will encyst as a metacercaria

  22. Cestodes • GI tract of fish, bird or Mammal • Eggs are laid to water and are eaten or hatch into a coracidium (C) and are then eaten by an invertebrate host • Larval development to a proceroid or a pleroceroid occurs invertebrate • Final host becomes infected by ingesting invertebrate

  23. A.colex of Bothriocephalusacheilognathii from carp, Transvaal, South Africa (by courtesy of J.G. Van As). B. B. acheilognathii, whole worm (living) from farmed carp, Israel. C.Embryonated eggs of b. D. Ligula sp. from Rastrineobolaargenteus from L. Victoria. Infected fish are recognized by their inflated abdomen (top fish) and may accommodate even three worms (bottom group).

  24. Nematodes C. philippinensis egg C. philippinensis adult

  25. Unembryonated eggs are passed in the stool (1) and become embryonated in the environment (2); after ingestion by freshwater fish, larvae hatch, penetrate the intestine, and migrate to the tissues (3).  Ingestion of raw or undercooked fish results in infection (4).  The adults reside in the human small intestine mucosa (5).  The females deposit unembryonated eggs (can become embryonated) (6).  Also infects fish eating birds (7). Capillaria philippinensis

  26. Acanthocephala • A) GI tract of Fish, Acanthor larva released • B) Eaten by invertebrates and produces a cystacanth (C) • If eaten by suitable host, the cystacanth will develop into an adult

  27. Neoechinorhynchus rutili Adult female Adult male

  28. Leeches (Hirudinea) Leech with brood attached Top view

  29. Leech Characteristics • Primarily occur in freshwater • Most are predators or scavengers which feed on fluids or soft tissues of live or dead invertebrates • Generally have 34 body segments and an anterior and posterior sucker • Parasitic leeches attach temporarily • Cause little noticeable harm

  30. Hemorrhaging Inflammation Edema Ulceration Fibrosis Hyperplasia Necrosis Irritation Weight loss Some can be vectors of other parasites Hirudinea Problems

  31. Copepods Lernaea sp. Salmonicola sp.

  32. Copepods are a subclass of Crustaceans • Sexes are usually separate – with sexual dimorphism present • Heavy infections can cause severe damage to skin, muscle, and gill tissues • Can also lead to secondary infections, anemia, emaciation, and mortality

  33. Copepoda • Mature copepods release eggs (B) that hatch to larvae (C) • D) After molting a copepod stage is formed and may attach to a host (E)

  34. Glochidia • Larvae attach to gills or skin • Live as parasites then drop off and live independently • Some modify mantle tissue to help find host

  35. Glochidia Lampsilis reeveiana Glochidia attaching to gill tissue

  36. Fungi • Saprolegnia “water molds” • Worldwide in freshwater • Appear as whitish cottony-like growths • Considered secondary invaders • Can attach to eggs and fish • Can be controlled with chemicals

  37. Aphanomyces invadans Hyphae Germination Cyst Sporangia Sporulation 2° Zoospore 1° Zoospore 1º cyst

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