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eduPerson is only part of the answer

Leeds University. eduPerson is only part of the answer. David Holdsworth & Ray Powell. http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~ecldh/xlm4he/. XLM4HE project. Part of Internet2/JISC collaboration in UK. X .509 — identification L DAP — authorisation M iddleware — incompatibilities for H igher

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eduPerson is only part of the answer

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  1. Leeds University eduPerson is only part of the answer David Holdsworth & Ray Powell http://www.personal.leeds.ac.uk/~ecldh/xlm4he/

  2. XLM4HE project Part of Internet2/JISC collaboration in UK • X.509 — identification • LDAP — authorisation • Middleware — incompatibilities • for • Higher • Education — scalability, cost 2

  3. DRAFT Shibboleth Architecture 3

  4. XLM4HE Interactions Web site has step-by-step version ResourceProvider’sWeb Server XLM4HEMiddleware 4

  5. An Example in which the Department of Futile Studies negotiates with a content provider called F-Systems to provide access to their on-line educational product called Futile Operations On-Line (FOOL) 5

  6. 4. LDAP search:baseDN = namespace (i.e. FOOL)certNum = certificate serial numbercertSign = certificate signerFOOL is requested attribute 4 F-Systems University 6

  7. 7. LDAP searchResponse:DN = whatever policy specifiesFOOL = user’s status in accessing FOOL 7 F-Systems University 7

  8. Shibboleth Equivalent 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ShibAttributeQuery ... > <Version>1.0</Version> <RequestID>00565d61-301c-1b1c-0010a4908950</RequestID> <Issuer>newman.leeds.ac.uk</Issuer> <IssueInstant>991702501</IssueInstant> <TargetURI>http:/www.f-systems.co.uk/futility.html</TargetURI> <Handle>0015d1f1-307c-1b1c-9581-0010a4908950</Handle> </ShibAttributeQuery> • SHAR redirects browser to AA giving handle and product name (i.e. FOOL) <ProductID>FOOL</ ProductID > 8

  9. Shibboleth Equivalent 2 <ShibAttributeResponse …. > <Version>1.0</Version> <RequestID>00565d61-301c-1b1c-0010a4908950</RequestID> <Issuer>aa.iss.leeds.ac.uk</Issuer> <IssueInstant>991702561</IssueInstant> <Attributes> </Attributes> </ShibAttributeResponse> • AA redirects browser to SHAR giving YES or NO <ProductID>FOOL</ ProductID > <status>yes</ status > 9

  10. Vanilla Shibboleth <ShibAttributeResponse … > <Version>1.0</Version> <RequestID>00565d61-301c-1b1c-0010a4908950</RequestID> <Issuer>aa.psu.edu</Issuer> <IssueInstant>991702561</IssueInstant> <Attributes> </Attributes> </ShibAttributeResponse> • AA redirects browser to SHAR giving eduPerson attributes <eduPersonPrincipalName>rshuey@psu.edu </eduPersonPrincipalName> <eduPersonAffiliation>staff</eduPersonAffiliation> <eduPersonAffiliation>employee</eduPersonAffiliation> <eduPersonAffiliation>member</eduPersonAffiliation> 10

  11. Trust • Target must trust university to answer honestly • Trust already needed to believe attributes • Target must check that AA is trusted for requested product • i.e. there is a contractual relationship • could be global list of trusted AAs 11

  12. Conclusions • Shibboleth has decision at target • Attributes (eduPerson) sent to target • Uniformity of eduPerson usage at all institutions is needed • XLM4HE has decision at university • Attribute release to target is minimal • Simplicity at the target end • More Trust of university is needed, but there has to be trust in either case. 12

  13. Recommendation • Include both mechanisms in Shibboleth architecture • Let experience see whether decision is best at University or Resource Provider More information: 13

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