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Unit 11 Cristina Bienes 2º ESO Natural S cience IES Emilio Ferrari

Unit 11 Cristina Bienes 2º ESO Natural S cience IES Emilio Ferrari.

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Unit 11 Cristina Bienes 2º ESO Natural S cience IES Emilio Ferrari

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit 11 Cristina Bienes 2º ESO Natural Science IES Emilio Ferrari

  2. Imagine twodoctorscheckinghowyou are. One has coldhands, theotherwarmhands. Theytouchyou and…Doctor 1 says: - He ishotDoctor 2 says: - He iscold.A)Whoisright and why?B) How can theysolvethisproblem?

  3. Imagine thetemperature in New York is 22oF. Whattype of clothing do youneedtowear?

  4. Haveyoueverseenthisrailwayexpansionjoints?What do youthinkthey are for?

  5. 1- Whatclothesis he wearing?2- Are thesestatementstrue of false? A) Theman’sclothespreventhisbodyfromlosingheattotheatmosphere. B) Theclothespreventthemanabsorbingcoldfromtheatmosphere

  6. 1- What will happen to the cup of tea after a while?2- Why?3- How can I keep it hot for longer?

  7. Twopieces of ice of thesamesize, at a temperature of 17oC are placed in twobowls. Onebowlis of metal and oneismade of wood. Whichpiece of ice meltsfirst? Why?

  8. 1- Do thesebeakershavethesametemperature?2- Whichonecouldgive more heat?3- Whichonedependsonthemass: temperatureorheat?

  9. Theend

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