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Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player. Section A period2

Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player. Section A period2. 永嘉县实验中学 金丰平. First…. Then …. Next …. Finally…. Game Time. I am a teacher now. I am going to be a teacher. Different Jobs. doctor. nurse. artist. basketball player. actor. Tian Tian’s dream job.

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Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player. Section A period2

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  1. Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player. Section A period2 永嘉县实验中学 金丰平

  2. First… • Then… • Next… • Finally… Game Time

  3. I am a teacher now. I am going to be a teacher.

  4. Different Jobs doctor nurse artist basketball player actor

  5. Tian Tian’s dream job

  6. What is she going to be when she grows up(长大)? She is going to be an artist(艺术家).

  7. Fast reading:--3a Read the text quickly and put the pictures into the right order.(速读课文,给图片排序) 全球旅行 C A B E F D

  8. D C A 全球旅行 E B F She is going to save some money. She is going to…

  9. Careful reading: Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (认真阅读课文,对第1题连线,并回答第2题) 1.Tian Tian is going to be an artist, and how is she going to do that? First, Then, Next, 2.One day, where is she going to retire? she is going to study at an art school in Paris and study French. she is going to hold art exhibitions and travel all over the world. she is going to find a part-time job and save some money. She is going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.

  10. 你会了吗? 梦想的,理想的 某地 • dream • somewhere • artist • part-time • save • hold • exhibition • rich • travel • all over • retire 艺术家 业余的,兼职的 节约 举办 展览 有钱的 旅行 到处,遍及 退休

  11. 译一译 1.When I grow up, I’m going to do what I want to do. 等我长大了,我要做 。 自己想做的事 2.I’m going to move somewhere interesting. 某个有趣的地方 我打算搬到 。 3.Paris sounds like a city that I could enjoy. 巴黎听上去像是 城市。 我能够喜欢的 4.One day, I’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful. 某个安静又美丽的地方 有一天我要找 退休。

  12. Competition 朗读竞赛 1. 竞赛分为两轮,第一轮为每一大组挑选最好的选手进行朗读接力。第二轮时,给每位同学编号,根据老师抓阄确定各大组参赛人员。如:抓到第一大组的8号同学,那么该同学站起来大声朗读,读到老师叫停为止,然后老师继续抓阄,被抓到的同学接着8号同学停顿的地方继续朗读,依此类推。 2.如果被抓到的同学不会读,可以求助本组同学,教会自已朗读,但不能叫其代替自已朗读。 3.朗读时一定要大声,并注意语音和语调。 4.有同学站起来朗读时,其他同学一 定要认真倾听,说不定下一个轮到的就 是你哦!

  13. So interesting,let's do another round,我们再来一轮吧! 第三轮:老师抓一位同学进行朗读,该同学朗读完毕之后,有权力叫下一组的任何一位同学接着朗读,依此类推。 如:被老师抓到的是第3组的4号,该同学读完后有权力叫第4组的任何一位同学。第4组的同学读完后,再叫第1组的任何一位同学,依此类推。

  14. -What are you going to be when you grow up? -I amgoing to be a/an… -How are you going to do that? -I am going to… practice more study hard read more books do more exercises spend time on homework … doctor artist actor basketball player nurse …

  15. If you hope your dreams come true(实现), you should work hard, because: No Pains , No Gains! 一份耕耘, 一份收获!

  16. Homework • 1、Listen and read 3a for 15 minutes. • 2、Use these words: grow, move, save, hold, travel, dream, artist, rich to make sentences. You’d better try to use the structure be going to +do. • 3、Try to recite(背诵) 3a • 4、Talk about the future jobs you want to do with your friends.

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