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DESKTOP TRAINING Inclusive Practices for Students with Attention Deficit Disorders

DESKTOP TRAINING Inclusive Practices for Students with Attention Deficit Disorders. Developed By John Avera, Jan Osier Bavaria District October 2006. Click your mouse to move forward to the next slide……. Inclusive Practices for Students with Attention Deficit Disorders.

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DESKTOP TRAINING Inclusive Practices for Students with Attention Deficit Disorders

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  1. DESKTOP TRAINING Inclusive Practices for Students with Attention Deficit Disorders Developed By John Avera, Jan Osier Bavaria District October 2006 Click your mouse to move forward to the next slide……..

  2. Inclusive Practices for Students with Attention Deficit Disorders Presented By Jan L. Osier TIPS Program Coordinator Bavaria DSO Click to move to the next slide….

  3. How to use this Power Point • Click forward with your mouse at your own pace to view and read each slide. • View with others so you can discuss the information. • You can print copies of the attached documents so you have hard copies to look at along with the presentation. • When you are finished you will have an intervention plan to try with a selected student.

  4. PowerPoint Sections Section 1: General Overview Slides 5-8 Section 2: Creating a Student Plan Slides 9-25 Section 3: Summary Slides 26-30

  5. SECTION 1General Overview

  6. CORE DIFFICULTIES ADHD affects all aspects of the child’s life - emotional, social and academic • Difficulties in inhibiting impulses in social behavior and cognitive tasks • Difficulties getting along with others (poor socialization) • School underachievement • Poor self-esteem, secondary

  7. EFFECT ON SCHOOL • Can’t sit still or concentrate • Finds most work boring • Doesn’t switch easily especially from less structure (recess) to more structure • Blurts out inappropriate remarks frequently • RESULT: Underachievement

  8. Problem Areas for the student in the classroom: • Distractibility • Impulsivity • Hyperactivity • Social Skills

  9. SECTION 2Creating a Individual Student Plan

  10. THINK of a student…. • Who has an Attention Deficit Disorder. • Who needs a management plan. YOU will create a management plan using the information from the next slides.

  11. If you haven’t already…print the following pages to create a management plan for your student with ADHD After you have printed the pages return to this presentation and continue by recording your responses on your hard copy.

  12. Creating Your Plan Fill in page one (Plan of Action) with the information you know about the student. • Check all items on the following pages that you think you would like to try with your student. As you read through each list you most likely will find interventions that you are already doing to assist your student.

  13. Planning ahead and anticipating actions that will distract the student, will keep you from pulling YOUR hair out in frustration!

  14. Auditory Processing Strategies • Seat the student near the teacher or a positive role model. Away from windows and door. • Stand near enough to observe and cue student when giving directions. • Increase visual aids and visual reinforcements. Highlight in color when possible. • Minimize disruption and any change in routine. • Look at the student directly when speaking. • Make sure student is wearing glasses if needed. • Seat student in area with minimal noise. • Avoid multiple commands. Repeat in a calm voice if needed.

  15. Homework and Work Completion Strategies • Hand out worksheets one at a time instead of in a packet (less chance for losing) • On long-term projects, set a series of dates for progress checks. • Require student keep organized notebook and or homework folder. • Orally cue students to hand in papers. • Allow students to tape record homework. Allow printing rather than cursive, typing rather than handwriting. • Provide parent access to homework (Schoolnotes.com) • Provide structure and a predictable routine (e.g.,certain days for certain types of assignments, color-code assignments) • Reduce the amount of homework. Avoid needless repetition. • Write homework on the board using color coding. • Have students get the phone number of two people they could call for homework assignments. Keep in their organized notebook/folder. • Review assignments visually and orally before student leaves for the day. • Teach students to ABC their work each day. A= Do it today, B=Do it this week, C=Do it later. • Give students a copy of needed textbooks to keep at home.

  16. Reading Strategies • Provide L shaped bookmarks for reading. • Teach reading strategies such as SQ3R or Read-test-check. • Use graphic organizers for comprehension check. • Use STORE the story (Setting, Trouble, Order of events, Resolution, End) • Teach word families and phonics visually. • Play soft classical or piano music during silent reading. • Allow students to listen to music using headphones while reading. • Allow students to use ear plugs when reading. • Allow students to read aloud. • Teach older students to read to the paper clip. • Teach students to use a story map for summarizing. • Play matching and categorizing games. • Encourage rhyming. • Have students use Cloze method to supply the missing details in a story.

  17. Classroom Functioning Strategies • Check to make sure student understands directions and assignments. The teacher must check with the student, not the student with the teacher. • Model what you want students to do. • Increase visual aides and visual reinforcements. • Don’t overload your chalkboard with information. Use color on the chalkboard to separate areas. • Break up long presentations into shorter segments. • Allow students to use technology. • Avoid long lectures. • Organize the student and re-organize the student on a regular basis. Teach and model organization. • Teach note-taking, memory, test-taking, and study skills methods. • Teach and practice rules, and procedures. It takes at least 21 days in a row to become a habit. • Give the student their own personal schedule or do list. Young children can have the do list drawn on individual sticky notes and put in front of them. They can throw away as they complete the task. Older children can maintain their own do list.

  18. Without behavior management, self-management, and self- control, your students will be pulling THEIR hair out in frustration.

  19. Behavior Strategies • Model what you want students to do. Role play if needed. • Build in choices where possible. • Develop a reward system for improvement and progress. • Minimize disruption and maximize routine. • Tell students what to do rather than what not to do. • Make eye contact and use pre-arranged visual or auditory signals. • Use preventive tactics such as anticipating triggers, careful planning of activities, etc. • Remind students of expectations before each activity. • Redirect in a calm, firm voice. • Use more positive rewards than negative consequences. • Use natural consequences as much as possible. • Not every behavior warrants teacher intervention. Decide where your “line in the sand” is and intervene at that point only. • Use a behavior contract. • When giving verbal reprimands, don’t lecture; keep it brief and to the point. • Address only the child’s behavior, not the child himself. • Avoid lecturing, nagging, criticism, and sarcasm. • Try lowering your voice, rather than raising it to gain and keep student’s attention. • Don’t take the child’s inappropriate behavior personally. • Teachers responsibility is to have an intervention plan. Parents responsibility is to support teacher’s intervention and/or be a part of creating the plan.

  20. Controlling the Motion • Include a variety of activities in a period. • Build physical movement into lesson plans. Do not require constant sitting and quiet. • Create physical jobs for the student to do when he/she needs activity such as hand out papers, run errands, shelve books, etc….Keep a list handy of these jobs. • Give the student heavy things to carry or have the younger students wear a weighted vest. • Ignore tapping pencil, bouncing foot, etc…unless it is distracting. Substitute with less distracting motion. Allow student to stand when working and/or doodle on his/her papers. • Allow student to use a clipboard when doing seat work. • Make sure lessons and activities are engaging and motivating, and students understand the relevancy. • Teach visualization, calming, and relaxation techniques. • Teach self-monitoring techniques…”Am I using my inside voice?” “Am I on task?” • Teach students to count to 10 before asking a question or talking. • Divert and redirect as needed. • Students who are impulsive are often most successful with a combination of reward along with a response cost. • Clear desk of everything except what is needed. • Establish physical boundaries with carpet squares or taped off space. • Allow students to use attention keepers such as Kush balls, key chain that clips on belt or desk, foam block on desk to tap on, small ball of clay.

  21. Handling Transitions • Reinforce the routine by posting the schedule and reminding students. • Spend a few minutes orienting the student to the morning schedule when they first come in. • Alternate activities so that there is a calm activity followed by a more active activity followed by a calm activity. • Have the student pick up and carry an item from one location to the next such as a button, necklace, stuffed animal. • Give the student choices. • Give the student a ten minute then a five minute warning bell or signal. • Use transitional strategies such as singing a song, or walking like a robot to the next activity. • Reduce the waiting time for the child as much as possible by being prepared for the next activity ahead of time. • Make sure there is enough physical space around the child. Students with ADHD often bump into others or will over-react when others bump into them. • Use marked spaces to line up.

  22. Students with positive self- esteem feel empowered. They learn quicker, listen better, cooperate more often, and practice effective coping strategies.

  23. Improving Self-Esteem • Remember students with low self-esteem will avoid, quit, clown, bully, cheat, deny rationalize, and will appear not to care. Students with self-esteem are confident in their abilities, have self-acceptance, and a sense of worth and dignity. • Teach the rules of friendship. • Teach the 75/25 rule. 75% of the time is spent listening to others in a conversation and 25% is spent talking in a conversation. • Teach students good communication skills. • Involve students in individual sports and activities such as swimming, wrestling, tennis, golf, martial arts. • Maximize success for the student. Set up events and activities that will allow the student to shine. • Be authentic and not phony. Erase the student’s previous history. • Help student to identify their strengths and talents. • Discipline in private. Do not make an example of the student. If the child is taking medication respect their privacy. • Give responsibility and praise accomplishment. • Model self-esteem. Believe in the child. • Teach everything. Do not assume the child has previous learning in study skills, etc. • Modify if needed to foster success. Build on the success. • Give students the opportunity to redo things over. • Everyday is a new day. Wipe the slate clean.

  24. Conflict Resolution • Be aware of the demographics in your room, such as who are the leaders, who are the followers, who are the friends and what draws them together, who are the outsiders having problems with peers, etc… • Teach conflict resolution strategies. • Use role play and rehearsal. • Use cooperative learning that teaches social skills along with the academics. • Reward kindness and cooperation. • Teach students to recognize body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and posture.

  25. SECTION 3Summary

  26. The Ideal Classroom • Arranged so that both group and individual activities can take place with a minimum of disruption. • Carpeting to control noise and to accommodate students who work best on the floor. • Soft chairs or beanbags for reading and listening. • Visual stimulation through curriculum related material. • An area of visual calm for those that need it for concentration. • Quiet music available for students who need it to work. • Students are allowed to get up and move around as they work, picking up materials, depositing papers, consulting with each other. • Extras of things like books, materials, pencils, calculators so forgetting something at home wouldn’t stop the learning process. • Use of technology and real world tools like calculators, spell checkers, and dictionaries are allowed. • Students would have plenty of time for their work. Those that finish early would have activities to do while others were finishing their work. • No time pressured tests. Students would have multiple chances to show what they know.

  27. The Ideal Teacher • Rules are well established and practiced. Behavior management is practiced daily. • Silent signals are used to gain immediate attention of the class. • The teacher reminds students of the routine and there is time to get materials in order for the next transition. • The teacher helps on a bad day. • The teacher creates predictable structure yet is flexible and changes when understanding is difficult or interest is flagging. The teacher allows student choices whenever possible. • The teacher is creative, uses lectures only when necessary, and guides students in learning, • The teacher is amusing, forgiving, and learns with the class. • The teacher is focused less on the right or wrong and more on the problem solving.

  28. Sources of Information http://addwarehouse.com/shopsite_sc/html/article4.htm- ADAPT: Accommodations Help Students with Attention Deficit Disorders. http://www.interventioncentral.org/htmdocs/interventions/behaviormenu.shtml: Teacher Behavorial Strategies: A Menu Professional’s Guide: Attention Deficit Disorder by David and Myra Sosin The ADD/ADHD Checklist by Sandra Rief, M.A. Attention Deficit Disorder: Strategies for School-Age Children by Clare B. Jones, Ph.D. The Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom by Patti Gould and Joyce Sullivan

  29. We hope you have gained some additional knowledge from this short PowerPoint presentation. THANK YOU for your support of the students in the Bavaria District!Jan and John

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