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EDTE 373A. Assessment Lab I Dr. Mark Rodriguez www.csus.edu/indiv/r/rodriguezm. Context. Why is educational technology important in schools?. Context Learning Theory Background Lab Procedures Syllabus. Support for the infusion of technology into teaching.

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  1. EDTE 373A Assessment Lab I Dr. Mark Rodriguez www.csus.edu/indiv/r/rodriguezm

  2. Context Why is educational technology important in schools?

  3. Context Learning Theory Background Lab Procedures Syllabus Support for the infusion of technology into teaching. Support for students as they build an electronic portfolio. TaskStream Introduction to EDTE 373A

  4. Learning Theory • Formalization of the theory of constructivism is generally attributed to Jean Piaget, who articulated mechanisms by which knowledge is internalized by learners. He suggested that through processes of accommodation and assimilation, individuals construct new knowledge from their experiences. • Assimilation occurs when individuals' experiences are aligned with their internal representation of the world. They assimilate the new experience into an already existing framework. • Accommodation is the process of reframing one's mental representation of the external world to fit new experiences. Accommodation can be understood as the mechanism by which we learn by “trial and error.”

  5. Multiple Intelligences • Visual/Spatial Intelligence (see) • Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence (talk about) • Logical/Mathematical Intelligence (organize) • Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence (hands-on) • Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence (hear) • Interpersonal Intelligence (share) • Intrapersonal Intelligence (reflect)

  6. BackgroundWhat do students need? • What experiences do you have using computers; for work, for school, for enjoyment? • What type of computer do you have at home, what operating system, what type of Internet service do you have? • What software programs do you use regularly. • How do you feel about computers, personally and for learning and teaching, and why? • Basically, tell me about yourself in relation to your technology knowledge, skills and experiences. Something you think would be helpful for the instructor in class about educational technology.

  7. Lab Procedures • User ID • Password • Station number • Shut Down Procedures • Basic Rules regarding food, reporting problems.

  8. Course Web Site www.csus.edu/indiv/r/rodriguezm • Syllabus • Direct Link • Resources • Agenda

  9. Electronic Portfolios

  10. Electronic Portfolios Portfolios used for Assessment of Learning • Purpose of portfolio prescribed by institution • Artifacts mandated by institution to determine outcomes of instruction • Portfolio and/or artifacts usually "scored“ based on a rubric and quantitative data is collected for external audiences • Portfolio is usually structured around a set of outcomes, goals or standards • Sometimes used to make high stakes decisions • Requires Extrinsic motivation • Audience: external - little choice

  11. Electronic Portfolios Portfolios that support Assessment for Learning • Artifacts selected by learner to tell the story of their learning • Portfolio maintained on an ongoing basis throughout the class, term or program -time flexible • Portfolio and artifacts reviewed with learner and used to provide feedback to improve learning • Formative - what are the learning needs in the future? (Present to future) • Fosters Intrinsic motivation - engages the learner • Audience: learner, family, friends - learner can choose

  12. TaskStream • Read and Explore the following TaskStream Tools • Help Index • My Programs • Web Page Builder • Unit Builder • Lesson Builder • Rubric Wizard • Message Center • Discussion Board Posting: Post Questions about TaskStream Tools to discussion "AAA Elk Grove Fall 06-07"

  13. TaskStream • Subscribe to TaskStream • www.taskstream.com • 1-800-311-5656 (call if you have any problems) • Please remember to subscribe as participating in a COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY program that requires TaskStream at California State University, Sacramento.

  14. Wrap-up Questions... • Check next class date • TaskStream Read/Review & Discussion Board  "AAA EDTE 373A Fall 06-ALL COHORTS" • Read research article on Electronic Portfolios and be prepared to talk about the article in the next lab session. • "Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement: REFLECT INITIATIVE  http://electronicportfolios.org/portfolios/JAAL-REFLECT3.pdf

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