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Computational haemodynamics for clinical applications

The British Council Reseacher Links Workshop “Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Cardiovascular Problems”. Computational haemodynamics for clinical applications. Sergey Simakov Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Moscow, INM, 16 .0 4 .201 4. Review. Global blood flow.

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Computational haemodynamics for clinical applications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The British Council Reseacher Links Workshop “Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Cardiovascular Problems” Computational haemodynamics for clinical applications Sergey Simakov Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Moscow, INM, 16.04.2014

  2. Review Global blood flow Closed 1D model Elasticity modeling Physiological reactions: gravity, autoregulation Patient specific fitting Multi-touch sensor panel 1D core graph reconstruction Applications Sport: stride frequency optimization Vascular surgery: stenosis treatment, cava filters Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) Arterio-venous malformation (AVM)

  3. Global blood flow

  4. Global blood flow 1) Mass balance 2)Momentum balance 3)Boundary conditions at junctions 3.1 3.2 Compatibility conditions along outgoing characteristics 3.3 equations equations

  5. Boundary conditions at junctions

  6. Boundary conditions at junctions

  7. Boundary conditions at junctions

  8. Boundary conditions at junctions equations

  9. Heart model Left ventricle Mass conservation Volume averaged chamber motion Left auricle Isovolumetric contraction (0.08 s), Ejection (0.293 с), Isovolumetric relaxation (0.067 с), Filling (0.56 с)

  10. Boundary conditions at heart junctions Arteries: Veins: Discretisation of compatibility conditions

  11. Boundary conditions at heart junctions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Next step with 1D 6.

  12. Elasticity modeling 4) Vessel wall elasticity Analytic approximation Pedley, Luo, 1998 Modelling Toro, Muller Favorsky, Mukhin. Sosnin Kholodov

  13. Elasticity modeling 1) Tension in deformable fiber 2) Density of elasticity force 3) Tansmural pressure for collagen fibers for the others Peskin, Rosar 2001 Will be reported later today by V.Salamatova

  14. Elasticity modelling

  15. Elasticity modelling

  16. Physiological reactions: gravity 4)Right part of momentum balance: gravity Ориентация сосуда - space orientation

  17. T T Physiological reactions: autoregulation Wall elasticity adaptation

  18. Physiological reactions: gravity and autoregulation Head S Auotregulation Collapsible tube Leg S

  19. Physiological reactions: gravity and autoregulation Rat artery response to static pressure load1 1Ed VanBavel, Jos P.M. Wesselman, Jos A.E. Spaan Myogenic, Activation and Calcium Sensitivity of Cannulated Rat Mesenteric Small Arteries. Circ. Research,1998

  20. Patient specific fitting

  21. Patient specific fitting

  22. Patient specific fitting: multi-touch sensor panel

  23. Patient specific fitting: multi-touch sensor panel

  24. Patient specific fitting Plaque Plaque with bypass Normal

  25. 1D Core grpah reconstruction Reported yesterday by Yu. Ivanov

  26. Sport: stride frequency optimization

  27. Skeletal-muscle pumping Wall state: Venous valves in the leg

  28. Skeletal-muscle pumping Pressure Right shin Left shin Кровотокчерез ноги Right thigh Left thigh

  29. Skeletal-muscle pumping «Human Physiology» Schmidt, Thews Simulations Venous pressure in the leg Time

  30. Skeletal-muscle pumping Stride frequency Simulations Competition data SSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSS Height, cm

  31. Vascular surgery: stenosis treatment

  32. Vascular surgery: atherosclerosis treatment

  33. Vascular surgery: atherosclerosis treatment Patient-specific MRI and Doppler ultrasound data thanks to I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Ph.Kopylov, A.Tagiltsev)

  34. Vascular surgery: endovascular implants

  35. Endovascular implants: cava filters 1D netwrok – placement, throbmus capturing, dissolving 3D local blood flow –filter structure opotimisation 3D elasticity – pressure-area relationship, critical stress assesment

  36. Endovascular implants: cava filters

  37. Multiscale (1D-3D) 1D global netwrok 1D global netwrok 3D flow Will be reported later today by T. Dobroserdova

  38. Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP)

  39. Motivation Indications • Ischemia • Arterial Hypertension • Cardiovascular insufficiency Effect • Non-invasive increased collateral perfusion

  40. EECP optimization: structural model

  41. EECP procedure

  42. EECP model Wall state equation C Cardiac cycle B 0 1 A systole diastole

  43. EECP optimization Terminal coronary arteryPressureaveraged over cardiac cycle (kPa) Continuous pulsations (standard procedure) 1 secpulsation + 1 secpause 10 secpulsations + 100 sec pause 10 secpulsations + 10 sec pause Will be reported later today by T. Gamilov

  44. Arterio-Venous Malformation treatment (AVM)

  45. Motivation

  46. Motivation

  47. Motivation

  48. AVM

  49. Pressure embolisation quality Velocity embolisation quality

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