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Recerca biològica a la Web

Recerca biològica a la Web. 1. Bases de dades de bibliografia científica. L’art de trobar informació a la Web. Internet és una font d’informació tremendament útil per a la recerca biològica

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Recerca biològica a la Web

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  1. Recerca biològica a la Web 1. Bases de dades de bibliografia científica

  2. L’art de trobar informació a la Web • Internet és una font d’informació tremendament útil per a la recerca biològica • ... però el Google em dóna milions d’entrades a les meves cerques, i la que jo vull és la número 342...! • On puc anar a trobar la informació que necessito? • Com put jutjar quina informació és fiable?

  3. Bases de dades bibliogràfiques Organització dels articles publicats a les revistes d’àmbit científic. • Medline • Pubmed (NCBI)

  4. Operadors lògics o booleans • AND / +keyword1ikeyword2 • human AND mouse • OR / ^keyword1okeyword2 • human OR mouse • NOT / -keyword1però nokeyword2 • mammal NOT human • ? / * mots parcials (inici / final) • ?ribonucleotide deoxy* • “” frases • “major histocompatibility complex” • (...) estructures complexes • (mhc AND mammal) NOT human

  5. Entrez PubMed Search fields • Exemple: Lander+ES[AU] = “Lander ES”[AU]

  6. female genital diseases AND 2006[DP] AND ("Cowen EW"[AU] OR "Parmigiani G"[AU]) Exercici bàsic • Find citations to articles about female genital diseases published in 2006 by Edward W. Cowen or Giovanni Parmigiani.

  7. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) • Vocabulari controlat de mots mèdics • Estructura jeràrquica • Garantitza una correcta indexació dels documents del MEDLINE / PubMed • http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/meshhome.html 1. Cerques 2. Combinació de mots 3. Altres característiques

  8. Exercici avançat • Find citations to articles about female genital diseases in adolescents and health education methods and trends used to educate this group. Limit the results to citations published in English since 1990.

  9. Exercici avançat Find citations to articles about female genital diseases in adolescents and health education methods and trends used to educate this group. Limit the results to citations published in English since 1990. Step 1: Click on Preview/Index.

  10. Exercici avançat Find citations to articles about female genital diseases in adolescents and health education methods and trends used to educate this group. Limit the results to citations published in English since 1990. Step 2: Go to the "Add Term(s) to Query or View Index" section of the screen and use the All Fields pull-down to select the MeSH Terms search field.

  11. Exercici avançat Find citations to articles about female genital diseases in adolescents and health education methods and trends used to educate this group. Limit the results to citations published in English since 1990. Step 3: Enter your first term (female genital diseases) in the text box. Click Preview. PubMed adds the term to the query box and previews the number of search results.

  12. Exercici avançat Find citations to articles about female genital diseases in adolescents and health education methods and trends used to educate this group. Limit the results to citations published in English since 1990. Step 4: Return to the "Add Term(s) to Query or View Index" section of the screen. Notice that the search field is set to MeSH Terms. Enter your next term (adolescents) in the text box. Click Preview. PubMed adds the term to the query box with an AND operator and previews the number of search results (i.e., female genital diseases AND adolescents).

  13. Exercici avançat Find citations to articles about female genital diseases in adolescents and health education methods and trends used to educate this group. Limit the results to citations published in English since 1990. Step 5: Return to the "Add Term(s) to Query or View Index" section of the screen. Notice that the search field is still set to MeSH Terms. Enter your next term (health education) in the text box. This time, click Index. PubMed displays the MeSH Terms Index beginning with the term health education.

  14. Exercici avançat Find citations to articles about female genital diseases in adolescents and health education methods and trends used to educate this group. Limit the results to citations published in English since 1990. Step 6: Select the terms health education/methods and health education/trends by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the terms. Click Preview. PubMed automatically ORs the selected terms together, ANDs them to the query, and previews the number of search results.

  15. Exercici avançat Find citations to articles about female genital diseases in adolescents and health education methods and trends used to educate this group. Limit the results to citations published in English since 1990. Step 7: Click on Limits. Use the Published in the Last date, and select Specify Date Range to choose articles published from 1990 to present (i.e., From: 1990). Use the Language menu to select English. Click Go.

  16. Exercici avançat Find citations to articles about female genital diseases in adolescents and health education methods and trends used to educate this group. Limit the results to citations published in English since 1990.

  17. Altres motors de cerca bibliogràfica

  18. Revistes científiques

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