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laboUr legislation in France

laboUr legislation in France. For an employee For a trainee. The LEGAL working time FACTSHEET. The legal working time is 35 hours per week . But it is not a minimum or a maximum. This is the time of reference , which enables to calculate the salary , and possibly overtime .

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laboUr legislation in France

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  1. laboUrlegislationin France For an employee For a trainee

  2. The LEGAL working timeFACTSHEET • The legalworking time is 35 hours per week . But itis not a minimum or a maximum. This is the time of reference, whichenables to calculate the salary, and possiblyovertime. • To check if the legalworking time isreached or not, itiskept record of the number of effectivelyworkedhours.

  3. For whichcompanies ? • Which companies are concerned by the legal working time ? All industrial and commercial companies, public or private institutions, professionals, civil societies, trade unions, associations, agricultural institutions, craft and cooperative enterprises in the agricultural sector ... CAUTION : in some areas, special schemes apply. This is the case for road transport, shipping companies or hotels and restaurants.

  4. WHO IS CONCERNED ? The legalworking time applies to most employees, regardless of their occupation, gender, age, nationality, and of their type of contract (temporary, permanent, apprenticeship contract ...) Only 2 categories, are not concerned : - SALES REPRESENTATIVES - SELF_EMPLOYED and EMPLOYERS (CEO)

  5. The working day • Unless otherwise provided for by a collective agreement, the calendar week starts on Monday at 0 hour and ends on Sunday at 24 hours.Hours worked beyond the legal limit are considered as overtime. • Maximum working times The period of actual work (including overtime) cannot exceed the following limits : • 10 hoursper day • 48 hoursper week (or up to 60 hours, in exceptional circumstances), • 44 hoursper weekon average, over a period of 12 consecutive weeks (possibly up to a maximum of 46 hours, but subject to conditions). • Breaks of a minimum of 20 minutes must be provided to employees, at least every 6 hours.

  6. Employment contracts • The employment contract is valid from the moment a person (the employee) agrees to do some paid work on behalf of and under the direction of another person (the employer). In most cases, the contract must be written. • The fulfillment of the contract implies a number of obligations for both the employee and the employer. There is a trial period ... The employer is required to: • provide work within the established time, • pay wages for the work done, • respect other elements of the contract (the level of qualification, workplace…if specified in the contract ...) • keep in accordance with the French Labour Code and the collective agreement applying to the company The employee must, meanwhile  : • respect the workinghours, • carry out hiswork in accordance with the instructions, • fulfilhis obligations as mentioned in hiscontract, and the provisions of the Rules of Procedure (if available), • not practiseunfaircompetitionagainsthis employer

  7. The Differentemployment contracts • The Permanent Contract (CDI) : • The Fixed-termContract (CDD) • The Part-time Contract • The TemporaryContract

  8. For the TRAINEE Under the age of 18 : a trainee can only work 8 hours a day. He/she must have : • a break of 30 minutes after 4 hours of work • a daily rest of 12 consecutive hours after a day of work . • 2 consecutive days of rest per week (unless an exemption is granted) • In any case, the legal working time cannot exceed 35 hours per week. • Training Agreement • This document is essential and compulsory for every student doing a company internship. It is a real " contract of internship » , which therefore must necessarily be signed by the company, the trainee and the school to be valid. It sets the working conditions in particular the duration of the internship, the working times,the amount of the compensation(if any)….

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