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Traditional Asset Classes

Managing Non-Traditional Asset Classes SHA’s Perspective Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration Scott Pomento Deputy Director, OPPE. Traditional Asset Classes. Pavement. Structures. Drainage. Strengths. Formal condition assessment process.

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Traditional Asset Classes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Managing Non-Traditional Asset ClassesSHA’s PerspectiveMaryland Department of TransportationState Highway AdministrationScott PomentoDeputy Director, OPPE

  2. Traditional Asset Classes Pavement Structures Drainage

  3. Strengths Formal condition assessment process Deterioration models exist Good inventory Historic maintenance data available

  4. Non-Traditional Asset Classes Road side features Brush/Tree Right-Of-Way Fencing Mowable Areas Sidewalks Invasive Species

  5. Non-TraditionalAsset Classes Lighting Roadway Lighting Overhead Sign Lighting Streetscape Lighting

  6. Challenges No formal deterioration models exist Repairs/maintenance record not captured electronically No direct link between with other asset classes Not a lot commonalities between assets No standard inventory No condition assessment protocols

  7. Sidewalks The Problem Ensure the most critical needs are addressed first New business goals to improve Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance for sidewalks Need for quicker and more accurate reporting

  8. Sidewalks The Solution Tool for engineers, planners and maintenance staff that provides a statewide view of ADA compliance ADA GIS Portal View locations of pedestrian incidents and fatalities, public and government facilities, as well as, areas where improved mobility for the disabled is needed Data Viewer Provides for quicker and more accurate reporting

  9. Sidewalks The Success Dramatically reduced the hours needed to create required reports Evaluation tool to improve the quality of mobility for citizens with disabilities Ability to condense projects and streamline funding

  10. Invasive Species Canada Thistle Inventoried thistle sitesusing GPS Created an GISapplication to view andreport about thistle Created field map books tobe used to locate thistlefor treatment Re-inventoried site thefollowing year to measure: Has the site shrunk, enlargedand/or migrated GIS Application How much chemical wasused at each location Effectiveness of the control strategy

  11. Highway Lighting Collected Inventory using GPS High Mast Lighting Panels Structures Researched construction history Began developing a GIS Application In the process of creating condition assessment protocols

  12. Moving Forward Asset Data Warehouse Create a repository structure to maintain asset history, description and condition information that will be easily accessible to business units throughout SHA Create basic standard and ad-hoc reports to include summaries of inventory and condition information Create interfaces with established management systems Create GIS application that brings all assets into one place Develop and implement asset class specific performance models Develop cross-program analysis tools utilizing information in the Asset ManagementData Warehouse to support trade-off analysis and performance-based planning andbudgeting for asset management activities

  13. Maryland Philosophy A mix of traditional and non traditional assets,everythingcan benefit from a data driven asset management approach and philosophy Focus on data and data integration, looking at assetsand asset data alone is not as valuable as lookingat them together as they affect each other. Signs are affected landscaping, etc. … Harness investments, look for opportunities to dolighting, barrier, roadway work and sidewalks allat once

  14. Contacts • Scott Pomento • Office of Planning and Preliminary Engineering • Deputy Director • spomento@sha.state.md.us • 410-545-5550 • Joseph Benedetta • Program Development Division • Asset Management Coordinator • jbenedetta@sha.state.md.us • 410-545-5633

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