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The Partnership for Missional Church: mapping the voyage

The Partnership for Missional Church: mapping the voyage. Partnership for Missional Church. Cluster Event 12 (spiritual practices, sharing in learning opportunities) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Lay leaders. The REAL work happens between events. Cluster

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The Partnership for Missional Church: mapping the voyage

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  1. The Partnership for Missional Church:mapping the voyage

  2. Partnership for Missional Church Cluster Event 12 (spiritual practices, sharing in learning opportunities) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Lay leaders The REAL work happens between events Cluster Event 6 (spiritual practices, share/approve MAPs, preparing for Phase 3) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams METs Cluster Event 7 (spiritual practices, missional vocation and vision docs, prepare for 8 Miss.Patterns Event) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Cluster Event 11 (spiritual practices, sharing in learning opportunities) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Lay leaders Cluster Event 5 (spiritual practices, MET, plunge, & hospitality grp. learnings, bridging) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams METs Cluster Event 8 (spiritual practices, turning visions into plans, prep. for SMART plans, staff covenant) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Cluster Event 10 (spiritual practices, sharing in learning opportunities) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Lay leaders Cluster Event 9 (spiritual practices, sharing 3-year plans, preparing for Phase 4) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Event Cluster Event 1 (spiritual practices, after-Christendom, Discovery, CFF, and Timeline training) Pastors/ministers Listening Leaders Steering Teams Event 1Phase 1 Discovering our Partners 2 Phase 2 Missional Experimenting 3 Phase 3 Visioning for Embodiment 4 Phase 4 Learning and Growing The REAL work: Employ learnings as you embody your plan • The REAL work • Form Christian community from METs/plunges and hospitality groups • Complete and celebrate missional experiments • Use MAP to discern and draft missional vocation statements The REAL work: Employ learnings as you embody your plan • The REAL work: • Draft and test missional vocation statement • and vision for embodiment • Hold 8 missional patterns event • The REAL work: • Form Christian community from METs/plunges and hospitality groups • Missional experiment(s) • Recruit successors The REAL work: Focus missional challenge Recruit, train, deploy plungers Brainstorm poss. missional experiments on adaptive challenge The REAL work: Employ learnings as you embody your plan Cluster Event 4 (spiritual practices, adaptive challenges, METs and plunging) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams METs The REAL work: Turn discerned callings into concrete missional goals Build 3-year plan using goals and chosen missional pattern(s) Begin staff covenanting Cluster Event 2 (spiritual practices, interpreting learnings from Discovery, CFF, & Timeline, spiritual discernment) Pastors/ministers Listening Leaders Steering Teams The REAL work: Congregational Discovery TimelineExercise Church FutureFinder Project Cluster Event 3 (spiritual practices, interpreting learnings, types of change, intro to Phase 2) Pastors/ministers Steering Teams Governance Boards The REAL work: Finish Church FutureFinder project Spiritual Discernment Conversations The REAL work: Governance B./Steering T. retreat Identifying a missional (adaptive) challenge The REAL work: Prepare SMART plans for each goal Decide what you need to learn in order to grow into the vision for embodiment Complete staff covenanting

  3. Event Event The legend 1 Phase 1 Discovering our Partners 2 Phase 2 Missional Experimenting 3 Phase 3 Visioning for Embodiment 4 Phase 4 Learning and Growing The REAL work happens between events

  4. The REAL work: Governance Board / Steering retreat Identifying a missional (adaptive) challenge The REAL work: Congregational Discovery Timeline Exercise Church FutureFinder Project Cluster Event 2 (spiritual practices, interpreting learnings from Discovery, CFF, & Timeline, spiritual discernment) Pastors/ministers Listening Leaders Steering Teams Cluster Event 3 (spiritual practices, interpreting learnings, types of change, intro to Phase 2) Pastors/ministers Steering Teams Governance Boards Cluster Event 1 (spiritual practices, after-Christendom, Discovery, CFF, and Timeline training) Pastors/ministers Listening Leaders Steering Teams The REAL work: Finish Church FutureFinder project Spiritual Discernment Conversations Phase 1: Discovering our Partners

  5. The REAL work • Form Christian community from METs/plunges and hospitality groups • Complete and celebrate missional experiments; Use MAP to discern and draft missional vocation statements Cluster Event 6 (spiritual practices, share/approve MAPs, preparing for Phase 3) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams METs The REAL work: Form Christian community from METs/plunges and hospitality groups; Missional experiment(s); Recruit successors Cluster Event 5 (spiritual practices, MET, plunge, hosp grp. learnings, bridging) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams METs The REAL work: Focus missional challenge Recruit, train, deploy plungers Brainstorm poss. missional experiments on adaptive challenge Cluster Event 4 (spiritual practices, adaptive challenges, METs and plunging) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams METs Phase 2: Missional Experimenting

  6. The REAL work: • Draft and test missional vocation statement; and vision for embodiment • Hold 8 missional patterns event Cluster Event 7 (spiritual practices, missional vocation and vision docs, prepare for 8 Miss.Patt. Event) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams The REAL work: SMART plans for goals; Decide learning you’ll need to embody your vision; staff covenant Cluster Event 8 (spiritual practices, turning visions into plans, prep. for SMART plans, staff covenant) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Cluster Event 9 (spiritual practices, sharing 3-year plans, preparing for Phase 4) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams The REAL work: Turn discerned callings into concrete missional goals Build 3-year plan using goals and chosen missional pattern(s) Begin staff covenanting Phase 3: Visioning for Embodiment

  7. Cluster Event 10 (spiritual practices, sharing in learning opportunities) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Lay leaders Cluster Event 12 (spiritual practices, sharing in learning opportunities) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Lay leaders Cluster Event 11 (spiritual practices, sharing in learning opportunities) Pastors/ministers Governance Boards Steering Teams Lay leaders Phase 4: Learning and Growing The REAL work: Employ learnings as you embody your plan The REAL work: Employ learnings as you embody your plan The REAL work: Employ learnings as you embody your plan

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