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Welcome to Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (Version 2) Online Workshop 2003

Welcome to Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (Version 2) Online Workshop 2003. What’s on the CD. Reading / Pānui Writing / Tuhituhi Mathematics / Pāngarau Curriculum levels 2-4 Years 5-7. What’s in this presentation?.

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Welcome to Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (Version 2) Online Workshop 2003

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  1. Welcome to Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (Version 2) Online Workshop 2003

  2. What’s on the CD Reading / Pānui Writing / Tuhituhi Mathematics / Pāngarau Curriculum levels 2-4 Years 5-7

  3. What’s in this presentation? • An introduction to asTTle and how it fits in to the National Assessment Strategy • Purpose of the asTTle tools • How can asTTle help teaching and learning? • Effective use of asTTle in your classroom and school • Reports and what they tell us • For assistance in installing asTTle and creating tests, go to http://www.tki.org.nz/r/asttle/index_e.php • and download the pdf file The Beginner’s Guide to Installing asTTle and Creating Tests

  4. Goals of the National Assessment Strategy • The National Assessment Strategy focuses on: • setting specific and challenging goals with students • fostering partnerships in learning • using information to improve learning • developing high-quality assessment tools • developing teachers’ assessment literacy • informing strategic planning

  5. National Assessment Strategy

  6. High-quality assessment tools asTTle is one of a portfolio of assessment tools available or becoming available to schools nationally. The following two slides provide an overview of these tools and the levels at which they are used.

  7. National assessment tools

  8. National assessment tools

  9. The purpose of the asTTle tool • The main purpose of asTTle is to provide teacher-managed, curriculum-based analysed assessment information for the purpose of improving the quality of teaching and learning. • Along with other assessment tools asTTle provides externally referenced assessment information to assist teachers in making valid, reliable, and nationally consistent judgments about the work and progress of their students.

  10. The purpose of the asTTle tool • At classroom level asTTle enables teachers to: • diagnose how their students are performing • give their students focused feedback • help students set learning goals • develop and modify their classroom programmes At school level information may be aggregated and used to evaluate teaching programmes and inform strategic planning.

  11. Getting started? If you need assistance in getting started with asTTle, go to http://www.tki.org.nz/r/asttle/index_e.php and download the pdf file The Beginners Guide to Installing asTTle and Creating Tests. For assistance in reading and interpreting reports move on to the next slide.

  12. Using asTTle data Reports and what they tell us.

  13. asTTle reports • When you have created and administered a test, marked it and entered the data, you can view reports that show: • curriculum levels (aka the skylines) • individual learning pathways • group learning pathways • the console • What Next profile • The first three report types are directly useful to the classroom teacher as they give information about individual students and the class as a whole. • The console allows for nationally-referenced comparisons with similar groups of students. • The What Next profile provides useful guidance as to next teaching steps.

  14. This is the “skyline” - it shows you graphically the spread of your class over the curriculum levels. For reading, the curriculum functions you have tested are shown along with three curriculum processes. For writing the “skyline” shows the seven elements the writing is marked on. Curriculum levels Within each curriculum level there are three categories of ability to provide you with more precise information - these are basic, proficient, and advanced.

  15. Curriculum levels Clicking on a graph will take you directly to a table which shows which students are at each level. This report allows you to (a) group students appropriately and (b) monitor that students are moving up levels throughout the year.

  16. These reports are for individual students so that you can plan for their specific needs. Each item in the test is placed in one of four quadrants. The asTTle Reading scale (aRs) - this is your student’s overall mean score (shown by the red oval) compared to the national mean score (shown by the coloured bar). Console information for individual students gives scores and levels for: the content areas tested overall, and surface and deep thinking, along with the national mean for their year group. Individual learning pathways – reading/mathematics

  17. aRs Individual learning pathways – reading/mathematics, contd. ‘Hard’ questions that the student got wrong ‘Hard’ questions that the student got right ‘Easy’ questions the student got wrong ‘Easy’ questions that the student got right The placement of the items in the four quadrants relates to the student’s level. ‘Hard’ items are those that would be difficult for this student, likewise ‘easy’ items are those that we would expect the student to get right – they are easy for this student.

  18. Strengths Take advantage by giving the student more work of this kind at this level To be Achieved Plan to teach these objectives at this level within the next term Achieved Stop teaching this type of material at this level to this student Gaps Investigate causes but do NOT ‘skill & drill’ teach these objectives because the student will learn them quickly, as they are easy Individual Learning Pathways - Implications for Teaching

  19. Group learning pathways In this report, the bar indicates the proportion of students in the group for whom the achievement objective was a gap, to be achieved, achieved or a strength. Gaps are shown as pink To be achieved as yellow Achieved as green Strengths as blue A predominance of red and yellow is an indicator that the class as a whole needs to be taught that achievement objective The green and blue indicates AOs that the class has largely achieved and does not need to be re-taught

  20. The console The console gives you information relating to the achievement of all or particular groups of your students compared to nationally-referenced performance.

  21. The interaction effects you have chosen General test information The default selection is for the year group with the most students in it and “all” for every other category. For a multi level class you can select one, two, or three year levels. The console in sections – the top

  22. The national mean for the given year is written under each dial Your class mean is shown by the arrow on the dial The console in sections – the sides The Reading Console Information relating to the three content areas you have focussed your test on. Your class mean is compared to the national mean for the groups you have selected (For writing this would show all seven marking elements) Note: Differences of more than 15 points (the standard error of measurement) are significant for teaching and learning

  23. The console in sections – the middle 1 This shows the level of cognitive processing by your students in the test. Both their surface thinking and their deep thinking is compared against the national mean for the comparison groups you chose. The national mean is shown by the height of the coloured bars. Surface thinking is their ability to use one or unconnected lists of facts, information, or ideas to answer questions. Your class mean (+/- 1 SEM) is shown by the red ovals. Deep thinking is their ability to relate the facts, ideas, or information to each other and to hypothesise about them in a more abstract manner.

  24. This compares the total mean score for your class with the national mean score for reading, writing, or maths, based on the interaction effects you have chosen. The score is calculated using the difficulty of the questions that your students got right. If you have chosen more than one year level in your class you will get a reading scale for each one. The national mean is shown by the height of the coloured bar. The mean for your class is shown by the red circle - remember this is the average not the range and students will be outside this circle. The console in sections – the middle 2

  25. This shows the attitude your selected students have to the content that was tested on a scale shown by the smiley (or not) faces. Note when this is scored 4 = love it and 1 = hate it. The national mean for all students is shown by the green bar. Your selected students’ mean - remember some students will be outside the red circle. The console in sections – the bottom Remember that, while attitude does not predict achievement, it is still an important facet of children’s learning

  26. This shows you the mean level your class is achieving at in the curriculum functions that were tested; and guides you to the next level. Your class average level A hyper link to a resource bank which contains appropriate lesson material for each of the levels used in asTTle (you need to be logged on to the Internet). What Next profile

  27. For writing it is the 7 marking elements that are placed in quadrants. asTTle Writing scale score for writing The individual console shows scores and levels on the literacy scale, for surface and deep thinking, and the seven marking elements. Individual learningpathways – writing

  28. Individual learning pathways – writing Strengths Elements scored at more than one level higher than the student’s overall mean level for the writing Gaps Elements scored at more than one level lower than the mean level Achieved Elements scored at one level either side of the student’s mean level, or at the mean level Where a marking element is placed is determined by comparing the level achieved for each marking element with the overall level of the individual student on the asTTle Writing scale.

  29. This shows you what level most of your class are achieving at in the writing purpose you tested. Your class average level in that purpose A hyper link to a resource bank that contains appropriate lesson material for the level your class is at and needs to move onto. (You will need to be logged on to the Internet to access this.) What Next profile pathways – writing

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