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Milford Township Zoning Workshop (May 13, 2019)

Comparative analysis of the current zoning ordinance and proposed amendment for mixed usage on 20-acre parcels or larger. Includes population estimates, car estimates, and county comments.

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Milford Township Zoning Workshop (May 13, 2019)

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  1. Milford Township Zoning Workshop (May 13, 2019) Mixed Usage Amendment Request/20 Acres Parcels or Greater 19-04-001

  2. MT Build Out Analysis

  3. Comparison of Current Ordinance to Proposed Amendment Notes: Used current ordinance based on square foot compared to 100 Apts per 20 acre parcel and max of 100 apts per parcel

  4. Total Apartment Comparison

  5. Buildout Option Comparison

  6. Population Estimates Assumption: Used 3.5 people per dwelling

  7. Car Estimates Assumption: Used 2.0 cars per dwelling

  8. County Comments/MT Actions

  9. County Comments and Milford Township Replies/Actions • The PikeCountyOfficeofCommunityPlanning,theOfficialCountyPlanningAgencypursuanttoCountyOrdinance#14andAct247,the PennsylvaniaMunicipalities PlanningCode,asamended,hasreviewedthe revisedZoningOrdinanceAmendmentSections409.2,409.4&409.6andhasthefollowingcomments: • 1. The proposed amendment to section 409.2 needs to be reviewed to ensure that it coincides with the rest of the Milford Township Zoning Ordinance; • MT Action: • 2. Under §409.4.C of the proposed ordinance amendment, the term Subdivision Regulations needs to be changed to Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance; • MT Action: • 3. Multi-family dwellings are a residential use, which in the Development District (DD) has a maximum lot coverage of 25%. §409.6 of the proposed ordinance amendment would allow Non-residential uses to be built on the same lot. It needs to be clarified how lot coverage would be calculated and which allowable percentage would be enforced; • MT Action:

  10. County Comments and Milford Township Replies/Actions 4. §409.6statesaminimumsetback ofthemulti-familystructuresfromsuchnon-residentialstructuresof two­hundredfeetandtheparcelsshallbeclearlysegregated. Itneeds tobeclarifiedastowherethismeasurementwillbetakenfrom(ie.Comerofthebuildings, comerof parkingareas,orcornerof disturbedareas).Thete1mmulti-familystructuresneedstobedefinedbecauseitisunclearifitmeanstheactualdwellingsorany oftheotherimprovementdirectlyrelatedtothemulti-familydevelopment; MT Action: 5. Theterm"contiguous"needstobedefinedastohowitisgoingtobe usedinthisordinance; MT Action: 6. Under§409.2oftheamendmentitstates"Thatnomorethan onehundred(100)residentialshallbeallowed pertwenty(20)acreparcel."Itneedsto beclarifiedifthisisthegrossareaornet area. MT Action: 7. Theabovestatementof"100residentialshall“ needstobechangedto"100residentialunitsshall"; MT Action:

  11. County Comments and Milford Township Replies/Actions 8. Theproposedordinancestatesthatthereistobeamaximumof100residentialunitsallowedper20acre parcel.Itneedstobeclarifiedifthereisaparcelgreaterthan20acres,isitlimitedto100residential(units) orwouldthedensitybedeterminedbythe3,000squarefeetperdwellingunitaspreviously stated; MT Action: If aparcelislarger than 20acres,doesasubdivisionneedtooccurcreatinga20acrelotinordertomeetthe densityrequirementsbeingproposed; MT Action: 10. Considerincreasing theminimumstandardsforaccessroadsthroughthedevelopmentfromMinortoCollector:Withtheproposedincreaseindensity,thetrafficvolumethroughthedevelopmentisgoingtoincrease.Theproposedamendmentcannotonly addressdensity,itneedstoaddresstheother aspectsthat goalongwith theproject; MT Action: 11. §409.4.Dstates thatamulti-familydevelopmentcanonlybese1vicedbyoneaccessfrom anypublichighwayunlessthereisasafetyneed. It needstobeclarified ifthisrestrictionincludesnon-residentialusesor ifthey canhaveaseparateaccess; MT Action:

  12. Proposed Ordinance Amendment(Draft Wording)

  13. Proposed Amendment Changes—Article II Definitions • Article II-Definitions (page 5 of 70) shall be amended as follows: • Dwelling Structure, Multi-family: A building or buildings designed for occupancy by three (3) or more families living independently of each other in separate dwelling units. The term "multi-family dwelling" shall include condominium as well as non-condominium housing units including the following construction types: • Residential Conversion to Apartments. Conversion of an existing single-family detached dwelling into three (3) to five (5) dwelling units and not exceeding two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height. • Garden Apartment. Multi-family dwellings originally designed as such; containing three or more dwelling units and not exceeding two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height, not including townhouses. • Townhouse. Multi-family dwelling of three (3) or more dwelling units of no more than two and one-half (2 1/2) stories in height in which each unit has its own front and rear accesses to the outside, no unit is located over another unit and each unit is separated from any other unit by one or more common fire resistant walls. • Apartment Building. Multi-family dwellings of more than two and one half (2-1/2) stories but not exceeding the height limitations (in feet) of this Ordinance. Apartments buildings that are to be situated on 20 acres parcels or greater are limited to only a maximum of one hundred (100) apartments within the development district.(of no more than three thousand (3,700) Sq. Ft./Old language: Recommend deleting this)

  14. Proposed Amendment Changes—Article II Definitions Article II-Definitions (page 8 of 70) shall be amended as follows): Mixed Usage (20 Acre Parcel or greater): A parcel of 20 acres or more within the development district can either be used as residential or non-residential or a combination of residential and nonresidential/commercial. The combination of residential and non-residential will be referred to as mixed usage property. A mixed use property must have a minimum of 20 acres to support residential and commercial development. The maximum number of apartments permitted is 100 single family apartments. (of no more than 3700 sq. ft./Last meeting: Recommend removing this and focusing on max approach)

  15. Proposed Amendment Changes—Section 409.2 Parcel Size and Density • Section 409.2 Parcel Size and Density of the Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: • All land proposed for a multi-family dwelling project shall be contiguous. • The total number of dwelling units permitted shall be calculated by taking the total acreage of the development (including all areas to be devoted to open space), deducting the following acreage: • A. Land contained within public rights-of-way • B. Land contained within the rights-of-way of existing or proposed private streets. Where formal rights-of-way are not involved, the width of the street shall be assumed as fifty (50) feet. • C. Land contained within the boundaries of easements previously granted to public utility corporations providing electric or telephone service, and any petroleum products pipeline rights-of-way. • The area of waterbodies including lakes, ponds and streams (measured to the normal high water mark on each side); wetlands; quarries; areas with slope in excess of twenty-four (24) percent or greater; and areas used for improvements; and then dividing the remainder by thirty thousand (30,000) square feet per dwelling unit. In the event that the development is to be serviced by connection to municipal central sewage disposal system, the maximum number of apartments per 20 acres or great is 100 apartments provided that: (Old: remainder shall be divided by three thousand (3,700) square feet per dwelling unit provide that: • The gross area of the developed lot is twenty (20) acres or more; • No less than two (2) parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling (350 sq. ft. per space;) • That no more than one hundred (100) residential single family apartments within a multi-family dwelling complex shall be allowed. (Old: per twenty (20) acre parcel.)

  16. Proposed Amendment Changes—Section 409.4 Design Criteria Section 409.4 Design Criteria shall be amendment as follows: The following design criteria shall apply to multi-family developments: A. There shall be no more than ten (10) dwelling units in each multi-family building. B. No structure shall be constructed within fifty (50) feet of any access road to or through the development or within ten (10) feet of the edge of any parking area. C. Access roads through the development shall comply with the street requirements of the Township Subdivision Regulations for minor roads. D. No multi-family development shall be served by more than one access from any public highway, unless topographic or other physical circumstances dictate the use of more than one access for safety reasons. E. Parking shall be provided in accord with the requirements of Section 408 hereof. F. All multi-family structures shall be separated by a distance at least equal to the height of the highest adjoining structure. G. All multi-family structures, improvements and any effluent disposal areas shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet from any exterior property lines and any public road right-of-way. H. Landscaping shall be provided in accord with the requirements of Section 410 hereof. I. Multi-family developments shall be subject to the stormwater management requirements of the Township Subdivision Regulations. J. Sidewalks shall be provided from all buildings and/or units to their respective parking area and shall be of a design approved by the Township and shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in width improved to a mudfree condition. K. Exterior storage areas for trash and rubbish shall be screened from public view on three sides and shall be contained in covered, vermin-proof containers. Interior storage areas for trash and rubbish shall at all times be kept in an orderly and sanitary fashion. The Township shall authorized to require specific placement so as to ensure such storage areas are hidden to the maximum extent practicable. L. Multi-family dwellings shall be subject to review by the Board of Supervisors as a Conditional Use and the Board of Supervisors shall be allowed to place conditions upon multi-family developments allowing for additional access for emergency management systems and fire service.

  17. Proposed Amendment Changes—Section 409.6 Non-Residential Use Section 409.6 Non-Residential Use shall be amended as follows: Non-residential uses shall not be permitted in a multi-family development, except where the gross area of the development lot is twenty (20) acres or more. Such ancillary facilities as laundry areas, service buildings recreational facilities and the like for the use of the residents of the project shall be permitted. Where a developer proposes to construct multi-family units on property on which there are existing or proposed non-residential uses (other than ancillary facilities and open space uses) there shall be a minimum setback of the multi-family structures from such uses of two-hundred (200) feet and the parcels shall be clearly segregate. Non-Residential uses shall be conditional use in the DD zone limited to retail and service establishments and shall be subject to review by the Board of Supervisors who shall impose reasonable conditions upon the uses upon the same parcel.

  18. Proposed Amendment Changes—Section 414.4 Permitted Lot Coverage 414.4 Permitted Lot Coverage Lot coverage for non-residential projects in DD Districts that comply with this Section 414 may be increased as follows, provided the accompanying minimum yards are maintained along all property lines: For mixed use parcels of 20 acres or more the total lot coverage is 65%. The Township Board of Supervisors may reduce the front yard to maintain continuity of building lines with existing structures, provided a minimum of thirty (30) feet is maintained. See, also, Section 417.13. The lot coverage set forth above may be increased to 75% upon good cause shown to the Board of Supervisors and the Supervisors’ approval after a public hearing.

  19. [JS1]Removed per Tony’s comment Proposed Amendment Changes—Schedule of District Regulations (Page 18 of 70)

  20. Public Comments/Closing Comments

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