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Elvis Arron Presley

Elvis Arron Presley. By Carmen Rivera. His life as a kid . Born January 8 th 1935 Grew up in a close family S pent most of his time alone Graduated from Humes High in 1953. Accomplishments . S tarred in 33 successful movie films.

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Elvis Arron Presley

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Elvis Arron Presley By Carmen Rivera

  2. His life as a kid  • Born January 8th 1935 • Grew up in a close family • Spent most of his time alone • Graduated from HumesHigh in 1953

  3. Accomplishments  • Starred in 33 successful movie films. • Sold over 1 billion records , in America alone he had 150 albums and singles. • Donated to various charities. • Played free concerts for hospitals.

  4. Elvis's qualities • Was raised to be very polite and never judge others. • “Don’t judge what you don’t understand you haven’t walked in their shoes.” • Kept to himself. • Had two close friends.

  5. His unique hair • mocked for his unique hair. • It was too “tall and different looking”

  6. Bibliography • 8notes.com\ • flickr.com// Elvis • www.elvispresleymusic.com • rousefamily.com • elvisinfonet.com

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