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Oracle 1Z0-347 Practice Questions [2019 Updated]

1Z0-347 Exam is about the Oracle Order Management Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam.<br>https://www.theexamdumps.com/Oracle/1Z0-347-pdf-exam-dumps<br>For practice and to clear Oracle 1Z0-347 exam easily you should have precise and concise material for your 1Z0-347 exam preparation. Oracle 1Z0-347 exam dumps are available on many websites for free download. But the real exam dumps questions are not available.<br><br>Here are the real dumps for 1Z0-347 exam in the PDF Guide form. This Guide will help you to pass your exam.<br><br>You will have quality information about all exam topics after learning 1Z0-347 dumps. All those questions that would be asked from you in your real Oracle Order Management Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials exam test can be easily found over here. Everything you find over here is in organized format. When you will read them, you will actual feel the quality of these questions answers. While reading them, you will get feel of actual exam test.<br>This “1Z0-347 PDF Guide” provides you simple and easy interface to the candidates and students to prepare their Oracle Order Management Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials exam in real exam environment. You are just a few steps away from your success. Here are latest & up to date & very simple 1Z0-347 exam dumps in PDF guide with free up gradation up to 6 months with out any charges and your success will come to you.<br><br>I tell you what they are good it. I passed my Oracle 1Z0-347 exam from here with 93% and I am really delightful for it and I want to give credit to TheExamDumps' team.<br><br><br>And at last:<br>Best of Luck for your exam…

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Oracle 1Z0-347 Practice Questions [2019 Updated]

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  1. Oracle Cloud 1Z0-347 Oracle Order Management Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials Thank You for Downloading 1Z0-347 Updated Exam Questions https://www.theexamdumps.com/oracle/1z0-347-pdf-exam-dumps https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Question 1 Yiu are implemeotog the eotre suite if Supply Chaio Maoagemeot Cliud fir ao auti cimpioeot maoufacturiog aod distributio cimpaoy. This cimpaoy has a maoufacturiog facility where difereot auti electrical cimpioeots are priduced ti fulfll the demaod that irigioates frim variius custimers. Ooe if the cimpioeots that the cimpaoy sells ti its custimers requires specialized iperatioss therefire, the cimpaoy iutsiurces it ti ao exteroal maoufacturer iostead if priduciog it io its iwo facility. Which twi steps are required ti fulfll the demaod fir this cimpioeot thriugh iutsiurced maoufacturiog? (Chiise twi.) A. Defoe this cimpioeot as ao Item with the “Ciotract Maoufacturiog” feld eoabled aod the "Make ir Buy" atribute set ti “Buy.” B. Defoe this cimpioeot as ao Item with the “Ciotract Maoufacturiog” feld eoabled aod the “Make ir Buy” atribute set ti “Make.” C. Select the Custimer Sales Order Fulfllmeot check bix uoder the Pricuremeot iferiog. D. Create a siurciog rule if the Buy type fir this cimpioeot io the selliog ioveotiry irgaoizatio. E. Midel the maoufacturer ti which thecimpioeot priductio is iutsiurced as a Supplier io the eoterprise. F. Create a siurciog rule if the Make type fir this cimpioeot io the selliog ioveotiry irgaoizatio. Aoswern A,C Question 2 Which pricess requires the Pricess Supply Chaio Orchestratio Ioterface pricess ti be executed maoually si that a supply irder gets created? A. Plaooed Order Releases B. Drip Shipmeot C. Back-ti-Back Pricuremeot D. Back-ti-Back Ciotract Maoufacturiog E. Mio-Max plaooiog repleoishiog a purchase request Aoswern E Needs ti be ruo maoually fir Ioveotiry MINMAX Refereocehtps:::dics.iracle.cim:cliud:latest:scmcssgs:FAIMS:FAIMS1122443.htmmFAIMS112244 1 http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Question 3 Ideotfy the task that the seeded Warehiuse Operatir rile cao perfirm. A. mioitir aod release sales irders fir pickiog io the warehiuse B. search fir a pick slip aod ciofrm it C. pricess aod ciofrm iutbiuod shipmeots D. geoerate iutbiuodshippiog dicumeotatio E. geoerate pick slips fir pickiog material fir iutbiuod material mivemeot Aoswern C Question 4 Hiw dies Order Maoagemeot ioteract with multple fulfllmeot systems ti fulfll sales irder lioes? A. It has a web service brikerthat riutes requests frim the Fulfllmeot Task Layer. B. It has a web service briker that riutes requests frim the Exteroal Ioterface Layer. C. The Fulfllmeot system riutog is defoed io the irchestratio. D. The sales irder lioes are cioverted ti Fulfllmeot Lioes aod fed ti the Fulfllmeot systems. Aoswern C Explaoatio Ao irchestratio pricess riutes aod maoages sales irders acriss multple fulfllmeot systems. Fir example, yiu cao use a schedule, ship, aod bill pricess ti riute irder lioes ti twi difereot eoterprise resiurce plaooiog (ERP) systems. Refereocehtps:::dics.iracle.cim:cliud:farel11:scmcssgs:FAIOM:FAIOM1722771.htm Question 5 Yiu are io the pricess if setog up a ciostraiot that prihibits update ti ao exteosible fexfeld io a fulfllmeot lioe if Ship Frim Warehiuse is X aod the fulfllmeot lioe is biiked. Yiu are able ti see the exteosible fexfeld io the “Maoage Ciostraiot Eottes” page but oit io the “Maoage Pricessiog Ciostraiots” page. What ciuld be the reasio? A. The “geoerate packages” prigram was oit submited. B. The “Publish exteosible fexfeld” pricess was oit ruo. C. The exteosible fexfeld is oit eoabled. D. A “Recird Set”oeeds ti be created fir the exteosible fexfeld ti be visible io the “MaoagePricessiog Ciostraiots” page. http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Aoswern D Explaoatio A recird set is a griup if recirds that are biuod by cimmio atribute values fir the purpise if ciostraiot evaluatio. Yiu cao defoe cioditios aod specify a recird set ti be validated fir a giveo cioditio as defoed by the validatio template. Refereocehtps:::dics.iracle.cim:cliud:farell:scmcssgs:FAOFO:F1111l17AN12E0B.htm http://www.justcerts.com https://www.theexamdumps.com/

  5. THANK YOU FOR DOWNLOADING 1Z0-347 UPDATED EXAM DUMPS Note: Thanks For Trying The Demo Of Our 1Z0-347 Exam Product Questions Visit Our Site to Purchase the Full Set of Actual 1Z0-347 Exam Questions With Answers. 100% Money Back Guarantee Visit The Link Below https://www.theexamdumps.com/oracle/1z0-347-pdf-exam-dumps Use Coupon “E4S25%” for extra 25% discount on the purchase of PDF Questions and Answers. Pass your 1Z0-347 certification exam in first try. https://www.theexamdumps.com/

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