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custom shirt printing

custom shirt printing

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custom shirt printing

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  1. What Good Are T Shirts Anyway? Custom T Shirt Printing As Advertising Custom t-shirt printing is a unique avenue for businesses and corporations to take promotionally. Whether you're a small start-up to bring in new clients or in the case of a corporation attempting to solidify your brand, custom t-shirt printing has increasingly become a popular choice in promotional advertising. Think of the many possibilities in purchasing custom apparel. custom shirt printingsFirst, your company logo would be front and center. (Or on the breast pocket, if you prefer). Secondly, you can work on your branding or advertising message on the shirts. You can design shirts in any possible configuration: printing on the front, back, sleeves, and/or hemlines. You can get creative with the design and have fun with it yourself. Designing promotional t-shirts does not necessarily have to be done by your creative people. Any printing company can work with you to create a unique design. Always keep in mind though to make the shirt representative of who you are as a brand. You are most passionate about your business. So make sure you are clear on the message you want to get out on your custom t-shirt printing. Developing promotional t-shirts can result in your producing a profit on the items, or just getting the word out to the public. Either way, once the end-user has the garment in their hands, they can't forget you. Every time they see or put on the shirt, they are reminded of you, and isn't that what advertising and promotion are all about? This creates a long-lasting impression on your custom t-shirt printing, so make sure it's a good one! When considering your custom apparel design, an important factor you might overlook is the color of the shirt. While white shirts are the least expensive, they are not the best selling for printing. Our independent studies have shown that red

  2. ink on black is the best seller for custom t-shirt printing. But does that coincide with your company's color scheme? Something to consider... If the company's focus is on kids, then for your prints, you might decide on pastel or bright-colored shirts. Kids happen to love bright-colored apparel and will be more likely to favor it over blander colors, which will help keep your company in the foremost thoughts of their parents. If you are geared to an adult clientele, as I mentioned earlier, black is always a great choice for custom t-shirt printing, followed by grey, white and blue. Think of your audience and the focus of your company or organization. If you have a slogan or USP (unique selling proposition), would it be appropriate for the custom apparel? This is an extremely subjective question that only you can answer. For instance, for a cleaning company or moving company, it would be very appropriate. But for more of a conservative real estate company, the logo might be enough. Then again, a real estate company might want to stand out with a bold statement, so it depends on the direction you want to take with your advertising and promotion on custom t-shirt printing. What if you are a new company and don't have a logo designed yet for promotional t-shirts or any purpose? What if you have no one to do your custom t-shirt printing design for you? These days anything can be found online. Need a designer? There are thousands out there. You just have to put the time in to find one right for you. Once your design is set, you'll need to decide on the type of custom apparel you want to have done. You can either screen print the shirts (the most popular choice), heat transfer, direct to garment print, or print with special effects like "distressed" printing. This is the "washed out" type of look you get that is presently very popular on custom t-shirt printing. As you can see, promotional t-shirts are an interesting way to advertise your message. When designing your shirts, it's always best to keep in mind the result that you want to achieve. Ask yourself, "What is my goal in doing this?" This, and

  3. this way you'll have a clearer understanding of how to design and print your custom apparel.custom t shirt design As a final word, always remember that custom apparel does not have to be t- shirts. Custom golf shirts, polo shirts, hats, towels, bags, and promotional items might be more appropriate for what you want to do. Michael Nova is the director of Nova Disc.

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