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Pertussis: IDSURV

Pertussis: IDSURV. Dr.A.J.Chitkara. A sentinel site surveillance of 10 VPDs. PERTUSSIS: case definition. Cough lasting at least two weeks with at least one of the following symptoms: Paroxysms (i.e. fits) of coughing Inspiratory whooping

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Pertussis: IDSURV

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  1. Pertussis: IDSURV Dr.A.J.Chitkara

  2. A sentinel site surveillance of 10 VPDs

  3. PERTUSSIS: case definition • Cough lasting at least two weeks with at least one of the following symptoms: • Paroxysms (i.e. fits) of coughing • Inspiratory whooping • Post-tussive vomiting (i.e. vomiting immediately after coughing) without other apparent cause

  4. Total cases reported • 186 cases; 27-2-11 to 21-08-12

  5. Age Distribution

  6. Infant Pertussis

  7. Sex distribution

  8. Immunization Status

  9. Severity of Pertussis cases

  10. Age wise distribution of severity

  11. Immunization status & severity

  12. Pertussis • Pertussis exists but grossly under reported • Diagnosis of pertussis remains clinical • Evidence of infant pertussis • Majority of reported cases unimmunized

  13. Hepatitis

  14. HEPATITIS • An acute illness typically including acute jaundice, dark urine, anorexia, malaise, extreme fatigue and right upper quadrant tenderness • Urine Bile pigments (urobilinogen) +ve • ALT(SGPT) >2.5 times the upper limit of normal • Malaria, leptospirosis, dengue and typhoid/paratyphoid

  15. HEPATITIS A (HEPA) • HEPATITIS B (HEPB) • HEPATITIS E (HEPE) • HEPATITIS O (HEPO) Hepatitis Other types • HEPATITIS N (HEPN) Hepatitis etiology not known

  16. Types of Hepatitis Total: 531, HA: 512, HB: 5, Others: 14

  17. Age Group of Hepatitis

  18. Sex Distribution

  19. Severity of Hepatitis cases

  20. Age Wise Distribution of Severity

  21. Immunization Status

  22. Immunization status of severity

  23. To summarize • Hepatitis commonly reported • Hepatitis A most common type • Symptomatic Hep A common in 2-5 yrs • Severity more in 5-10 yrs & beyond • Hep A immunization even in pvt sector poor

  24. Acknowledgement Dr. Sunita Chitkara Deputy Director General Economic Statistics Division Central Statistical Organisation Ministry of Statistics & PI India

  25. Thank you

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