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ISO TC215: Study for ebXML

The Study of ISO TC215 for e-business/ebXML Frans van Bommel Montreal, 29 March 2007 Closing Plenary TC215. ISO TC215: Study for ebXML. TC215 is member of the MoU Management Group (ISO, ITU, UNcefact, OASIS,…) In 2006 (JeJu) TC215 decided to start a study for ebXML in the healthcare domain

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ISO TC215: Study for ebXML

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  1. The Study of ISO TC215 for e-business/ebXMLFrans van BommelMontreal, 29 March 2007Closing Plenary TC215 ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  2. ISO TC215:Study for ebXML • TC215 is member of the MoU Management Group (ISO, ITU, UNcefact, OASIS,…) • In 2006 (JeJu) TC215 decided to start a study for ebXML in the healthcare domain • Chairman of the group: Dr. Yun Sik Kwak • Members: Frans van Bommel, Audrey Dickerson and members of the TC215 working groups • Result to be presented in the TC meeting in Montreal (March 2007) ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  3. Subjects of the presentation: • Targets of the ISO ebXML study • More about ebXML and ISO 15000 • The use of ebXML in the Health sector • Recommendation for Continuation of the ebXML Task Force ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  4. The MoU on e-Business Standards • The Business Requirement: open, Interoperable and International accepted • History: Original MoU 1995; ITU signed in 2000 • EDIfact and XML transformation to ebXML • Stakeholders: IEC, ISO, ITU, UN and user groups • Objective: Avoiding duplication, Intersectoral coherence, open • Framework for OASIS/UNcefact on ebXML ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  5. Targets of the ISO ebXML study • Starting: Awarness • Discover the benefits of ebXML (see MuO) for the activities of ISO in Health • How can ISO TC215 support the activities of ebXML (Patient administration, Insurance, healthcards) • Give recommendations for future collaboration (Montreal 2007) ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  6. Electronic Business XML (ebXML): • The best of 2 worlds combined • W3C (internet) • OASIS (industry, infrastructure) • UN/Cefact (users: TBG groups, semantics) • Health: eBES eg9/TBG10 Europe, TBG10 ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  7. EbXML covers the whole eBusiness spectrum ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  8. Core components ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  9. ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  10. ebXML: the results • Knowledge of OASIS and UN formalized the ISO 15000 standards • A framework for Awarness and Legislation • The CCTS with a growing repository of Core Components • Implementations: UBL in many languages, XBRL • In the future: more tools and international and intersectorial use ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  11. The ISO 15000 standards • 1 Collaboration protocol profile and agreement spec. (ebCPP) • 2 Message service specification (ebMS) • 3 Registry Information Model • 4 Registry Services Specification • 5 Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS) (Building Blocks) ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  12. ebXML in Health(Expert meeting with HL7 and OASIS in San Diego) • The same approach (UML, syntax independed,…..) • HL7 uses some of the technical parts • Ride project in Europe (roadmap, ebBP with IHE) • UNcefact TBG10: Core components project based upon HL7 CMETS and CEN GPICS; Datatypes…. • ISO registry framework of CDA • E-Invoicing, e-Procurement, payment • Messaging; Insurers, HCP,……. • ebMS/CPA for emergency alerting, NIST, UK, ……… ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  13. Experts Questionnaire (preparation advice; ISO, CEN, HL7, UNcefact, OASIS, EEG9, TBG10) • Representing which sector? • Benefit of using ebXML for TC215/HL7? • Which parts of ebXML are of interest? • Which areas in healthcare can use ebXML as it is? • Can TC215 support ebXML? • Liasons, WG, Task Force? • Target of a new group? ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  14. Answers (users) • Better integration health and business sector • ebXML has a sound technical base useful for health too • Medical know-how should be involved • Profiles made by TC215 are missing • ISO/HL7 should support the Core Component development • Use all the payload independent standards • Work together for the semantics (including Data Types) ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  15. Answers (users) 2 • TC215 sh0uld develope use-cases • Document Handling • Electronic Healthcare billing • Smartcard relation (ID and Insurance Check) • Organization: Step by step, join e.g. WG • Continue awarness activities ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  16. Combined Answers OASIS • Encouraged about working with TC215 and HL7 • TC215 could provide use cases and needs • Open and proven standards; ISO 15000 range; ebMS as baseline • Architecture horizontal across domains • Accounting, reimbursement, document sharing • Organization: Liason (A?) • Oasis profiles ratification as ISO standard? ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  17. Conclusing • The use of ebXML is growing • We can learn from each other • There is some awarness and use in Healthcare, but the focus is on Medical purposes and not enough on e-Business • We can use the technical parts of ISO 15000 • For the semantic part we can collaborate and perform use cases and user needs • There is a need to continue the studygroup as a Task Force ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  18. Working program of the TF ebXML • Awarness (improved participation of the TC215 WG’s) • Discover where ebXML fits in the existing TC activities • Liason with OASIS for the technical parts • Liason with UNcefact for the semantics (Core Component and Datatype project…) • Liason with HL7 for input, harmonization and technology • E-Business in the medical domain (including reimbursement, document handling) • Advice for future organization (TC meeting 2008) ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  19. Resulution 1 (Task Force) • ISO/TC215 accepts the presented working program of the Task Force • ISO/TC215 agrees to continue the Task Force ebXML for at least 1 year ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

  20. Resolution 2 (Liasons) • ISO/TC215 decided to establish a formal liason with HL7 SIG XML (renamed as HL7 ITS Implementable Technology SIG) • ISO/TC 215 decided to establish formal A-liaisons with OASIS and UNcefact ISO ebXML Study Montreal (FvB)

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