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To Enterprise or Not?

Christine Mahoney & Cherie Wilcox University of Colorado at Boulder. To Enterprise or Not?. CSO Storytime. What is Enterprise?. Kevin Landolt, CSO. 5 Minute Group Exercise. S hare thoughts with people at your table Discuss: What possible concerns are there with using the same system?.

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To Enterprise or Not?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Christine Mahoney & Cherie WilcoxUniversity of Colorado at Boulder To Enterprise or Not?

  2. CSO Storytime

  3. What is Enterprise? Kevin Landolt, CSO

  4. 5 Minute Group Exercise • Share thoughts with people at your table Discuss:What possible concerns are there with using the same system?

  5. Concerns and Questions • What did your group come up with?

  6. Our Concerns Christine: • Faculty concerns? • Journalism branding? • Will it lessen internship paperwork? • Time to set-up? • Learning curve?

  7. Our Concerns Cherie: • Confusing to employers or students? • Agreeing to the same employer policies?

  8. Faculty concern (sharing contacts?) • Career Services was already working with many Journalism contacts

  9. Journalism Faculty Concern: Will non-journalism majors be able see our jobs?

  10. Setting Enterprise Up • Step 1: Customize Journalism Site(will see in the next few slides) • Step 2: Training – many hours learning system • Step 3: Internship Module – had to agree with forms and use mutual system • Step 4: Communicating these changes to employers and students

  11. Branding Journalism Site

  12. Customizing Home Page & Memos

  13. Internship Module Using a shared system

  14. Student Internship Module Screenshot Customizable Memos

  15. Shared Form (Internship Learning Plan)

  16. Shared Form Specifics AFTER BEFORE

  17. Communicating Changes Communicate to employers and students ahead of time to avoid confusion.

  18. Communicating to Employers Employer Contacts • Initial communication (invitation and explanation) • Employer Newsletter (sent 2 times a year) • CS website to include Journalism events (Career Fairs) • Be clear when sending emails

  19. Communicating to Students Students • Initial communication (invitation and explanation) • Careers in the Buff Student Newsletter • Sharing promotion of events and jobs on Facebook and Twitter

  20. Employer Login (Career Services)

  21. Employer Login (Journalism)

  22. Student Logging In Journalism Main Website Career Services Main Website

  23. Student Logs In with Identikey Info

  24. Student Home Page

  25. Different Pending Bins

  26. Tagging Jobs

  27. Considerations • Time (2-3 months to set up, do in summer) • Different employer policies? • Be careful not to create duplicate employer contact accounts (Internship Process) • Same system: need to agree on major changes & communicate minor changes

  28. Considerations (Job Posting Language) Language to add to job postings needs to be identical

  29. Advantages • One database for students and employers • Increased job postings • More complete snapshot of yearly stats • Legal guidelines • Jobs can be seen by only Journalism students OR by all • EDUCATION & more in the know • More awareness of each other’s events and cross promotion (social media) • Promotes great relationship building

  30. Questions? Christine Mahoney Christine.Mahoney@colorado.edu Cherie Wilcox Cherie.Wilcox@colorado.edu

  31. Thank you for attending! If you have any additional questions, please contact the Support Team or your CRM. What’s next? Cookie break! The next session will begin at 2:45pm sponsored by:

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