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Let’s Contribute in Southern Impact HIV Fund with Gilead COMPASS Initiative®

The Gilead COMPASS Initiativeu00ae was created with the sole objective of making life easier for HIV patients. They are always working to raise public awareness and reduce the stigma associated with HIV. In the Gilead COMPASS Initiativeu00ae, COMPASS stands for COMmitment to Partnership in Addressing HIV/AIDS in Southern States. It is a noble and broad endeavour with a ten-year commitment to help promote HIV awareness and eradicate the stigma and injustices that surround it in the Southern US.<br>For more information - https://www.gileadcompass.com/who-we-are/<br><br>

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Let’s Contribute in Southern Impact HIV Fund with Gilead COMPASS Initiative®

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Let’s Contribute in SouthernImpactHIVFund with Gilead COMPASS Initiative®

  2. AbouttheInitiative TheGileadCOMPASSInitiative®wascreatedwiththesole objective of making life easier for HIV patients. They are alwaysworkingtoraisepublicawarenessandreducethe stigmaassociatedwithHIV.IntheGileadCOMPASS Initiative®,COMPASSstandsforCOMmitmentto PartnershipinAddressingHIV/AIDSinSouthernStates.Itis anobleandbroadendeavourwithaten-yearcommitment tohelppromoteHIVawarenessanderadicatethestigma andinjusticesthatsurrounditintheSouthernUS.

  3. Grants and Trainings Free training and coaching based on your organizational capacity needs. Funding to support building organizational structure,wellness, and stigma-related capacities. Opportunities to collaborate,share,& learn with other organizations working to end the epidemic.

  4. Why the SouthernUS? "The South today has the highest burden ofHIVinfection,sickness,andfatalitiesof anyU.S.area," Itlagsfarbehindindeliveringquality HIVpreventionandcaretoits inhabitants."

  5. ContactInfo- Add-246SycamoreSt Georgia,USADecatur,30030 Visit - https://www.gileadcompass.com

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