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University of Arizona Nutrition Network Gayle Alleman , MS, RD

University of Arizona Nutrition Network Gayle Alleman , MS, RD. Today we will . . . . Explore MyPlate Program Find out how to teach about MyPlate while incorporating MyPyramid materials Get the scoop on MyPlate food groups Highlight MyPlate consumer messages. MyPlate.

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University of Arizona Nutrition Network Gayle Alleman , MS, RD

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  1. University of Arizona Nutrition NetworkGayle Alleman, MS, RD
  2. Today we will . . . Explore MyPlate Program Find out how to teach about MyPlate while incorporating MyPyramid materials Get the scoop on MyPlate food groups Highlight MyPlate consumer messages
  3. MyPlate Easy to follow food guide and meal planning Less complex than MyPyramid Guidance at-a-glance How much of which foods Encourages variety Portion control Still needs explanation Make half your grains whole Low fat dairy and protein
  4. MyPlate Program More than an icon Includes consumer messages based on 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Messages intended to change behaviors Enjoy your food, but eat less. Avoid oversized portions. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk. Make at least half your grains whole grains. Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals—and choose foods with lower numbers. Drink water instead of sugary drinks.
  5. Use MyPlate to Build a Healthy Plate Helps people make good choices within their cultural and taste preferences Use the icon to guide daily food choices No veggie at breakfast? Have one for a snack! Use the action-oriented messages to focus on important concepts
  6. MyPlate + MyPyramid Materials = High Quality Nutrition Ed MyPlate information about what and how much to eat is the same as MyPyramid ChooseMyPlate.gov contains much of the info previously on MyPyramid website First introduce MyPlate concept Follow-up with MyPyramid facts on food groups, calorie balance and physical activity Then teach MyPlate Consumer Messages
  7. Teaching MyPlate to Students Gather Materials Get a FREE poster MyPlate for Kids http://www.fns.usda.gov/ TN/Resources/myplate_ halfplateposter.html Regular MyPlate wall poster http://www.choosemyplate. gov/print-materials-ordering/order-online.aspx
  8. More Materials Plastic MyPlate model Paper plates and paper coasters for students to make MyPlate model Dairy Council of Arizona--food “models” First set of 400 life-size cardboard models FREE Play “Rate My Plate” http://www.dairycouncilofaz.org/online-catalog/ Team Nutrition: http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/ AZ Nutr. Network: http://www.eatwellbewell.org/
  9. Teach the Food Groups Make it age appropriate As students get older, go more in-depth with nutrients and their functions From basic to complex Biology + Chemistry = nutrition! Take a body approach Find out which nutrients the body needs then have a food group scavenger hunt to find the needed nutrients
  10. Fruits Sweet rather than savory 1.5 to 2 cups per day for most people 1 cup fruit or juice, ¼-1/2 c. dried fruit = 1 cup Fruits are rich in: Vitamin C -- Forms the basis of all body tissues, Aids in iron absorption. Potassium for heart health, maintains a regular heart beat and normalizes blood pressure. Folate – helps form all new cells—blood cells, DNA. Fiber—both insoluble and soluble fiber. Taste test – make it small, make it safe. Consumer message Make half your plate fruits and vegetables
  11. Disease-Fighters: Vegetables 2 to 3 cups per day 1 c. veggie or juice or 2 cups leafy = 1 cup Same nutrients as fruits + Vitamin A: vision, growth, immune function Vitamin K: bones, blood clotting Phytonutrients Natural substances May help prevent cancer, boost the immune system and play other beneficial health roles Beta-carotene (winter squash, sweet potatoes, dark green + peaches, apricots, cantaloupe) Lycopene (tomatoes, red peppers + watermelon) Isoflavones(in soy) 4,000 Dark green Broccoli, dark leafy greens Red and orange Carrots, sweet peppers Starchy Corn, peas, potatoes Beans, peas, lentils Kidney, black, lima, soy + iron, zinc, protein Other veggies --------- Taste tests Consumer message Make half your plate fruits and vegetables Resources: www.FruitsandVeggiesMoreMatters.org
  12. Grains 4-8 ounces for most people 1 slice, 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal, ½ cup cooked grain Grains are great for. . . B vitamins: thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin Releases energy from food Healthy nervous system Iron in enriched grains Carries oxygen to all cells Magnesium Releases energy from muscles, helps build strong bones Selenium Antioxidant, immune function Fiber Consumer Message: Make at least half your grains whole grains. A whole grain contains all edible parts of the grain. Nutrients have not been removed. On a label, the word “whole” precedes the name of the grain. Whole grains should be 1st and/or 2nd ingredient after water, to be a good source of whole grain.
  13. Which one is all whole grain?
  14. Protein Foods: 5 to 6.5 ozequiv/dayProtein, B-vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium. Seafood, nuts have omega-3 fats Animal Sources Plant Sources Dried beans, split peas, lentils. 1 oz. equivalent = ¼ c. cooked or ½ cup bean soup 2 Tbsp hummus Tofu. 1 oz. equiv. = 1/4 cup Nuts, seeds (unsalted) 1 ozequiv = 1/2 ounce Nut or seed butters w/o added oil or sugar: 1 ozequiv = 1 Tbsp 1 oz, 1 slice or 1 egg = 1 oz. eq. Choose lean or low fat meats, poultry Prepare with little/no added fat, drain/remove fat Eat seafood 2-3x/week, those rich in omega-3 fats once a week or more Eggs Use processed meats that have reduced sodium
  15. Dairy: Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk 2 – 3 cups per day 1 cup = 1 cup milk, yogurt, 1 cup fortified milk alternative 1/3 c. grated cheese, 1.5-2 oz. cheese 2 cups cottage cheese 1.5 c. ice cream Dairy foods are rich in. . . Calcium + activity = strong bones and teeth Adolescents build peak bone mass to last a lifetime Potassium—heart health Vitamin D—regulates calcium and phosphorus
  16. Facts on Fats & Oils Oils Solid Fats Raise blood cholesterol levels Increased risk of heart dz Saturated fats: meat, poultry, full-fat dairy products, butter. Coconut, palm, palm kernel oil. Trans fats: processed foods, margarine, hydrogenated oils Cholesterol in foods In animal sources of foods Consume as little as possible Not a food group Contain essential nutrients necessary for proper brain and nerve development + vitamin E Mono- and polyunsaturated Do not raise blood choles. Vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, some fish, olives, avocados Salad dressing, mayo 5-7 teaspoons/day
  17. Oils – Teaspoon Equivalents Source: ChooseMyPlate.gov
  18. Limit SoFAS Solid Fats Added sugars Moderation is key to prevent chronic diseases and possible weight gain
  19. Selected Consumer Messages “Enjoy your food, but eat less.” Concerns? “Avoid oversized portions.” Portion distortion resources Handout and slides: http://food.unl.edu/web/fnh/home then search “Portion Distortion” Quiz: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/supertracker-tools/portion-distortion.html
  20. Make Half Your Plate Fruits and Vegetables Students select any f/v to put on their own MyPlate (fresh, frozen, canned, dried) Is there a rainbow on their plate? Emphasize a little more veggies than fruits Use Dietary Guidelines / MyPyramid info to teach variety and types of veggies School lunch challenge: Analyze school lunch menu choices—show how to make half a plate of F/V on MyPlate Set goal for dinner at home
  21. More Consumer Messages Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk Choose reduced-fat cheeses, ice cream, non-fat yogurt Note: Children up to two years of age need full-fat dairy for proper nerve and brain development Make at least half your grains whole grains. www.wholegrainscouncil.org
  22. An Easy Way to Cut the Sat Fat
  23. “Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals—and choose foods with lower numbers.” Necessary electrolyte, but too much linked to heart issues Aim for 2,300 mg or less; avg intake = 3,400 mg Major source is processed foods Be a detective – compare labels of similar foods with similar serving sizes and make a chart Mg or %DV (% Daily Value “budget”)
  24. “Drink water instead of sugary drinks” Sugar-sweetened beverages are a major source of empty calories 1 gram = 1/4 teaspoon Add a splash of juice to water, or a slice of fruit. Make ice cubes out of fruit juice. Use special cups and straws!
  25. Physical Activity A part of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines 60 minutes per day for children and adolescents Aerobic, muscle strengthening, bone strengthening At least 30 minutes five days a week for adults Aerobic, muscle strengthening http://azdhs.gov/phs/physicalactivity/ www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/everyone/guidelines/index.html
  26. www.choosemyplate.gov/food-groups/physicalactivity_calories_used_table.html www.choosemyplate.gov/food-groups/physicalactivity_calories_used_table.html
  27. More Resources at ChooseMyPlate.gov SuperTracker Physical activity info BMI calculator Healthy eating tips Daily food plans Vegetarian patterns Portion distortion Tips for eating out Reading labels Food Safety info Solid fats chart Weight management assistance
  28. Go forth and teach healthy eating! Use MyPlate icon and messages Incorporate MyPyramid materials if you have them but focus on plate icon If nutrition education materials teach about MyPlate concepts – food groups, amount to eat, healthy eating behaviors--they count as MyPlate materials!
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