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NATFW NSLP overview

NATFW NSLP overview. Document history. v00 - Jan 27th - Creation. Agenda. Introduction NATFW NSLP mode of operation Things to fix. Introduction. NATFW NSLP scope - to be added later NATFW NSLP deployment scenarios: DS behind NAT DR behind NAT Same for FW and for NATFW

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NATFW NSLP overview

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  1. NATFW NSLP overview

  2. Document history • v00 - Jan 27th - Creation

  3. Agenda • Introduction • NATFW NSLP mode of operation • Things to fix

  4. Introduction • NATFW NSLP scope - to be added later • NATFW NSLP deployment scenarios: • DS behind NAT • DR behind NAT • Same for FW and for NATFW • Intra-realm communications

  5. Intra-realm communications Net x Alice wants to talk to Bob Alice k.l.m.n/30 a.b.c.1/24 a.b.c.e The net Bob NSIS aware NAT/FW a.b.c.d How to avoid useless resource spending on NAT and Firewalls (potentially event Qos gates)? Let Bob provide to Alice both his locally scoped and global scoped addresses

  6. Intra-realm communications Net x Alice Alice wants to talk Phil a.b.c.1/24 NSIS aware NAT/FW + Qos NSLP k.l.m.n/30 The net a.b.c.e Bob NSIS aware NAT/FW + Qos NSLP e.f.g.h/30 a.b.c.1/24 a.b.c.d Local scoped address could obviously overlap, a solution needs to be provided to handle that case Phil a.b.c.d

  7. Intra-realm communications Sales/HR NAT Stacking Alice ISP x NATFW2 NAT1 Trudy Bob NAT3 Need to avoid this path from being taken Foo.com Max Same problem but getting worst …

  8. Intra-realm communications Sales/HR NAT Stacking Alice ISP x NATFW2 NAT1 Trudy Bob NAT3 Preferred Path!!! Need to avoid this path from being taken Foo.com Max

  9. 2-REA:[|] 4-REA:[10.1..2.3||137.121.5..8] 1-REA:[] 3-REA:[10.1..2.3||] Intra-realm communications Sales/HR NAT Stacking Alice ISP x NATFW2 NAT1 Trudy Bob NAT3 Foo.com Max

  10. Intra-realm communications • Issues with the none optimal paths: • Aside being not optimal … • Certain NATs do not support the required loopback behavior • Proposed solution: • Communicate several NR addresses to the NI • The first response received from an NR will hint the NR address to use for the rest of the messages • NSIS messages need to be sent simultaneously and not sequentially (I.e. don’t wait for responses).

  11. Intra-realm communications • Proposed solution - continued: • Communicate several NR addresses to the NI • The first response received from an NR will hint the NR address to use for the rest of the messages • NSIS messages need to be sent simultaneously and not sequentially (I.e. don’t wait for responses). • The reserve message needs to be intercepted by intermediate NATs (before reaching the edge NAT) • These intermediate NATs need to provide the translated address as well • User application impacts: • Several NR addresses need to be provided • NTLP impacts: • Although a messaging association was already linked to a destination address, it needs to be re-checked if applicable or not to avoid the confusion of overlapped local scoped addresses

  12. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle Start NSIS NATFW activated NR behind NAT Discovery Behind a NAT? NRBNAT=0 NRBNAT=1 Idle Idle

  13. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NI Snd-CREATE n=MAXRTX Idle Send Create message To all provided recipients* Initiator event Run Timer & wait for response Snd-CREATE Timeout n-- Path-Succeeded** Error msg Any other messages n>0 Stateinstalled yes no St-Instl-Flure Drop Inform upper layers Idle

  14. Inform upper layers Any other msgs NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NI Stateinstalled St-Instl-Flure Inform upper layers Negotiate no yes Idle Run STRF** timer Snd-CREATE ST-Delete Waiting for statechange triggers Reason? Received delete msg Upper layer requested Trigger test Drop Send delete msg Inform upper layers Received delete Modify? timeout ST-delete ST-Refresh Idle Idle

  15. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NI ST-Refresh Modify N=MAXRTXMDFY Send Refresh* Send Modify** Stateinstalled Run Timer & wait for response MD-St-Instl-Flure Timeout n-- Path-Succeeded*** Error msg Any other messages Inform upper layers n>0 Stateinstalled yes no MD-St-Instl-Flure Drop Keep existing state? MD-St-Instl-Flure Stateinstalled ST-Delete

  16. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NR Active-Listen NR-Idle Initiator event Send reserve msg n=MAXRTX-RSV Check NRBNAT Run Timer & wait for response 1 0 Pasv-Listen Active-Listen Timeout n-- Received RSV Ack Error msg* Any other messages yes n>0 Inform upper layers no Drop Inform upper layers Inform upper layers PASV-Listen PASV-Listen PASV-Listen

  17. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NR PASV-Listen Received msg Check msg Received Create msg Any other messages Delete NR-Rcv-Create Recvd Error msg Received Delete msg Drop Modify Inform upper layers NR-Mod-ST Inform upper layers PASV-Listen ?? Send Delete confirm?* NR-Idle NR-Idle NR-Idle

  18. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NR NR-Rcv-create Inform upper layers Send create-ack n=MAXRTX-CRACK yes Validate ? no Run Timer & wait for response ? Send Error msg Error related to create ack ? Any other msgs Timeout n-- Received create-ack Ack PASV-Listen NR-Idle yes n>0 Inform upper layers Inform upper layers no Inform upper layers NR-Idle PASV-Listen NR-Idle

  19. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NR NR-Mod-ST Inform upper layers Send mod-ack n=MAXRTX-MODACK yes Validate ? no Run Timer & wait for response ? Send Error msg Error related to Mod ack ? Any other msgs Timeout n-- Received mod-ack Ack PASV-Listen NR-Idle yes n>0 Inform upper layers Inform upper layers no Inform upper layers NR-Idle PASV-Listen NR-Idle

  20. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NF NF-Idle Received msg Msg type Reserve-msg Create-msg Any other msg NF-Rcv-RSV NF-Rcv-Create Drop NF-Idle

  21. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NF NF-Rcv-Create Should we send create with error flag downstream??? No Validate-authz Available resources Yes No Yes NF-ST-Install Forward create Send error upstream Wait for confirmation Timer NF-Idle Received other msg timeout Received error Drop Received create-ack No authz Received Authz create-ack Send error- last node no authz NF-State-Install Send error - no authz Forward error* Forward NF-Idle NF-Idle NF-Idle NF-ST-Installed

  22. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NF NF-NATBINDRSV n=RCVMAX NF-Rcv-RSV NF-Idle Send error timeout NAT? Received anything else No Wait for Create* Received Create yes Forward NF-Rcv-Create Edge NAT n>0 yes Drop n-- No Local bind update No NF-Idle Create-msg Rcv-bind update Drop Send bind-update** Forward Drop Rcv upstream error Forward Send error Wait for RSV-Ack NF-NATBINDRSV Local System failure Send RSV-Ack NF-Idle NF-NATBINDRSV timeout Delete bind/Send error Delete bind/forward Append RSV-ack NF-NATBINDRSV Send RSV-Ack NF-Idle NF-Idle NF-NATBINDRSV NF-NATBINDRSV

  23. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NF NF-ST-Install Waiting for Create ack? Other msg Drop Local system error Create-msg ack Send error Timeout Rcv Error msg Forward NF-Idle Send create ack with last NF flag NF-ST-Installed NF-Idle NF-ST-Installed

  24. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NF NF-ST-Installed Received msg Msg check Any other msg Local system error Rcv delete Send error/delete state Rcv error msg NF-ST-Installed Delete state/forward Forward NF-Idle Rcv Refresh Rcv modify msg Delete state NF-Idle Forward* NF-Rcv-Modify NF-Idle NF-ST-Installed

  25. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NF NF-Rcv-Mod Available resources No No Validate-authz yes Send error upstream/keep existing Yes Forward mod NF-ST-Installmod NF-ST-Installed Received msg Check msg Received other msg Received Authz mod-ack Received create-ack No authz Drop Received error NF-State-Install Send error - no authz Forward error* Forward NF-Idle NF-ST-Installedmod NF-Idle

  26. NSIS NATFW NSLP life cycle: NF NF-ST-Installmod Waiting for mod ack? Other msg Drop Local system error mod-msg ack Send error NF-ST-Installedmod NF-ST-Installedmod Timeout Rcv Error msg* NF-Idle Rcv fatal Error msg** Change state Forward Was I the last NF? Delete state/forward Policy check NF-ST-Installed yes NF-ST-Installed Send mod ack with last NF flag*** NF-Idle NF-ST-Installed

  27. Things to fix • How to benefit more from the user apps triggering the NATFW NI/NR? Particularly for key management and messaging association parameter negotiation? • Provide means to prevent local NEs to respond instead of remote NEs having the same local scoped address

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