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Research on the Relevance of the Learners’ Cultural identity and L2 Learning Li Siqing Foreign Languages College, Shangh

Research on the Relevance of the Learners’ Cultural identity and L2 Learning Li Siqing Foreign Languages College, Shanghai Normal University siqingle@shnu.edu.cn. Abstract:

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Research on the Relevance of the Learners’ Cultural identity and L2 Learning Li Siqing Foreign Languages College, Shangh

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  1. Research on the Relevance of the Learners’ Cultural identity and L2 Learning Li Siqing Foreign Languages College, Shanghai Normal University siqingle@shnu.edu.cn

  2. Abstract: This paper puts forward a new L2 cultural identity model, which focuses on the L2 learner’s cognitive development in L2 learning. L2 learner, in the meantime of L2 learning, constructs his/her own L2 cultural knowledge structure (CKS), which is an integrated one with learner’s identification of L2 culture and his/her L1 culture, and is a continuum and can be developed and modified in the process of L2 learning, similar to Learner’s inter-language. This structure and L2 learning are interactively functioned, that is, it will influence learner’s motivation, affective factors in L2 learning and thus, the effect of L2 learning itself. Key words: cultural identity; second language acquisition; social identity; L2 cultural knowledge structure (CKS)

  3. INTRODUCTION A story: a student (a non-major) asks me the meaning of a phrase ‘hang out’, which comes from his cell phone message, sent by his foreign friend. The original sentence is ‘we can find a time to hang out somewhere’. Hints from the story a. ‘hang out’ is a formulaic, which does not often appear in text-book or is neglected in learning. b. English is for communication as well as for test and reading c. Language use or inter-cultural interaction may come in any time and at any place d. ‘hang out’ may be a new phrase for the student but can be understood by the context, if he has a kind of knowledge. But what is the knowledge?

  4. 1 Interpretation to L2 learner’s cultural identity This paper, on the basis of a critical analysis of former identity researches, puts forward a new L2 cultural identity model, which focuses on the L2 learner’s cognitive development in L2 learning. It contains the concept that L2 learner, in the meantime of L2 learning, constructs his/her own L2 cultural knowledge structure (CKS), which is an integrated one with learner’s identification of L2 culture and his/her L1 culture, and is a continuum and can be developed and modified in the process of L2 learning, similar to Learner’s inter-language. This structure and L2 learning are interactively functioned, that is, it will influence learner’s motivation, affective factors in L2 learning and thus, the effect of L2 learning itself.

  5. CKS word syntax discourse metaphor Cultural image L1 culture L2 culture Inter-cultural Identity L2 learner’s cultural knowledge structure (CKS) is the entity (definite form) of the cultural identity (see the graph 1). (continuum: it develops and can be modified) Graph 1

  6. 2 Theoretical bases of L2 cultural knowledge structure (CKS) • Theories of Self-identity in second language acquisition • Identity researches in ESL setting (or L2 setting in a narrow view) • Lamber’s Social Psychological Model (Graph 2) • Attitudes towards • Native culture Target culture • __________________________________________________________ • Additive bilingualism + + • Subtractive bilingualism – + • __________________________________________________________ • Key: + =positive attitudes • – =negative attitudes • Graph 2: Attitudes and L2 learning • Schumann’s Acculturation • L1 culture L2 culture L2 learning • A higher affection or inclination to L2 culture will aid and determine the learner’s L2 learning. Schumann’s Acculturation is in fact a Subtractive bilingualism.

  7. Identity researches in EFL setting (in China setting) • Gao Yihong’s Productive Bilingualism • 1+1>2 • The key point of this model is the rise in value, that is, the interaction or integration of learner’s L1 and L2 cultural identity build his/her a broader understanding competence on L1 and L2 language and culture. • L2 learning aids cognitive competence, that is, it aids to develop learner’s analytical, synthetic and other cognitive competence on a basis of L1 and L2 knowledge. • Compare to • Subtractive bilingualism 1-1=1 • Additive bilingualism 1+1=1,or 1+1=1/2+1/2, • (1 represents on language, cultural identity or belonging)

  8. Slot (filled with information) schema activation comprehension • 3) Enlightenment from the cognitive device of Schema Theory • Schema of a restaurant • Slots: person, object, movement • Default values: waiter and waitress, customer, chef, and others • With the schema, we can know different kinds of restaurants, such as Chinese, Korean, Tai or American KFC or Macdonald. • Schema has structures, layers and is systematic, abstract and dynamic. The whole understanding process, with the guide of relevant schema, is schema activating and information filling in the schema. (see graph 2) Schema Graph 2

  9. 3 Cultural identity, CKS and L2 learning The author believes that L2 learner’ CKS comes before the change or develop of L2 learner’s attitude or other affective factors. CKS is the entity of cultural identity and thus, is easier to set and observe the variables in research. The following is an interpretation from of the linguistic view. A further interpretation from the learners is needed but not ready this time.

  10. 1) Linguistic interpretation of CKS • Case 1: semantic understanding of words • When Hank Paulson first came up with his bail-out strategy for the US banking system, he called finance ministers around the world to explain the details. “We need to dynamite this thing,” the US Treasury secretary said of his plan to end the freeze in global credit markets. • One European minister asked what would happen if the Treasury's $700bn programme to buy up the banks' toxic debts failed to crack the ice. “We have nothing else,” Mr. Paulson replied bluntly. The Treasury secretary seems to have assumed that Congress would do as it was told. Perhaps gilded alumni of Goldman Sachs are unaccustomed to being over-ruled by mere politicians. (Philip Stephens: http://www.ftchinese.com/2008-10-04) • Interpretation: • US-based word and name: bail-out strategy; Goldman Sachs • Words and expressions with common sense: dynamite; freeze ;toxic debts;

  11. Case 2: syntax • Comparison of Chinese and English sentences • a. When Hank Paulson first came up with his bail-out strategy • for the US banking system, he called finance ministers • around the world to explain the details. (Time Ad.+SVO) • 当汉克保尔森提出对美国银行业的经济救援计划时,他请来 • 各国财长并向他们详细解释他的计划。 (Time Ad.+SVO) • b. the US Treasury secretary said of his plan to end the • freeze in global credit markets. (SVO) • 这位美国财长如此评论他的消除全球信贷市场停滞的计划。 • (SVO) • Interpretation: • E/C syntactic structures, close or equivalent

  12. Comparison of Chinese and German sentences • a. Da Streiten sie uber Preise und ihr Leben in Deutschland. • (VSO+adv.) • 他们在那儿就价格和在德国的生活争论不休。(SVO) • b. Mehr als 300 Hochschulen sind uber Deutschland verteilt. • (SOV---aux v.+past part.) • 有300多所大学分布在德国各地。(SVO) • Interpretation: • For German, the centre of the sentence, the V-phrase, is often places in the end, while Chinese has its V-phrase in the middle. The difference in syntactic structure might be a block for learners from both sides.

  13. Case 3: English and Chinese context English context When Hank Paulson first came up with his bail-out strategy for the US banking system, he called finance ministers around the world to explain the details. “We need to dynamite this thing,” the US Treasury secretary said of his plan to end the freeze in global credit markets.

  14. bail-out strategy (b. something need to be done to help or provide solutions) bail-out strategy (a. something related to finance and banking things) finance minister dynamite banking system credit market end the freeze US Treasury secretary Schema 1 Schema 2 *Bail-out: help (esp. business) out of difficulty by providing money

  15. English context in Chinese IBM在中国的电视节目中做过一则关于定位服务的广告:两位要去加里福尼亚的货车司机被IBM的雇员拦住,被告知他们走错了方向,他们正在去往新泽西州。熟知美国地理的人明白,新泽西和加州分别代表了美国东,西两个相反的方向。具备该知识结构的观众可以马上领会该广告的含义:司机走错了方向,IBM的定位服务是必要的;而不具备该知识结构的观众可能会觉得一头雾水。 Schema Importance of positioning service Fully wrong direction, can’t arrive, long distance New Jersey California

  16. Case 4: discourse English discourse The Rise of the Four-Day Work Week? Beginning Like many companies, Pella is looking to cut expenses because of the economic downturn. But instead of laying off more workers, the Iowa manufacturer of windows and doors is instituting a four-day workweek for about a third of its 3,900 employees. Chris Simpson, a senior vice-president at the company, acknowledges it's an unconventional move. But Pella believes the economy could turn around faster than most people expect, and it doesn't want to be caught short of experienced workers. "Our contention is, consumer confidence will rebound," says Simpson. "If there's a (government) stimulus package of some kind, we think people are going to respond.“ End Most employees prefer a reduction in hours to being laid off. But workers say there are costs either way. Pella employee Connie Davis says she plans to cut back on certain groceries when the four-day workweek takes effect in January. "Like anyone who's counting the pennies, I will tighten my belt a little bit," she says. ( By Olga Kharif: http://news.yahoo.com/s/bw/20081219/

  17. Chinese discourse 深圳政府助金融企业成功破解债券危机 首段 东方网12月19日消息:深圳市政府新近成立金融危机处理小组,组织各相关机构,共同应对国际金融危机挑战,及时破解企业危机。。。。 尾段 中科智顺利度过国际金融危机难关,将让更多与中科智有业务往来的中小企业和金融机构得到间接扶持 (http://finance.eastday.com/m/20081219/u1a4056229.html)

  18. Interpretation: • English discourse has its centre in the beginning with major information and a clear and logic tie. The supporting details come after. While Chinese discourse often has its centre in the end. Chinese news report tends to put the centre in the beginning, while, unlike English discourse, a clear understanding still needs support from the following parts. In this view, schemas of different languages are necessary.

  19. Case 5: metaphor (end the) freeze; crack the ice; (the bank’s) toxic debts

  20. Case 6: cultural and literary images English Understanding Understanding Business had been slow since the oil crisis. Nobody seemed to want anything really elegant anymore. Suddenly the door opened and a well dressed man entered the show room floor. John put on his friendliest and most sincere expression and walked toward the man. (Chen Cunxian 194-195) Rumelhart (1984): try on US subjects, clear interpretation Gui Shichun (1991): try on Chinese subjects, some can not point out the commodity of the business. a. car Business;oil crisis;anything really elegant;show room floor b. situation of the car sales Business had been slow; oil crisis; put on his friendliest and most sincere expression

  21. Chinese(外国人读中文版的“白蛇传”) • “法海抛起一个金钵,要抓白素贞。这时许仙死死抓住法海不放,白素贞对他说了一句‘一定要把孩子抚养成人’,就被法海抓走,带到西湖,压在雷锋塔下。” • 问题:外国学生问抛起金钵可以砸人,怎能抓人?;许仙明明已经死死抓住了法海,为什么白素贞又被法海抓走了?究竟谁抓了谁? • Interpretation: • The foreign students’ puzzles come from lack of CKS of the Chinese story, which finally leads to the deviation in their understanding.

  22. CONCLUSION AND FURTHER EXPLORATION The author believes, a. it is not easy to gain data of L2 learner’s change in attitude, motivation and affection to L2 culture, while variables of L2 learner’s CKS can be measured by his/her words, syntax and other definite knowledge; b. CKS can be taught in EFL setting and will finally realize the change of attitude and identity. The research needs to be done further and supported with field research evidence, mainly from the L2 learners’ interpretation.

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