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Facilitating E-learning

Facilitating E-learning. Chad Bates & Tony DePietro EP 524 Fall 2009. Agenda. Introduction History Advantages & Disadvantages Facilitating E-Learning: Guidelines & Mannerisms Synchronous & Asynchronous Research Study. Introduction. There are many definitions of E-Learning

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Facilitating E-learning

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  1. Facilitating E-learning Chad Bates & Tony DePietro EP 524 Fall 2009

  2. Agenda • Introduction • History • Advantages & Disadvantages • Facilitating E-Learning: Guidelines & Mannerisms • Synchronous & Asynchronous • Research Study

  3. Introduction • There are many definitions of E-Learning • E-learning refers to any type of learning situation when instructional content is delivered electronically via the internet when and where people need it (Zhang and Nunamaker, 2003).

  4. Introduction • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous • Synchronous • Multicast and real-time interactive • Asynchronous • Not in real-time

  5. Discussion What types of E-learning have you participated in?

  6. History • 1980- Microcomputer instruction (CBI/CBT) flourished in this decade with the emphasis on design for interactivity and learner control.

  7. History • 1990 - Focus on designing learning environments based on a constructivist approach to learning and multimedia development. Hypertext and hypermedia influence the field and cross-cultural issues are bridged using the Internet. In the 1990s, interactive learning via computer-based training (CBT), use of touch screens and interactive videodisks increased with the availability of home computers and more reliance on technology in the workplace.

  8. History 2001 MIT announced its commitment to make materials from virtually all of it courses freely on the web (Zhang, Zhao, Lina Zhou, Nunamker, 2003). 2002 enrollment in the baccalaureate and graduate programs at the University of Phoenix Online reached 50,000 a increase of 70% (Zhang, Zhao, Lina Zhou, Nunamker, 2003).

  9. Advantages & Disadvantages

  10. Advantages What do you feel are advantages of e-learning?

  11. Advantages • Class work can be scheduled around personal and professional work • Reduces travel cost and time to and from school • Learners may have the option to select learning materials that meets their level of knowledge and interest

  12. Advantages Learners can study wherever they have access to a computer and Internet Flexibility to join discussions in the bulletin board threaded discussion areas at any hour, or visit with classmates and instructors remotely in chat rooms Different learning styles are addressed and facilitation of learning occurs through varied activities

  13. Advantages Development of computer and Internet skills that are transferable to other facets of learner's lives Successfully completing online or computer-based courses builds self-knowledge and self-confidence and encourages students to take responsibility for their learning

  14. Advantages Improved performance: A 12-year meta-analysis of research by the U.S. Department of Education found that higher education students in online learning generally performed better than those in face-to-face courses. Increased access: Instructors of the highest caliber can share their knowledge across borders, allowing students to attend courses across physical, political, and economic boundaries. Recognized experts have the opportunity of making information available internationally, to anyone interested at minimum costs. For example, the MIT OpenCourseWare program has made substantial portions of that university's curriculum and lectures available for free online. Convenience and flexibility to learners: in many contexts, eLearning is self-paced and the learning sessions are available 24x7. Learners are not bound to a specific day/time to physically attend classes. They can also pause learning sessions at their convenience.

  15. Disadvantages What do you feel are disadvantages?

  16. Disadvantages Student Participation Some students are intimidated by the permanence of contributions as opposed to easily forgotten classroom comments. Not comfortable having their comments exposed for all to see and criticize Fear of having to sound intelligent Fear of being impolite

  17. Disadvantages • Unmotivated learners or those with poor study habits may fall behind • Lack of familiar structure and routine may take getting used to • Students may feel isolated or miss social interaction • Instructor may not always be available on demand • Slow or unreliable Internet connections can be frustrating • Managing learning software can involve a learning curve • Some courses such as traditional hands-on courses can be difficult to simulate

  18. Facilitating E-learning

  19. Facilitating E-learning • Online Facilitation is broadly defined as, “the act of managing the learners and the learning through an online medium” (according to Backroad Connections Pty Ltd, 2002). • “ Facilitation can also refer to the meaning ‘the communication of others online’.” (according to Backroad Connections Pty Ltd, 2002). • “Facilitation when used as a pedagogical term, ‘applies to student-centered approaches to teaching as opposed to teacher-driven’.” (Kempe, 2001, as cited in Backroad Connections Pty Ltd, 2002). C. Bates and T. DePietro 19

  20. Facilitating E-learning  Aim Participants become independent and interdependent inquirers. Responsibility is taken on by each group member for his / her own learning. Discussion groups do not look at instructor for validation. C. Bates and T. DePietro 20

  21. Facilitating E-learning  NECESSARY MANNERISMS What type of qualities are important in an instructor who is facilitating an e-learning course? C. Bates and T. DePietro 21

  22. Facilitating E-learning  NECESSARY MANNERISMS The following mannerisms should be qualities which the online facilitator possesses: • Someone who can provide direction and support to learners. • Someone who pays attention and is responsive. • Someone who can allow participants to develop group cohesiveness, yet also knows the appropriate time to step in and transfer a conversation or provide encouragement. C. Bates and T. DePietro 22

  23. Facilitating E-learning  NECESSARY MANNERISMS • Someone with the ability to be innovative and experimental. • Someone with a capacity for relationship building. • Someone who can progress normal conversations into deeper level engagements. C. Bates and T. DePietro 23

  24. Facilitating E-learning  COURSE DEVELOPMENT • Motivation is key throughout the course development. Ease of Communication: The “communication tool” needs to be easily visible inside the course section’s screen site at all times. - This makes it possible for students to send e-mails to the professor throughout the course. - Also ensure that graphics and sound can be sent through e-mail communication system. • Identify Types of Assistive Technology allowed & those prohibited at the beginning of the course. C. Bates and T. DePietro 24

  25. Facilitating E-learning GUIDELINES • According to Matthews-DeNatale and Doubler (2000) whenever Facilitating Online discussions / conversations, you should keep the following guidelines in mind: • “ESTABLISH INFORMED EXPECTATIONS - Let course participants know: • when (days/times) you will be “present” in the discussions • what kind of interaction they can expect from you • how you would like them to interact with each other. • - Check “discussion area” at least 3 times per week, as well as “Help!” forum. If you are going to be gone for a few days, inform class of this information C. Bates and T. Depietro 25

  26. Facilitating E-learning GUIDELINES (con’t) • FRONT END VIGILANCE - First week of class  most import time - Establish group trust, rapport, & confidence in technical skills - Respond to requests for assistance ASAP • ESTABLISH A HUMAN PRESENCE - Introduce yourself to students in a unique way - If / when appropriate weave in humor into “personalization” - Before posting message  read aloud to self – do messages sound like you? If not, make changes. C. Bates and T. Depietro 26

  27. Facilitating E-learning GUIDELINES (con’t) • VISIBLE and PREDICTABLE RHYTHMS OF COMMUNICATION - Develop a schedule – develop a “routine” so that you do not get behind on feedback to students - Write a Mid-week and Friday post – by doing so students are aware mid-week of their “direction / progress.” At the end of the week, try to “connect” the work from the previous week, as well as “guide” them in the direction they need to go for the following week.” C. Bates and T. Depietro 27

  28. Facilitating E-learning GUIDELINES (con’t) • OPTIMIZE YOUR MESSAGES - Keep messages short– keep focused on one topic - Carefully craft your posts – Think about the following four items when composing your posts: 1. What are the learners’ ideas? 2. What do I think the group needs to pursue in more depth? 3. What behaviors do I want to model and / or encourage? 4. How do I think my readers will perceive the post? C. Bates and T. Depietro 28

  29. Facilitating E-learning GUIDELINES (con’t) • GIVE CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK - Try writing messages, leaving room, and then coming back to re-read it, only this time imagining yourself as the recipient of the message. • - Also, try to think of the recipient as a “co-learner,” instead of trying to speak in the “teacher’s” voice. In other words, write with a first person voice (i.e., I wonder what would happen if …) C. Bates and T. Depietro 29

  30. Facilitating E-learning GUIDELINES (con’t) • GIVE CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK (con’t) - Always look for something positive to say at the beginning of the message - Instead of making corrections, keep a list of the problems and wait. See if other group members notice and address these problems in the course. If not, then write something in your mid-week post. • - Ask the participants, themselves, if there are any “areas of concern,” which they feel they need to address. C. Bates and T. Depietro 30

  31. Facilitating E-learning GUIDELINES (con’t) • Ask Yourself, “WHAT DOES THE GROUP / INDIVIDUAL NEED TO MOVE FORWARD?” • - The facilitation of a group will change daily, depending on what is needed. There is not one correct “response.” • - Listed below are possible actions that can be taken as a facilitator: • Moderate • Guide • Summarize • Troubleshoot • Mediate • Prompt C. Bates and T. Depietro 31

  32. Facilitating E-learning COURSE ENVIRONMENT • What do you think is important in an e- • learning environment? C. Bates and T. Depietro 32

  33. Facilitating E-learning COURSE ENVIRONMENT (con’t) • Important to provide a safe environment for online activities and communications. • Reason  students will not engage if they feel their security / privacy is being invaded. • Online environment has to be designed so that stages flow properly in learning stages. C. Bates and T. Depietro 33

  34. Facilitating E-learning COURSE ENVIRONMENT (con’t) • Environment consists of: - Interactive Multimedia exposition • Automated reasoning to check student work • Online exercises using symbiotic computation • Environment also contains : • - Facilities for collecting extensive data on all aspects of students’ usage. C. Bates and T. Depietro 34

  35. Facilitating E-learning COURSE ENVIRONMENT (con’t) • Student-Student Interaction: • Keep discussion group sizes manageable. (sizes of four to five students is ideal) • Encourage students to answer each other’s questions, rather than having you answer their questions. • Also, encourage students to critique each other’s work. • Develop an area for personal interaction. C. Bates and T. Depietro 35

  36. Facilitating E-learning CHALLENGES • According to Australian National Training Authority (2000), some of the greatest challenges when facilitating e-learning are: • “Blended Learning” – finding right mix of online and offline activities • Keeping tabs on individual students’ progress • Catering for different learning preferences & learner needs • Adopting “student-centered” approaches C. Bates and T. Depietro 36

  37. Facilitating E-learning CHALLENGES (con’t) • Dealing with technical issues • Avoiding dangers of misinterpretation of text • Standing back, allowing students to discover • the power and potential of the medium for self • and group learning • Teacher workload in responding to individual • students online • Students report being overwhelmed by • messages C. Bates and T. Depietro 37

  38. Facilitating E-learning EFFECTIVENESS • “Effective” Online Facilitation should: • Engage learners • Guide learners • Motivate learners • Provide a safe environment for learners to work • and learn • Do all of the above items, regardless of the • learner’s use / experience to online learning C. Bates and T. Depietro 38

  39. Facilitating E-learning EFFECTIVENESS (con’t) • Characteristics, according to Australian National Training Authority (2000) (used to measure successful online or learning communities : • Participants post in discussion forums regularly (appropriate to facilitator’s instructions) • The online community meets its members’ needs, • and participants express honest opinions C. Bates and T. Depietro 39

  40. Facilitating E-learning EFFECTIVENESS (con’t) • Participant-to-participant collaboration and • teaching are evident, and spontaneous • moderating occurs among the participants • Reasonable venting about technology, content, • and even the facilitator is acceptable and • evident • Participants show concern and support for the • community C. Bates and T. Depietro 40

  41. 2 Types of Online Learning • The two types of online learning that exist are “synchronous” and “asynchronous.” • -Asynchronous E-Learning is most often practiced by e-mail and discussion boards. This type of e-learning makes it possible for learners to download documents, files, etc., at any time they wish. The facilitators may also post lectures, instructions, videos, etc., and check these posts at any time they wish. • This type of e-learning is the more flexible type of learning because everyone does not have to be online at the same time to participate. C. Bates and T. Depietro 41

  42. Assessment of Learner Satisfaction with Asynchronous Electronic Learning Systems Electronic learning is one of the most significant recent developments in the information systems industry (Wang, 2003)

  43. Synchronous E-learning • Focusing on “Synchronous E-Learning”: • -Synchronous E-Learning is often preferred in today’s e-learning community. Reasons why include: • Frustration is avoided when having to wait for an answer. • A more “social” atmosphere is provided. • Motivation is increased. • The “receiver’s” reaction is able to be monitored, where it cannot be when learning asynchronously. C. Bates and T. Depietro 43

  44. Synchronous E-learning 44

  45. Synchronous E-learning 45

  46. Research Study Assessment of learner satisfaction with asynchronous electronic learning systems - Yi-Shun Wang (2003)

  47. What is E-Learning Satisfaction? According to Giese and Gote’se-learning satisfaction can be defined as A summary affective response of varying intensity that follows asynchronous e-learning activities, and is stimulated by several focal aspects, such as content, user interface, learning community, customization, and learning performance (Wang, 2003).

  48. Hypotheses A positive relationship exists between ELS score and the reuse intention of the e-learning systems A negative relationship exists between ELS score and the extent of post-usage complaint behavior

  49. Research Sample 5 International Organizations Taiwan Semiconductor manufacturing Corporation United Microelectronics Corporation Compal Electronics MiTAC International Corporation Dell Taiwan 116 respondents

  50. Summary The electronic learning satisfaction instrument demonstrated to produce acceptable reliability estimates, and evidence also supported Content validity Concurrent validity Discriminant validity Convergent validity Nomological validity

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