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  2. Nos acostumbramos a vivir en departamentos y a no tener otra vistaque no sea las ventanas de alrededor; y porque no se tiene vista, luego nos acostumbramos a no mirar para afuera;We got used to living in departments and not to have other whereas it is not the windows of around; and because view is not had, soon we got used to not watching for outside;

  3. Y porque no miramos para afuera,luego nos acostumbramos a no abrir del todo las cortinas; Y porque no abrimosdel todo las cortinas, luego nos acostumbramos a encender más temprano la luz.And because we did not watch for outside, soon we got used to not abrir the curtains absolutely; And because we did not abrimos the curtains absolutely, soon we got used to igniting early more the light.

  4. Ya medida que nos acostumbramos, olvidamos el sol, olvidamos el aire,olvidamos la amplitud...Nos acostumbramos a despertar sobresaltados porque se nos hizo tarde; A tomarnos el café corriendo porque estamos atrasados; acostumbramos a no mirar para afuera;And as we were accustomed, we forgot the sun, we forgot the air, we forgot the amplitude… We got used to waking up frightened because it became to us behind schedule; To take the coffee us running because we are slow; we are used to not watching for outside;

  5. A leer el diario enelautobús porque no podemos perder tiempo; A comer un sándwich porque no datiempo para almorzar; A salir del trabajo ya de noche; A dormir en el autobúsporque estamos cansados; A cenar rápido y dormir pesados sin haber vivido eldía.To read the newspaper in the bus because we cannot waste time; To eat a sandwich because it does not give time to have lunch; To leave the work already at night; To sleep in the bus because we are tired; To have dinner fast and to sleep heavy without to have lived the day.

  6. Nos acostumbramos a pensar que las personas cercanas a nosotros estarán siempre ahí y a creer que están bien, sin preocuparnos por averiguarlo; a esperar el día entero y finalmente oír en el teléfono: "Es que hoy no puedo ir...”We got used to thinking that the near people will be and to think always there that they are well, without worrying to us to find out it; to hope the whole day and finally to hear on the telephone:" It is that today I cannot go…”

  7. A ver cuándo nos vemos...- La semana que viene nos reunimos...“- To see when we see ourselves… - The week that comes we reunited… "

  8. A sonreír a las personas sin recibir una sonrisa de vuelta. A ser ignorados cuando precisábamos tanto ser vistos. Si el cine está lleno nos acostumbramosy nos conformamos con sentarnos en la primera fila aunque tengamos quetorcer un poco el cuello. Si el trabajo está complicado, nos consolamos pensando en el fin de semana;To smile to the people without receiving a return smile. To being ignored when we needed as much being seen. If the cinema is full we were accustomed and we were satisfied to sitting down in the first row although we must twist a little the neck. If the work is complicated, we were consoled thinking about the weekend;

  9. Y si el fin de semana no hay mucho que hacer,o andamos cortos de dinero, nos vamos a dormir temprano y listo,porque siempre tenemos sueño atrasado.And if the weekend is much no to do, or we walked short of money, we are going away to sleep and early ready, because always we are slow sleepy.

  10. Nos acostumbramos a ahorrar vida... Que, de a poco, igual se gasta y que una vez gastada, por estar acostumbrados ¡ NOS PERDIMOS DE VIVIR !...We got used to saving life…That, little by little, equal is spent and that once spent, to be customary.WE LOST OURSELVES TO LIVE! …

  11. Existe un dicho: "La muerte está tan segura de su victoria, que nos datoda una vida de ventaja".A saying exists:"The death is so safe of its victory,that it gives all a life us of ventaja".

  12. El tiempo no se puede atrapar, mucho menos almacenar; nuestra existenciatranscurre a gran velocidad, pero mientras tengamos vida, tenemos laoportunidadde cambiar nuestros hábitos, de tener una mejor calidad de existencia,de aprovechar y disfrutar cada respiro, cada latido de nuestro corazón.The time cannot be catched, much less to store; our existence passes at a high speed, but while we have life, we have the opportunity to change our habits, to have one better quality of existence, to take advantage of and to enjoy each breathing, each beat of our heart.

  13. No trasformemos nuestra vida en una rutina inútil que nos haga infelices.We do not make of our lifea useless routinethat does poor devils to us.

  14. Dios pone a nuestra disposición todos los elementos para ser seres felices,satisfechos y agradecidos por ese gran don (que es la vida),que con tantoamor nos ha sido otorgado.God makes our availableall the elements to be beings happy,satisfied and thankedfor by that great gift(that is the life),that with as much love has been granted us.

  15. La vida no hay que ahorrarla...The life is not necessary to save it…

  16. Hay que vivirla ¡ P L E N A M E N T E... BIEN!Porqué sin saberlo la naturaleza de nuestras circunstancias, pueden cambiar el giro de nuestra … vida.It is necessary to live itTOTALLY… WELL!Because without knowing it the nature ofour circumstances, they canchange to the turn of ours… life.

  17. Que tengas buen día... That you have good day… miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

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