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WHAT’S REALLY ON YOUR PLATE?. The direct impact of the food you eat is it builds your cells. Your cells build your tissues . Your tissues build your organs . Your organ systems allow you to live your life. Do you think food matters ?. Warm - up.

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  2. Thedirectimpact of thefoodyoueat is it buildsyourcells.

  3. Yourcellsbuildyourtissues. Yourtissuesbuildyourorgans. Your organ systemsallowyoutoliveyour life. Do youthinkfoodmatters?

  4. Warm-up • Do you think food additives/chemicals added to the foodareas dangerous assmoking? • Do you read the labels on the products? Do you understand the contents/ingredients? • Why are foodadditivesused? • Whyareorganicfoodsgrowingpopularity?

  5. FoodAdditives • Food additive is a substance added to foods to improve its certain characteristics such as color, aroma, consistency, taste, packaging and shelflife. Additives are not generally considered nutritional even if they have some nutritional value.

  6. The MostDangerousFoodAdditives • aspartame • hydrogenated vegetable oil • artificial coloring • propylgallate • MSG • sodium nitrite • BHA and BHT • olestra and saccharin

  7. Whyshouldwe be concernedabouttheseadditives? • Becausetheycausecancer, braincelldeath, braintumours, seizures, strokes, headachesandheartdiseases.

  8. Usefulvocabularybeforereading • nutrition/ malnutrition/poornutrition • ingredient • natural/artificial ingredients • foodpreservation • preserve • preventfood from spoiling • natural preservatives(sugar/honey/salt)

  9. pure/natural • use additive(s) • add/addition • Artificial food/intelligence/sweetener/flavoring and coloring/gassing tricks (to make tomatoes turn red, ripe) • syntheticfood dyes

  10. Adulterate (make impure or of poor quality by adding other substances) Thecompany is accused of adulteratingitsproductswithcheapadditives. • food/drinkadulteration • Adulterated food • Tasty/delicious/appetizing/flavorful • Processed food (hot dog, ham…)

  11. TARGET VOCABULARY Mold (n): thegreenishsubstancethatgrows on oldfood

  12. Controversy(n):argument,debate Controversybegan over the use of chemicals.

  13. Fake(adj) x original=genuine

  14. contaminate(v): to make a substance dirty/impure by putting chemicals or poison in it Our water supplies are contaminated due to chemicals from factories.

  15. conglomeration(n):a group of different things that are gathered/collected together: conglomeration of health organizations /schools/tribes

  16. ingest(v): takefoodorothersubstancesintoyourbody

  17. Metabolize (v): to change food in your body into energy and new cells

  18. To be loaded with smt: to be full of smt/containing a lot of smt snacksloaded with fat paintingsloaded with cultural significance • Pose (v): cause/present a danger, problem pose a threat/danger/risk

  19. (Pesticide) residue: a substance that cannot be removed easily/that remains after a chemical process

  20. EXTRA WORDS IN THE TEXT • Palate (n): sense of taste “It tasted very strange to my palate.” • Flavor (n): taste of a food “Whichflavor do you want? Chocolate or vanilla?” • Flavorful (adj) delicious • Appetizing (adj):food that look beautiful and makes you want to eat it: “The food wasn’t really appetizing so I pretended to eat.”

  21. Adulteratedfood: foodthatcontainschemicalsubstances • Regulation (n): an officialruleororder “Underthenewregulations, allstaff has tohavesafetytraining.” newregulations on parking

  22. Thorn leaf

  23. Ashtree

  24. Stiffen (v): to make a material stiff so it will not bend easily • “I had to cut quickly before the dough stiffened.”

  25. tint(v) : to slightly change the color of something “Herhair is cut and tinted.”

  26. Gratedcheese

  27. Preserve (v): to store food for a long time after putting some substances so that it will not decay “Inpasttimes, peoplepreservedmeatbydryingandputtingsalt.” Preservation (n)

  28. Longhaul

  29. Tastebud

  30. Plumptomato

  31. Giveoff (phr.v.): toproduce a smell, light, heat, a soundetc.

  32. internal (inside) (adj) x external (outside)

  33. ripen(v): to become ripe “The apples were ripening on the trees.”

  34. Additive (n):a substance that is added to food to improve its taste/appearance “Ourproducts are free from artificial additives.”

  35. spoil(v):decay “Somevegetablesandfruit will spoil if you don’t keep them in yourfridge.”

  36. Substitute (n/v):a person or thing that you use instead of the one that you usually have, because the usual one is not available a sugar substitute Enhance (v): improve something “Goodlighting will enhance my room.” Decline (v): to decrease in quantity or importance “Carsales have declinedremarkably.”

  37. Mentalretardation

  38. Dizziness (n) Feelingdizzy (adj)

  39. Bologna (n)

  40. Seizure (n): a suddenattackorconvulsion

  41. Processedfood

  42. FocusQuestions 1. whataresomehistoricalexamples of foodadulteration? 2. Whataresomepurposes of foodadditives? 3. whatarethethreeunsafeadditivesdiscussed? Describethembriefly.

  43. Skimmingandscanningfordetails • 1. Additivesare put intofoodtomakethingslighter, tastier,easiertoprepare, lastlonger, lookmoreappetizingandmorepleasingtothepalate.

  44. 2. Teawasadulterated in 18th centuryLondonbecause it wasbroughtallthewayfromChinaandwasveryexpensive. • 3. Artificialgassingtricksthetomatointoturningredsothat it looksripe, but it doesn’thavetheflavor of a ripetomato.

  45. 4. Antioxidantsareaddedtooil-containingfoodstopreventtheoilfromspoiling. • Chelatingagents stop foodfromdiscoloring. • Emulsifierskeepoilandwatermixedtogether. • Flavorenhancersimprovethenaturalflavor of foods. • Tickeningagentsabsorbsome of thewaterpresent in foodandmakefoodthicker. Theyalsokeepoil, waterandsolidswellmixed.

  46. The End

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