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Improving the education quality by teaching experiences and textbooks of Germany and others

WORKSHOP ON Governance – Internationalization – Quality Assurance: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS FOR UNIVERSITIES IN VIETNAM AND SEA Thái Nguyên 13-14.10.2017. Improving the education quality by teaching experiences and textbooks of Germany and others.

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Improving the education quality by teaching experiences and textbooks of Germany and others

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  1. WORKSHOP ONGovernance – Internationalization – Quality Assurance:CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS FOR UNIVERSITIES IN VIETNAM AND SEA TháiNguyên 13-14.10.2017 Improving the education quality by teaching experiences and textbooks of Germany and others Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil Nguyen Trung Dung ThuyLoi University

  2. Outline • Background • Some history of education in Vietnam • Study in (East)Germany and then (West)Germany • Translation and then preparation of textbook based on German textbook and other sources • Teaching experiences • With good textbooks + Vietnamese case studies • Teaching closely to practice • Good teaching methodologies • Involved the students into the real projects • Conclusion

  3. Education in Vietnam before 1954 • 1906: the first education reform in Vietnam following the French model of education (Governor-General Paul Beau) • 1917-29: the second education reform with "General Regulations of Public Instruction“ (Quychếtổngquátvềgiáodụccaođẳng ở ĐôngDương - Governor-General Albert Sarraut) • These educational reforms aimed at eradicating the Confucian education of the Nguyen dynasty, expanding the French-Vietnamese education system • 1946-1954: in zone of Viet Minh the new system with “Ethnic - Science - Popular” (Dântộc – Khoahọc – Đạichúng)

  4. Higher education in Vietnam 1954-1975 & after 1975 • Université Indochinoise (Đại học Đông Dương) • Established in 1906by Governor-General Paul Beau • 5 colleges:TrườngCao đẳngLuậtvàPhápchính(Ecole supérieure de Droit et Administration), Trường Cao đẳngKhoahọc (Ecole supérieure des Sciences), Trường Cao đẳng Y khoa (Ecole supérieure de Médecine), Trường Cao đẳng Xây dựng dân dụng (Ecole supérieure du Génie Civil), Trường Cao đẳngVănchương (Ecole supérieure des Lettres) “With such an education system, 95% of Vietnamese people were illiterate” (WorldBank, part 1. paragraph 6, 2010) • During 1954-1975 and after 1975 • Democratic Republic of Vietnam: in the North before 1975 & nationwide after 1975 followed the same subsidy model as in other socialist countries. • Republic of Vietnam: In general, the education model in the 1960s-1970s tended to diminish the influence of France, which focused on training a few intellectuals and tended to be theoretically inclined to transfer to mass education and practice.

  5. Study in (East)Germany – University RostockSektion/Faculty of Meliorationswesen & Pflanzenproduktion • Studied 1975-1981 “Soil improvement & environmental protection” • PhD study 1981-1985: Preparation for construction of irrigation & drainage • Experiences: education similar to the system in SU, however still in favor of western countries such as (West)Germany, not too academic, closely to practice

  6. Translation + preparation of textbook = Teaching in Vietnam • Since 1986: Lecturer at Faculty of Water Economics of TLU • Situation: Lack of textbooks, mostly old textbooks and some textbooks of Uni. for “Planned Economics” (former name of NEU) • Most lecturers: no knowledge of English, only Russian • 1987: Translation of textbook of TU Dresden in Water Management Economics of Prof. Schweiger • 1989-90: Preparation of textbook “Investment Economics – Project Analysis” based on 3 well-known textbook (Blohm/Lüder Investition & KruschwitzInvestitionsrechnung & Busse von Colbe/Laßmann Betriebswirtschaftstheorie), as results of: • 1989: DAAD-Scholarship in TU Braunschweig, in Leichtweiss Institute for water resources • 1990: Study in Uni. Hannover, Department Construction Economics

  7. Translation + preparation of textbook = Teaching in Vietnam (cont’) • 1996: DAAD-Scholarship in Ruhr Uni Bochum in Department of Prof. Busse von Colbe. As result in 1997: new edition of textbook “Investment Economics – Project Analysis” incorporated with the project analysis in water resources • 2006: Preparation of textbook“Environmental Economics” supported byDANIDA by using the textbook of "Introduction to Environmental Economics“(Nick Hanley, Jason F. Shogren & Ben White) and other German textbooks

  8. Translation + preparation of textbook = Teaching in Vietnam (cont’) • 2011: Translation of textbook “Economics of natural resources” based on textbook of Prof. Barry C. Field (USA) • 2017: New edition of textbook “Economics of natural resources – Application for Vietnam” based on book of Barry C. Field and incorporated the problems of Vietnam and other countries in Southeast AsiaProf. Dr. Barry C. Field would like to write in the page of the Vietnamese version of the book: I wish Vietnam were not so far away, as I would have liked to say hello to them. Please give them (and yourself) hearty greetings from me and my wife.

  9. Translation + preparation of textbook = Teaching in Vietnam (cont’) • Since 2009: member of Network “Sustainable Economics” initiative of Prof. Dr. HolgerRogall (HWR in Berlin) • 2011: Translation of unique textbook “Sustainable Economics” • MONRE-Minister TrầnHồngHàbelieves that it is a very good book with many ideas and policies. We can learn a lot from Germany • Prof. Dr. Rogall: Sustainable development is essential for the 21st century and it is expected that this book should be widely available to the learner

  10. Training for students by using new methodologies • Since 2016: in network “Sustainable Hydropower Development” of GIZ/MRC join project • Organized 3 training courses funded by GIZ/MRC for training master students & students of ThuyloiUni in 4-5 full days. Applied the participation teaching methodologies

  11. Involvement of students into the real projects • Projects of WB, GIZ, SNV Netherland, Caritas SwitzerlandIPADE Spain, MARD, ….

  12. Conclusion • Not too high academic, closely linked to industry & practice • Some best students will be selected for further & higher education • Education must be liberal/open in ideas, thinking, methodologies, … • Enhancing the education level & quality by using the existing good textbooks from other countries, however stepwise updating & incorporating the existing knowledge and case studies of Vietnam • Networking with other universities, institutes in other countries in term of education & research, … • Appreciated the DAAD supports to establish the networking with German universities, to organize the Alumni Seminar, and annual support of 200 Euro for sending specialized books.

  13. References • NgôĐăng Tri & ĐỗThanh Loan: Giáo dục ở Việt Nam thời kỳ 1945-1954 • Đ.T.D: Sự ra đời của Đại học Đông Dương qua tài liệu lưu trữ, nguồn: http://www.vusta.vn/vi/news/Thong-tin-Su-kien-Thanh-tuu-KH-CN/Su-ra-doi-cua-Dai-hoc-Dong-Duong-qua-tai-lieu-luu-tru-7610.html

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