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SQLCMD – A Better DBACCESS?. Utility by Jonathan Leffler Presented by Joe Kennedy (joekenn@us.ibm.com) (301-803-1974). Sqlcmd as a SQL Command Interpreter. DDL DML Select, Execute Procedure. What is it?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SQLCMD – A Better DBACCESS? Utility by Jonathan Leffler Presented by Joe Kennedy (joekenn@us.ibm.com) (301-803-1974)

  2. Sqlcmd as a SQL Command Interpreter • DDL • DML • Select, Execute Procedure

  3. What is it? SQLCMD is an SQL Command Interpreter for Informix databases. It is analogous to the Query-Language option of DB-Access or ISQL, but it is designed to work better in shell scripts. SQLCMD is written in ESQL/C. It works with any version of ESQL/C from 5.00 (circa 1990) upwards. SQLCMD has a history mechanism that allows you to review, edit and rerun commands you ran previously.

  4. Alternative Output Formats • Quote • CSV • XML • Fixed • Unload (default) -F from the command line!

  5. Load & Unload Statements • Same Syntax as in DBACCESS or ISQL • No transaction management in load (add your own begin work/commit statements)

  6. Reload Statement • Syntactically similar to load statement automatically initiates transactions, groups the inserts, groups the inserts into smaller transactions if there are many rows to be loaded

  7. Info system INFO DATABASES; stores_demo@ids_joe sysmaster@ids_joe sysuser@ids_joe sysutils@ids_joe INFO CONNECTIONS; ... INFO TABLES; ...

  8. SQLunload • Extract data from the database and produces ASCII output suitable for dbload or LOAD command. • The database (-d) and table (-t) are always specified on the command line.

  9. Sqlreload • The inverse of Sqlunload • “Passing resemblance” to the Informix dbload utlity. • Database (-d) and Table (-t) are always designated at the command line using flags.

  10. I/O Redirection Unix/Linux redirection applies echo “select * from customer” | sqlcmd -d stores_demo -F XML

  11. Contexts • Level: 1 Input: /dev/stdin • Output: /dev/stdout Error: /dev/stderr • Date: mm/dd/yyyy Delimiter: '|' • Escape: '\\' Quote: '\"' • EOR: '\n' History size: 50 • Query limit: 0 Transaction size: 1024 • Input Base: 0 BlobDir: /tmp • XML Record Tag: RECORD Format: <TOS> select <BOS> • Heading: <TOS> off <BOS> History: <TOS> off <BOS> • Continue: <TOS> off <BOS> Silence: <TOS> off <BOS> • Trace: <TOS> off <BOS> Types: <TOS> off <BOS> • Verbosity: <TOS> off <BOS> Benchmark: <TOS> off <BOS>

  12. Command line options Try “sqlcmd -help” Basic flags: -d database -f FILE -e 'SQL Statements'

  13. How do I get the Source Code? The International Informix User Group! www.iiug.org – check the software repository... distributed as a gzipped tar file with the extension ".tgz"

  14. Compilation.... SQLCMD is written in ESQL/C, you must have ESQL/C or ClientSDK on your machine before installing SQLCMD. On Unix systems (including Linux), the normal sequence of events is: ./configure LD_LIBRARY_PATH make make install

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