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Impacts of Globalisation on Countries, People, Cultures, and the Environment

Explore the effects of globalisation on nations, various groups of individuals, cultures, and the physical environment. Understand the concept of the global economic center of gravity and its causes. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the global shift.

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Impacts of Globalisation on Countries, People, Cultures, and the Environment

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  1. EQ2: What are the impacts of globalisation for countries, different groups of people and cultures, and the physical environment? What does ‘centre of gravity’ mean? https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-a-levels/geography-2016.html Spec • L/O: • To explain the concept of the global economic centre of gravity and the causes of the global shift • To assess the benefits and costs of the global shift

  2. Concept of ‘centre of gravity’ • The centre of gravity (CG) of an object is the point at which weight is evenly dispersed and all sides are in balance. • A human's centre of gravity can change as they take on different positions, but in many other objects, it's a fixed location.

  3. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/07/05/world-economic-center-of-gravity_n_1651730.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer_us=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce_referrer_cs=GsVQvbyojvzDmKvSI6yXPwhttps://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2012/07/05/world-economic-center-of-gravity_n_1651730.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer_us=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnVrLw&guce_referrer_cs=GsVQvbyojvzDmKvSI6yXPw

  4. The Global Economic Shift Global Economic Shift – describes the relocation of different types of industrial activity, especially manufacturing, since the 1960s • L/O: • To explain the concept of the global economic centre of gravity and the causes of the global shift • To assess the benefits and costs of the global shift

  5. The Global Economic Shift 1. When did the ‘Global Shift’ begin? 2. What do you think helped Asia to accelerate the global shift?3. What three factors helped to accelerate the shift? • L/O: • To explain the concept of the global economic centre of gravity and the causes of the global shift • To assess the benefits and costs of the global shift

  6. Remember: When you describe you are simply saying what you see. You should NOT be explaining; i.e. do NOT give reasopsfor the pattern Exam style question practice Describe the pattern of GDP across south-east Asia. (2) • L/O: • To explain the concept of the global economic centre of gravity and the causes of the global shift • To assess the benefits and costs of the global shift

  7. Exam style question practice Use Figures 1 and 2 to suggest reasons for the North-South divide of wealth across China. (4) Remember: The command word ‘suggest’ is the examiner making you aware that they don’t expect you to know the answer. They are looking to see how well you can apply other knowledge to the example in front of you. They are also looking to see how well you can ‘think like a geographer’

  8. Impacts of the Global Economic Shift Key concepts/terms to include or consider Ethics Outsourcing Pollution Dereliction Depopulation Unemployment Task: You need to use a range of information to find the impacts of the global economic shift on different areas around the world that have been affected by the shift. You will use these categories to structure your ideas: Watch this video about workers in Bangalore China India Bangladesh UK Rana Plaza Leicester PPT and deindustrialisation sheets GeoFile: Globalisation of services – Calling India Worksheet This video p167 in the Lizard book. • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H66sKMymxBQ • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZV9Iz6vRX4 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXTIfcfzSnE • L/O: • To explain the concept of the global economic centre of gravity and the causes of the global shift • To assess the benefits and costs of the global shift

  9. Impacts of the Global Economic Shift Political Economic Social Environmental

  10. http://pmt.physicsandmathstutor.com/download/Geography/A-level/Notes/Edexcel/3-Globalisation/Outsourcing.pdfhttp://pmt.physicsandmathstutor.com/download/Geography/A-level/Notes/Edexcel/3-Globalisation/Outsourcing.pdf

  11. Deindustrialisation Deindustrialisation Task: Create a copy of this diagram – it is a specific spiral of decline for inner-city areas experiencing deprivation • Consequences of deindustrialisation: • Dereliction • Contamination • Depopulation • Crime • Unemployment

  12. Task: This is a more detailed version of the decline – what do you think the colours of the boxes represent?

  13. What about the future? Tasks: Create a copy of this diagram. What is cumulative causation? Shrijit Nair Shrijit Nair CHALLENGE: Research what is meant by the ‘CORE’ in the central part of the diagram. (Clue: you may want to look up ‘core and periphery’)

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